On the Hunt for Joy Challenge: Week 23 – Put something cute on your desk

Nera on the computer

When our cat Nera was still amongst us before she left to live her tenth life, one of her favourite positions was next to the computer which often got complicated when we humans actually wanted to use the computer.

On the Hunt for Joy Challenge: Week 23 – Put something cute on your desk

FOWC with Fandango: Twist

The modem

There is a little corner in our living room, just next to Mr. Swiss computer and desk, where all the twists come together. I do not really know what it all belongs to.I do know that there is a modem involved somewhere, but it seems that every time a new gadget is bought we have yet another twist of wire.

I have often, with hoover in hand (actually a Dyson), thought to suck away the dust that has gathered below the cable muddle, but decided to leave it as it is. I do not want to mistakenly suck up something as it could be that we do not find out what it belongs to. The funny thing is that is something goes wrong somewhere, Mr. Swiss knows how to find and repair it.

FOWC with Fandango: Twist

RDP Wednesday: Inure


You just have to adapt, although I am not sure about this mixed bunch of figures I saw in a restaurant window, but they were all smiling at me.

I was on a shopping tour today, but almost full of disappointments. The meat I wanted for Saturday lunch, they only have on Friday, meaning another trip to town on Friday afternoon, although I don’t really mind. I quite enjoy my life at the moment. My dull routine of driving to the supermarket is over, I still drive, but a wheelchair and I see so much on the way, like these figures in the restaurant window.

So I did not get my meat, but shifted on to the cheese and discovered that they had no cheddar cheese today which I needed for Friday lunch to make a cauliflower cheese dish with the meat. As an alternative (again) I chose gruyère which is similar in taste. I was eventually finished in the store and wheeled on home through town, taking a few photos on the way and generally enjoying being amongst people.

I has also bought a spicy ham in the store which said it would be ideal eaten with a melon. I had forgot to buy a melon, but again I used my gift of versatility. On the way home I pass the other store nearer to home and decided to see if they might have a melon. They had three sorts to choose from. I also had a quick look in the cheese selection and yes, they had cheddar.  This extra little tour only took about five minutes of my time and now have everything I need – until Friday.  I might not be mobile in body, but my brain still often does overtime.

RDP Wednesday: Inure

Good Morning


I suppose I should hurry up a bit, otherwise it will be midday eventually. This morning Apple decided to inform that an update to their programme was available. I could do it now or let it run during the night. I decided to do it now to make sure it arrived, but when I realised it would be a long one I decided to clean up the place and have a shower before writing anything and let the update run in the meanwhile.

Since taking my morning photo of the day, nothing much has changed, and the clouds have remained.


I was in town again yesterday and noticed that even the pigeons have begun to take shelter from the wet world we live in at the moment.

I was lucky that it was not raining when I went on my shopping tour to the store. I was actually going to stay at home yesterday, but Thursday everything is closed for Corpus Christi in our particular Kanton, being strongly Roman Catholic and having nothing better to do I decided to get some shopping. I was not intending on buying too much, but again fell into the special offer trap. My supply of pelati (tinned tomatoes) was running low and I discovered that I could buy 6 tins together for a special price. I naturally got a 2x 6 tins. And then I found something else that would be handy etc. etc. and eventually I had one large bag full and some in the second bag. It is a bit complicated when you have a wheelchair, but I now have a system. I deposit one large full bag near the till and gather items for the second bag. I can than wheel on to the till and toss it all on the conveyer belt. I pay and pack it in the bags again and the guy from the customer service is on a desk next to the till.. I just have to tell him it is for our collectors. He deals with the rest. They are delivered an hour later by our collectors. What could be better.

I was then moving on to another store, and met my son’s boss. He invited me to a coffee and we sat outside a café and had an enjoyable conversation.


I also met these two dogs whilst wheeling through town on my return journey. I was quite impressed by their size and good looks.

Eventually I arrived home to find that my two shopping bags were deposited in front of my door. I must tell Mr. Swiss not to listen with headphones as it seems he does not hear the doorbell.

Today I am off again into town this afternoon for a few things, although my few things often develop into more. I really do not need too much today.

And now I must really go, time to begin cooking lunch: today röschti (Swiss style baked potatoes) and cippollata with baked tomatoes. Mr. Swiss said something about helping to peel potatoes. I must remind him lest he forgets.


Keep safe everyone have a good day, will be back this afternoon.