RDP Monday: Bliss

This is my afternoon bliss. The housework has been finished, lunch has been cooked and I have had my hour’s rest after lunch. Now it is “me” time. I had to wait long enough, throughout the Winter, actually about 50 years until the kids were gone and my working life came to an end. The warm Summer days have arrived and I make myself comfortable outside on the porch. The computer is installed, my camera is ready for action and I am ready to do the necessary. I just have to put the orchids on one side to make some space and remove the neighbour’s cat from my chair. I can really please myself what I do and I have my earplugs for the background music.

We Golden Oldies are satisfied with little.

RDP Monday: Bliss

Good Morning

And another sunny day dawns over our little village somewhere in Switzerland. At last we can sit outside and enjoy the sun. From today the Covid rules are also being relaxed in our area and you may sit inside the restaurants again, although in this weather people prefer to be outside. They are still registering the names and places of the customers on their iPads in the restaurants if contact would be necessary, but things are improving a little. Switzerland has also made progress in its vaccinations and it can been seen by the daily results.

My basil seeds are also no sprouting. I almost gave up on them. Due to the cold spell of weather that we had, they decided to stay in the warmth of the earth, but now they are growing. The first leaves are showing. I got a little worried that the cold had killed off their growing powers, but here they are. I think my next project will be to plant some parsley seeds which I like to use for garnishing veg like potatoes, peas and carrots. I already have a pot, but would like to plant some more.

My mega sized leaves of one of my hosta beds are also growing. Even my gardener remarks on how big they are. I have had them for many years and each year they seem to expand in growth. I just have to keep an eye on the marauding slugs they they do not have a chew for breakfast, dinner and tea. Surprisingly I have not seen any up to now, but I have already placed a layer of slug pellets on the ground as protection.

I am now pleased to say that my organisation of unwanted objects in the apartment is now dealt with. Yesterday I attacked my wardrobe in the hobby room and now have removed all the clothes it contained. They are neatly packed in plastic bags and will be deposited in the unwanted clothes collection. In a way it with was with regret, but I have not worn any of the many blouses since at least 10 years and really no longer need them. I will now contact a removal company this week to remove the other unwanted goods. We have chairs, a television , a settee, and a collapsible bed, not to mention various packed bags of unwanted goods. You cannot just throw them away in the rubbish collection, but they have to be disposed of in the right places: especially metal should be separated. We have a collection twice a year, but we now have so much that it would not be possible for two golden oldies to move it out onto the street.

And now to get around to the normal daily chores. I want to bake a bread this morning for the evening coldcuts. Otherwise Monday is not such a busy day, just the normal routine.

I wish everyone a good start to the week.

Good Morning

We are getting spoilt. Another wonderful sun shining through the trees and a promise of another warm day. I even watered the garden this morning to make sure that my plants are all happy with wet feet Somehow it does not seem logical after the monsoon days we had, but it can dry out quickly, so better to be safe.

Our wild meadow opposite the garden has made the most of the rain of course and I have never seen it look so wonderful. Many of the various plants are almost waist high and I am tall. We usually keep the meadow until mid June to make sure the seeds will be left in the earth for next year. Afterwards it is mowed down and the grass is dried for next year’s hay for the animals in the surrounding farms.

We had a bit of excitement in town yesterday although I only got the news from various videos on Youtube and my son who happened to be in town. A demonstration was announced earlier as certain elements in the population were not happy with the way the government was handling the Covid situation and a few other things. The police had warned that there would be repercussions. A handful of people demonstrated with words, but no real danger to anyone and the police force of our Kanton combined with Bern were organised. It was by far exaggerated. My son was stopped by the police and asked from where he came, but that was all thank goodness. They transported a few of the demonstrators up in a police van, but it was really not necessary. We have a small market town and it seemed that there were more police in the streets that normal citizens. Sometimes you can really overdo it all. Somehow I now wish I had gone into town to take a few photos and see some action.

All this did not bother our local catwatch. Roschti made himself comfortable in the garden for a quiet sleep.

And the bees made themselves busy in the better weather finding a few empty rooms in the insect hotel for the youngsters. They have growing families and want to make sure that they get a good start in life.

I made myself busy baking an Italian foccacia bread to go with the evening meal of chilli. It really turned out well. It was my first time and so easy to make. Just mix the flour, some olive oil and yeast diluted in warm water and leave the pastry to rise for an hour. Then divide it into two and roll it flat and long. Bake for 20 minutes and you have a nice fresh warm foccacia bread. I will definitely do it again, perhaps to accompany cold cuts in the evening, but then I will add the rosemary needles before baking which is the original Italian was of doing it. They would not have matched with the chilli yesterday.

Today is an easy lunch to cook, some boiled ham and a red cabbage with potato. Otherwise I have no big plans for today, just another lazy golden oldie day at home.

And now to move on. Enjoy the Sunday, Monday comes soon enough. I have a shopping list to complete for my online delivery on Tuesday which will already be the first day in June. Half a year already gone, how time flies.

FOTD 29th May 2021: Allium

It seems that allium is another name for members of the onion and garlic family. How this one got into my garden I have no idea. It first appeared two years ago and arrived again this year. Apparently they grow when they feel like it. Although I cook with oinion and garlic (some times a little too much garlic perhaps) I do not plant it in the garden. I think this one is a wild garlic. It spent the best part of the month growing on a very very long stalk and yesterday the bud burst open to produce it many flowers. I will keep an eye on it and see how it develops.

FOTD 29th May 2021: Allium

RDP Saturday: Downsize

I decided to downsize the bread I make to eat with a chilli con carne. We prefer a good bread instead of rice to eat with it. I had enough pizza flour and decided to try baking a foccacia bread. I had never made one before. I altered the recipe a little and left out the rosemary needles on the pastry before baking as I found that would not match with the hot chilli in the meat

Before baking I coated it with olive oil according to the reciple and springled sea salt over it. It is now cooling in the kitchen and I think it is OK. It is very easy to make and I will definitely try the genuine foccacia with the rosemary needles for an evening meal.

Sometimes downsizing has its advantages.

RDP Saturday: Downsize

Good Morning

Seeing the clouds above I think the day is getting to a good start. Yesterday we had our first day with a promise of Summer around the corner. We are now approaching the end of May and it is really time to get the short trousers ready and t-shirts for outside without getting wet or shivering. My cupboard is organised and I know where everything is, but just looking at it does not do the job. Even the first little leaves of my basil are now showing. I planted them at the beginning of the month and usually after a week you see the first results. This time they were overtaken by the dill seeds that I planted two weeks later. I was really worried the basil seeds had been rendered unfit to grow due to the cold temperatures, but yesterday I saw the first little green leaves poking through. My patience has been rewarded. It looks like a summer of tomato salads and pizza decorated with basil leaves and cucumber salads with fish dishes accompanied with the flavour of dill. Things are looking better at last.

The neighbour’s cat Röschti also put in an appearance and eventually settled on a chair outside on the porch. I was not very happy as I had just cleaned the cushions on the chairs to remove them of cat fur.

I decided to stay at home yesterday. There were a few items I needed at the store, but Mr. Swiss decided to take an excursion in the morning along the road in his scooter to the local supermarket which is a rare occasion. My excursions are also becoming more rare. It is so comfortable to stay at home. The days of covid isolation are now dwindling and yesterday we had 910 new cases of covid in the country. Distributed amongst a population of about eight million this was quite positive in comparison with past figures. Hopefully things will continue in this direction and living a normal life again will not be so far away.

I had no special chores yesterday and spent the evening with the TV watching an episode of Star Trek, the first in the trilogy of how it all began. I had seen it before, but some films are good to watch again.

Another one of my garden plants has decided to show that it survived the Winter. It is an allium which is a relative of the onion and garlic. They have wonderful flowers. Strange to imagine that our daily vegetables can have such lovely flowers if we would let them grow. This one is by no means the common onion, but more a garden speciality. It arrives regularly every year.

I will now move on as although it is a Saturday a woman’s work is never done. I have just finished giving my orchids their weekly soak and fertiliser and will now progress to the bathroom and shower. Afterwards a daily tour with the vacuum cleaner and mop and then to the dinner preparations, although no stress. My days of sitting in a chair and knitting are no longer here, after all that is for the professional golden oldie. I am still an amateur.

I hope the sun is shining in your part of the world so enjoy the week-end.