RDP Friday: Zombie

Zomby, of course they do not exist. One of my hobbies are visiting variouis cemeteries. When I was younger and more activer, my visits took me to Paris and Vienna when I was on holiday.Something strange hgappened when in Paris, I was visiting the Père Lachaise cemetery and naturally wanted to see the famous grave of singer Jim Morrison who passed away in France. It was quite well known, especially because the monument of his head had been stolen from the grave now and again. It was tucked away between many other graves and I had to do some climbing to find it, but there is was. With camera poised I took my photo. It was when I uploaded the photo back at home in Switzerland, that I was a little astonished. There she was, a woman dressed in black behind the grave. I never saw her when I took the photo. Was it just a coincidence that she was there and I did not see her, or did she appear after the photo was in my camera. Who knows? This photo has haunted me since many years. I probably took it some 40 years ago. Was Jim Morrison trying to tell me sometning from the other side. No, I do not believe in the after life – or……
RDP Friday: Zombie

RDP Friday: Yearn

Two new legs would do me fine. I was always a little uncertain when walking, but as the years progressed my legs began to give up. At the beginning a stick did the job, then I progressed to a walker and now for longer journeys I have my scooter to help: one of the problems with an illness for which there is no cure (MS). I yearn for the days when I used to walk with no assistance and no longer had the feeling that that my legs do their own thing and like to take five now and again.

I often feel like the bird next to me that needs a stone support to stand on its own legs.

RDP Friday: Yearn

RDP Friday: Xenophobia

Some of us might look a bit different to the others, but remove the clothing and yes, we all look more or less alike. Some might have a few scars, perhaps even a few missing parts, but we do our best to carry on. I live in a country where I was not born or grew up. Everyone speaks a different language to the one I originally learnt, although I adapted and now probably speak Swiss German better than English, but that is not important. Adapt is my motto. If I had emigrated to China, I might even speak Chinese now and prefer eating Wong Ton to Fondue.
RDP Friday: Xenophobia

RDP Friday: Wise

The three wise monkeys. speak no evil, see no evil and hear no evil – but are they really so wise. My husband brought this little model into our married life and it served its purpose on the desk. Being wise is a matter of interpretation, and I don’t feel at all wise.

I had an interesting phone call from our Old age and disability authorities. About hslf a year ago my jurist son made an application for me to have some compensation for my disability caused by my MS illness. She asked me if I can dress myself and the answer from me was “Yea” I need no help, although my left leg no longer moves on its own and I need my hand to help. “Am I mobile” was the next question. My answer being that I have a scooter and Walker to enable me to buy what I need, or I order online from the supermarket. I cannot use the local bus as it is too uncertain. It seems these were all the wrong answers as I am too independent to get a grant for assistance. She wished me all the best and good luck. However I informed her that I live alone with my son, who is autistic as my husband is now in a senior home. She asked the name of my husband and checked that he gets to financial support from the local government. i can now make an application and this will be considered as he is entitled. to assistance. So is Switzerland. You have to know it all yourself, and be half a lawyer to get your demands fulfilled. Unfortunately I am not disabled enough to get anything myself.

RDP Friday: Wise

RDP Friday: Wonderment

At last I have my tea egg and can drink normal tea from the leaves. No more tea bags for me, but this was an ordeal. Our local stores had no tea leaves which was the first obstacle to overcome. I just found that tea from a bag, which might even have residue from plastic from the machines, is not ideal. And then the local supermarket decided to sell tea leaves, an import from Britain. I was so happy, although not my favourite sort. It is Ceylon tea, the cheapest variety.My favourite is English breakfast, but I decided that Ceylon is not the worst, so I got a packet – bought on line. But where was my tea egg? I drink my tea without sugar or milk, justt a plain cup with my breakfast. Being diabetic I have got used to excluding sugar where I can, and I have a problem with milk. My one and only tea egg was missing and so I discovered a special offer online – three tea eggs for 1 Swiss Franc 50, very cheap. The postage was 14 Swiss France as they were being sent from ???? Shanghai of all places. I had no choice and ordered. After a couple of weeks my little parcel arrived from China and now I am all set.

What a wonderful cup of tea I have now in the morning. Just half a tea egg with tea leaves and boiling water. You might ask why not coffee. Another digestive problem, Coffee does not agree with my digestive system and there is nothing better than a cuppa in the morning to set you up for the day. Yes, a miracle has happened, just plain wonderment.

RDP Friday: Wonderment

RDP Friday: Vivid

I grew up in a working class family in the East End of London. We did not have a lot, but mum had a thing about bright colours. Whatever she knitted there were usually stripes of all colours in the rainbow and this extended to our little house. We had no hot water, the toilet was outside in the garden and we heated with a coal fire, as our neighbours. We had a gas cooker, but mum made sure that we were cheered up with bright colours This room was our kitchen, living room and general room for everything. Mum chose the wall paper and then dad had to paint the furniture to match, so everything was in red an white. It was a wonder that our cat, Whisky, was also not painted, but he felt quite at home in the bright colours. Standing on the back of a chair was one of his favourite positions and sometimes he would sleep there. The furniture was all from the days of the war, so called utility, but we did not know anything else at the time. The days of luxury that we now have were not possible. You made do with what you had.
RDP Friday: Vivid