Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Anything Painted, from a cabinet to peeling paint

Patrick Simonet 26.09 (2)

I happened to be wheeling past the company where my No. 1 son works and discovered he had an outside job of work. He was busy painting a metal apparatus.


When they renovated our block, there was quite a lot of painting to do.

Altstadt Bastelstube decoration 25.12.2018

This was quite a colourful wall painting.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Anything Painted, from a cabinet to peeling paint

FOWC with Fandango: Empirical


Two bottles of HP Sauce standing on the shelf
If you order two bottles of HP Sauce that arrive by post from a Swiss dealer because we do not live in England the basic price is twice than what you would pay in England. Then you have to add the postage, which costs more than the actual bottles.

So if you want to have HP Sauce with your Cervelat or any other Swiss sausage it is an expensive operation.

However I brought the idea with me from England. No. 1 son can no longer eat his Swiss Bratwurst without HP Sauce, I also prefer it to mustard, and although Mr. Swiss says it is not typically Swiss, he also likes to drown his Swiss meat delights in HP Sauce.

Today the parcel arrived from a Swiss company that also have a large store in the Bahnhofstrasse in Zürich, Globus. It was packed in a very dignified box, black, and we even got a complimentary card with it thanking us for our custom.

I grew up with HP Sauce, it was one of life’s experiences, but I have now discovered that introducing it to the family was not so ideal.

FOWC with Fandango: Empirical

RDP Tuesday: Explain


In the times of corona virus we had a lockdown for a month or two, cannot remember how long exactly. Our restaurant mile was no longer a restaurant mile. It was a ghost mile: no tables, no seats and no umbrellas, but now lockdown is over due to sinking numbers of victims. No, wait a minute, last week-end we had a so-called Superspreader in the Flamenco Club in Zürich, whatever that is. He managed to infect five people who were in the club with him in the evening, and 100 people all had to  be isolated and tested. It seems we will never learn, despite the continuous explanations on the media.

And so life gets back to normal, or perhaps abnormal. There are people again siting on our restaurant mile. This was mid afternoon today. I dread to think how it would look in the evening and hope that there will be no superspreaders enjoying a drink with friends outside. As I was travelling by wheelchair in the middle and did not stop for a drink anywhere, I kept my 1-2 meter distance.

RDP Tuesday: Explain

Good Morning


Sometimes it is worth being a little later in the morning. the sun has risen, high in the sky, and doing its best for a good start to the day. It is cleaning lady day so I am a little later with this, that and the other, but lunch is cooking, the apartment is smelling of flavours and I am ready to go. I have already polished up my windows. I also had the sad work of brushing a large blanket cover removing the remainders of Tabby’s fur. She went to her 10th life yesterday and we are all missing her. Something is missing at home. It is the first time in eighteen years that I am catless.


I was on a shopping tour yesterday in town to the supermarket. I used to drive to the next village to the store, which was quite a large shop, but now I travel by wheelchair to town which also has quite a good selection. I just enjoying going places and seeing people. The white boards next to the supermarket are where there used to be the entrance to one of our town hotels. The owners have now closed the hotel, due to retirement and I hear it will be converted to apartments, but am not sure. I find the glass window front of the supermarket shows the opposite buildings quite well.


Our cathedral was looking quite good as I passed through town, the sun had reflected well on the front.

This afternoon I will be in town as well. I have a few odd and ends to get and I am still trying to persuade Mr. Swiss to come as well on his new snazzy scooter, but he is still thinking about it. There is a street café next to the store and he could have a coffee whilst waiting for me, but he really needs to be persuaded.


I pass by the museum gardens as I go into town, which is also looking quite good. I should really visit the museum one day. My wheelchair would not be able to climb the steps to the entrance, but they also have a lift which is used for the transport of their exhibits and also for visitors with mobile difficulties like myself, so it would be no problem.

I can also hear the sound of an ambulance passing through at the moment and the horn has now stopped somewhere in the village. I hope that there was not an accident anywhere.


Our new field of sunflowers is looking better every day as more and more are showing their flowers. With a background of the Jura, what could be better.


I am sitting in my sort of office room with a wonderful view on the front garden and notice that my buddleia bush has now begun to flower.

Have a good day everyone, may the sun be shining on you, although it might be that you have night where you are. Stay well and safe.