RDP Saturday: Tumble

Now that smells good, Very enticing to my tast buds. I will definitely be floating when I fly after a sample. The humans really have good ideas when they prepare something fineto eat or drink. I can almost feel the pull of a different dimension, I think I will take a sip, just slowly lower myself over the edge – after all what could possibly go wrong. One leg after the other as our queen said. although she lays around all the time laying eggs. It is quite a steep slope, but we wasps achieve it all, although ….. Help, I am tumbling and now drowning, but what a lovely death, sweet and sticky although I cannot breath, and all my eyes are stickiing together, but this brown substance is really a wonderful brew, is this what getting high means?

My mum told my family that you should never give up and I have been saved. Something emptied the wonderful liquid onto the garden outside with a scream “There is a wasp in my cola”. Who cares I am saved, but it was a wonderful feeling when I sipped the liquid. It was worth the risk. And now to fly further, I can hear humans and I am sure they are eating something that I could share with them – although more screams and demonstrations, but that is human I suppose. They can never stay calm and always have to get excited.

RDP Saturday: Tumble

Good Morning

I take various photos of the morning sky. I have been doing it for the last couple of years and have quite a collection. I usually post one here, but the collection is my memory of the mornings I have seen. This time, for something different, I am posting as a beginning, the sky from yesterday evening around 8.30 pm. I have discovered that evening skies can be quite colourful. The blue background has disappeared but there are some interesting reflections of the sun as it sinks slowly in the West. This is a view of the south reflecting the sun.

Of course I also captured the morning sky – no sun yet, just clouds and a hint of blue. We had plenty of rain yesterday which I wrote about in a blog from yesterday afternoon with some photos. I was lucky. As I was leaving the local store it was quite dark and there were sounds of thunder.

Yesterday’s blog

However I made it home in one dry piece, although the rain drops had begun. I was lucky as when I got home I could watch the stormy showers from the window. It came and went throughout the evening but no deluge. There were other parts of Switzerland that were not so lucky and got their dose of hailstones. It seems to be the story of this years Summer. I cannot remember such a wet Summer like this.

Our neighbour’s cat, Roschti, decided to shelter on a comfortable chair outside on our porch, just as Mr. Swiss was planning to sit there. He had to move to another place, cats have priority. Here Roschti was just taking a relaxing yawn before settling down for a hour.

I was taking my usual stroll through the early morning garden and saw that the first bees were already at work. It is always wonderful to see them and good that they are still populating my garden. They also have their problems and it seems there are no longer as many as there should be. The photo is just a little blurred, but I had to snap it quickly with my mobile phone camera and get close enough.

As said I was on an excursion to the local store. I saw that my frozen supplies were not as good as they should be. My online deliveries cannot deliver frozen goods so I get them myself now and again and I also had a special rebate for them at the moment. You collect points on your purchase which means a good reduction when you get them once a month. It seems that for us golden oldies these are the highlights of the shopping experience. I noticed afterwards on my phone app that it was worth it. I would mention that they are really goods I would have bought in any case, and not just buying for the points or financial advantages. I also saw that they now have fresh green Swiss beans. It is now the season and I really prefer fresh veg to frozen. My freezer is now complete and so is my kitchen so I am all set for the next cooking experiences. Speak of that, I am planning on a meat loaf for today’s dinner so should get started on my daily chores.

Have a good Saturday everyone, avoid stress where you can and remember it is the week-end so do not overdo it with the work. I leave you with my buddleia bush which is now really doing its best for a pink showtime.

RDP Friday: Over

Well now it is over, the storm I mean. As I went to the store there was a wonderful view of the Jura mountains from the path and nice gentle clouds – a blue sky. I arrived at the store and something happened whilst I was doing my shopping. As I left the store it was like entering a different world. The good weather seemed to be over and did I hear a clap of thunder in the not too far distance? Of course. As I saddled my scooter for the home run I even felt a few drops of rain – would I reach home before the deluge? I gave it all I could, although more than 11 kilometres an hour is not possible.

The rain behaved itself and when I finally got home it released its power from the clouds, but my scooter and I were then safe.

I had one of those lucky escapes – and now?

That’s life I suppose. I am now safe at home, but it is not finished yet. Some sunny moments, some thunder and some rain.

RDP Friday: Over

Good Morning

Even blue skies can get a little boring, but no. I should be satisfied that they are not damp, wet skies with rain clouds. According to the Swiss weather report we will be having enough of that at the week-end. That will dampen not only the surroundings, but the Swiss spirits. On Sunday we have our national day to commemorate the foundation of Switzerland, 1st August. It was when three Swiss guys were toasting their sausages at a fire in the middle of a field with a glass of beer, from three different Kantons in Switzerland. They thought it a good idea and decided form a country and do it every year – the birth of Switzerland? Not really, just my idea, although it was something on those lines. After last years disappointments due to Covid and keeping your distance to everyone, this year it is all allowed again, with celebrations, more or less. That means that anyone flying over Switzerland on Sunday evening might think the country is on fire, or perhaps at war. The traditional fires will be lit on the mountain tops and fireworks will be the sound track – so keep your animals at home. However it seems that nature is again mixing in and there willl be torrential rain, thunder and lightening and storms all throughout the day. It will be a wet b-b-que for the family’s celebrations. For us golden oldies it makes no big difference and No. 1 son will probably be in town hoping that not all the fireworks will suffer from the damp atmosphere, as he likes to see our local firework display.

Otherwise things continue as normal here.

A few friends of the neighbour’s cat, Roschti, called past. Unfortunately the feline delights I always have ready were not enough to eat, but they looked at me with delight in their eyes. Those cats are getting bigger it seems. Of course I took the photo from the TV screen. There is a daily half hour programme from Longleat which is one of the stately homes of England. Many years ago the family decided to turn their gardens into a safari park with various animals. They have a bit of everything, from lions and tigers, giraffes, and even koala bears. Mr. Swiss and I love watching the programme and they really have everything. It is open to the public. I have never been there myself – one of those adventures I missed out on my life in England. It seems they have one male lion and he has quite a few wives who seem to be doing most of the work and action looking after the kids.

Talking of wild life, I manage to capture the flight of the bee yesterday as it was winging its way to the food delights of my buddleia – one of the advantages of taking photos with the camera on my iPhone. There is a setting where every photo is a miniature video and you can choose the photo you want.

Yesterday was a day at home. No. 1 son left already in the afternoon for his music concert and arrived home again in the early hours of the morning. He is still sleeping in. It was really good weather for an open air concert – no rain and a clear night. I had a good restful evening as I did not bother with preparing the food for only Mr. Swiss and I. It was a serve yourself evening which made it quite relaxing. I am expecting a delivery from the store this morning for the week-end food, so I probably will not be going anywhere this week-end.

Have a good week-end everyone, may the sun shine and the rain stay away, although it will probably be raining here.

RDP Thursday: Exsicate

This grass has decided it is time to exsicate
It had done its job and could not wait
This plant is dry no longer moist
No longer whispers, has lost its voice
But rest assured, the roots are still there
To ensure next year it returns to share
The farmers arrive with all their ploughs
And will preserve the remains to feed the cows

RDP Thursday: Exsicate

Good Morning

What a wonderful sky this morning. No sign of rain all through the night and now the sun is poking through. My rose decided to add to the photo and the world is perfect – up to now. I checked on the weather forecast and everything is OK, no rain.

I am particularly glad because son No. 1 is going to an open air concert this evening in a nearby village with one of his local bands. He knows them all and they know him and he is really looking forward to it after being so long isolated at home due to Covid. I cannot lock him up. He is vaccinated as many are at the moment. He called the organisation and they informed that it would not be necessary for him to show any proof of his vaccination. I checked on the 48 hour weather forecast and this is really the one day in the week where no rain is forecast during the day or the next evening. If I was more active I would go to the concert as well, but unfortunately those days are now gone for a golden oldie.

My buddleia in the front garden is at last showing its flowers. I was a little worried about this plant as I discovered that it had an aphid infestation a couple of months ago. I began to give it a shower daily and wash them away and after a few days they disappeared. A few leaves were affected, but nothing too serious and the plant eventually recovered. It is now flowering as always. I love the buddleia as they have the talent to attract butterflies.

The bees are also quite at home on its flowers, so what could be better.

However the bees are happy with anything that has pollen and my coreopsis is being besieged by the bees at the moment.

Otherwise today will be a restful day. No. 1 son will not be here this evening for the meal, which is actually just coldcuts and a salad, so I think it will be a selfservice meal. Mr. and Mr. Swiss will just take our pick from fridge, there is always enough to eat. I have to keep a check of my freezer and fridge supplies, one of the reasons why I inspect regularly the dates. If I freeze I always put the date on the day I froze it. I noticed I have quite a collection of minced meat, mainly beef but some pork. I decided it was time to make a meat loaf so I sorted it all yesterday. I like a meat loaf with a pork and beef mixture and I have enough for a week-end meal with some carrots and pasta.

Otherwise have a good day everyone. Life is never boring when we all have a computer. I realised that I know so many wonderful people, have regular contact with them, but have never met them or seen them in reality. They keep me company and that is good. So enough of being sentimental. I am now off to make myself busy in the apartment and otherwise. I leave you with one of my feline friends who decided to take a sleep on my porch yesterday afternoon.