FOWC with Fandango: Pensive

Entering the Store with Kovid

Was it all a bad dream, did Covid 19/Coronusvirus really exist? Was it really a threat to the world? Oh yes, definitely, but some of us got away and others still have it constantly in their thoughts and some died. I do not think we will ever be rid of its presence. At least we should not be rid of its presence. It must remain in our thoughts. Only then we have a chance to protect ourselves: wash your hands, keep a distance, do no shake hands and isolate if possible. I did not, could not isolate. We had to eat, and so I was the chosen one to go to the store. My husband is semi invalid and my son is autistic.

Was it luck that I did not have any symptoms of this disease? Who knows, but imagine the thoughts I had for two months. It is far from finished, even though our country no longer has many new cases. We can just hope that it will not return.

FOWC with Fandango: Pensive

RDP Saturday: Cloistered

The House of the Bishop of Basel

Absolutely nothing cloistered here, although we have plenty of closters and monasteries, but you do not have a chance to take photos. They are closed to the public. However to compensate I can show you the bishops palace just along the road to us. The bishop of Basel lives there and has the whole place to himself. No cloistered garden, but everything is behind locked gates.

RDP Saturday: Cloistered

Good Morning


Perhaps a little dramatic, but a good begin to the day when you can see some blue sky peeping through. The sun is now shining and it is not as cold as the past mornings have been. Are we at last going to get our heat wave for this week. It will then probably be too hot to enjoy, but we are never really satisfied with the weather, although I am not so weather prone. I just like to be outside in the fresh air.

Yesterday I was again on a wheelie to the store. I am really getting used to this new way of carless life, and quite enjoying it. I begin my trip along the side of the main road and then I arrive in our old town. I then have the choice of going through town, over the partially cobbled streets or taking the circular way around the town which is my usual choice. I like to go through town when the shopping is done and my bought goods are already passed onto to the collector’s group that bring it home for me.  They are such nice guys and when they arrive at home they bring the goods to the door and always offer to carry them in, although that is not really necessary.

I also took the opportunity of organising our medicine supplies to now be delivered to a more local chemist shop. They are connected to the store I was using in the village where I used to shop and are organising that our prescriptions will be transferred to their store.. It will be easier now to organise and the system remains the same. I call in the morning, ask if they have the required medicine, and if not it is organised until the afternoon of the same day when I can pick it up,


I noticed I was under observation this morning when I took a first look at the outside world. I am sure the neighbour’s feline spends more time at my place than his. At least the neighbour knows where he is if he goes missing. I seem to have become the local cat lady.


I always wheel past the museum when I take the circular outside path to the store, and they often have some interesting sculptures in their outside surroundings. They are usually by Swiss artists, although I am not always sure what they are supposed to represent. However, it breaks up the monotony of the journey.


I also wheel past the towns ancient fortifications on my journey. Probably it used to be filled with water many years ago for protection against marauding troops, although I am not sure what troops. In the olden days we had to protect ourselves against the others and not the attacking virus. We are still getting isolated cases of corona in Switzerland and it will be a long time until it completely disappears. However a daily number of 20 new infections is not so bad on a population of eight million I suppose. I have a packet of masks, but I have not yet used one, although you see them now and again. If I would have to take the local train to town then I would definitely wear one. Up to now the weather has behaved and so I can still ride wheelchair when I go. If it was a heavy rainstorm then I would have t take the local train and afterwards used my walker.


I saw a dog yesterday in town. He was tied outside a store and waiting patiently for his person. I found he had interesting colours. I love seeing the sights in our town.

Today I do not intend to shop anywhere. I now have my routine and there is no need to buy food today. We have enough at home to last until Monday afternoon.


As I was leaving town I wheeled past one of our 11 fountains before reaching the gate through the town walls. It is the so-called Mauritius fountain, but I have no idea who Mauritius was. The building you can see in the background on the left is our old Arsenal, which now serves as a museum for old weaponry originating in a few Swiss wars, as well as the first world war. I once visited the museum a few years ago and should visit again.