RDP Friday: Gobsmacked

Since being more homebound and having to order most stuff online I am no longer able to transport flowers, particularly orchids, on my scooter. It is now a new season and I only managed to rescue four plants from last year. I took a chance and saw an advertisement on Facebook from Switzerland for orchids. Switzerland being a small country, there is no problem in ordering, although it was something I had never done with orchids. I placed the order two days ago and this afternoon they arrived by DHL delivery. They were well packed and I must say I was a little gobsmacked to see how nice they were. I unpacked them carefully, they were well wrapped. Afterwards I soaked them in water for a while adding liquid orchid fertiliser. They are now outside on the porch and are really looking good. The price for all three was really very reasonable. I am now on the mailing list for this company, so who knows what I might order in the future. How life changes over the years.

RDP Friday: Gobsmacked

Good Morning

Another cloudy morning. Rain perhaps, but I do not think so. Yesterday we also got no rain although other parts of Switzerland did. It was still a pleasant day, even with some sun in between and I think today will be the same. I was again at home taking it easy. There are some days when I do not really want to go anywhere. Covid seems to have changed my daily routine and given me food for thought. We were all more or less told to isolate. At the beginning I was still going shopping for the family: online ordering got to be a habit with so many people that you got no delivery slots and had to wait at least two weeks for a delivery. People began to get a little hysterical. Toilet paper shelves were empty in the stores, as well as the freezers with the frozen food. It was one big mass panic. I was watching this as an observer and shocked by the conditions in the stores and the behaviour of the general public. We were being permanently assured that there was enough food and supplies for everyone and this was not necessary. It was also the time when I gave up driving a car and was now travelling by electric wheelchair, later by scooter. This was no great problem as it was summer.

Winter arrived, but in the meanwhile people had adapted to the new state of affairs. There were delivery slots available again and my store organised a new system of grocery delivery for a selected few (and I was one of them). I was invited to participate and I did, one of the best decisions I had made. I could avoid the cold and snowly weather of Winter. This system has now been expanded and I slowly adapted and am now ordering twice a week. I also organised a large freezer chest and began to store groceries. I am lucky enough to have a laundry room in the basement with enough space and a permently cool temperature. For the first time in my life I can now please myself if I go places or not, it is a matter of choice I quite enjoy my new life of isolation and the feeling no longer to be under pressure with my daily chores. I am now a golden oldie and it is time to let the others stress around. It never actually bothered me so much when I was younger, but now it is time to take it easy in the remaining days that I have.

So what do i do all day. I have a wonderful window seat for the outdoor life of the birds and armed with my camera take photos of their antics when collecting the food supplies I leave outside. However the food supplies are now slowly finishing as our stores do not supply bird food during the summer months. Quite rightly actually, nature provides enough for them to eat during the summer, although I will miss them.

This morning I will be getting another delivery of groceries which will complete my needs for the weekend. I am also expecting a DHL delivery of three orchids I have order from a company. They were ordered the day before yesterday and I got notification that they will arrive today. The company where I ordered them have been in existence for many years in Switzerland with plants and have now specialised in orchids, so I am hoping they will be a good quality.

Time to move on. I have a few things to deal with this morning and want to be ready when my grocery delivery arrives. Tomorow is already the beginning to the week-end. Time really flies, another week older. Enjoy the day.

Good Morning

We are back to the boring cloud cast days. It rained during the night and now the rain is still hanging around waiting to pounce again. It does not bother me so much. It is time that the garden got wet again, although I spray it every morning, but now things are beginning to grow and I am using my herb bed regularly.

Now and again I get a fresh pot of something that I need.I got some parsley in the store as I like to garnish some vegetables with it, especially carrots which give it a more intensive taste and of course boiled potatoes, especially if I serve them with fish. You can also see some sage here and chives and at the corner, still quite small, is a bed of origano, not to mention the thyme on the left front.

At the other end of the bed I have two sorts of rosemary, one variety flowering at the moment. In between I have some basil and savoury which I like to use when the fresh beans are in season. It is quite an adventure for me when I am cooking to see what would be ready to use. It makes it easier for me to cut the herbs as they are all growing in one of my raised beds.

I replenished the bird food with two hanging pods from the store and this is such a hit that they devoured more than the half in one day. Today there is a remainder still hanging and I have now decided enough it enough. At this rate they will cost me a fortune in food and summer is not bird feeding time. I just cannot resist taking photos of their action flights, but enough is enough. It is really time for them to begin to dig for worms and other fleshy insects. The vegetarian days of seeds are now finished.

I decided it was also time to get a few new orchids. They grow exceptionally well in summer outside and I lost a few during the Winter. I noticed a site on Facebook in Switzerland that sell orchids at a reasonable price. They have an offer of three orchids together for a good price and I decided to order yesterday. It is a long established company and there were a few good critics from customers on their web site. The orchids are delivered by DHL so they should arrive in good condition. I had such success last year with my orchids and all of them re-flowered, some for the second time. I still have 3 orchids which are producing new stems. Last year they spent the Winter in my spare room that I use as an office, but next Winter I will keep them in the living room opposite the large window.

Today is again the day of fresh bed linen etc. so I was busy already this morning stripping the beds to let them air out. I have already covered the duvet and cushions with fresh covers and the rest will follow later.

I will now move on to completing the bed revival and other daily chores. There will also be a spaghetti meal to cook for lunch. Keep well everyone, and keep safe. Do not forget, our blogs rely on us to be written.

RDP Wednesday: Scrupulous

I suppose I have to be a bit scrupulous to get action photos like this. I sit at the table in the kitchen facing the large window with a view out on the garden of the bird house with the food. I set my camera on zoom. The birds have to hover until they have an eating space. I sit with my camera ready and as soon as I notice one wants to fly off to the food I shoot away with the camera, one photo after the other. I never know what I am getting until I upload them on the computer. I am not a professional photographer so it is all more luck than judgement. If Sir David Attenborough happens to look on my Woodpress page I might become famous and become Bird Photographer of the Year.

RDP Wednesday: Scrupulous

Good Morning

As I am writing the sun appears. It was a little reluctant this morning and I am not sure if it will stay, so let us hope for the best. I am not planning on any excursions today and will be isolating again. Yesterday I was in town, mainly hunting for a few groceries. Although I have nearly all delivered, I still like to wander around the supermarket. They often have special offers I do not get and I can socialise a little more. Just sitting at home can bear a little on the mind. I had a bit of a pickle with the polenta delivered from the store. They did not have the one I ordered so sent me a substitute.That is no big problem, but my substitute was half the weight and the quality was too fine for my taste. It was also an “Aha” type which is for those with the digestive problems, or those that think they have them. I wrote and complained and was delighted to receive a very nice answer full of apologies and they would make sure in future that the people sorting the substitutes would be more careful. They even said they were deducting the price from my bill and I could keep the substitute. I could give it to someone if I could not use it. I found that very fair. It was a good excursion, meeting a colleague and having a short conversation in the store. Afterwards I met a couple I know on the way home. Since my Winter isolation I had missed having a few social contacts (not too close of course). It was good to talk again. At home Mr. Swiss likes to read and conversation only seems to revolve around food or I have a little conversation with the neighbour’s cat although he is not such a talkative type.

Roschti the neighbour’s cat prefers to observe from a distance.

The birds seem to have been waiting for the food collection to be replenished.

Otherwise there was not very much action yesterday. I decided to pep up the cold meats in the evening with a caprese salad. I think that it what it is called in english: tomatoes, basil and mozarella.

It was quite a plate full but Mr. Swiss and I managed the half and my No. 1 son enjoyed the other half. I had bought two pots of basil from the store and decided it was time that I used it. I quite like basil with Italian dishes and am planning on a margherita pizza: not what I would say a family favourite, but one of my favourites.

They have activated the fountains on one of the squares on the edge of the town. Many years ago, when I arrived here, there was a fountain with a few sculptures. Afterwards they built the car park beneath the square and decided to make a new design and removed the old fountain. I never really liked it, a bit boring and dull. after 40 years it seems that it will be renewed with something else.

And I am now off for the usual chores, a relaxed day today actually. Have a good one, keep your distance, wear your mask and open the windows. You know all about it. Actually the Brits added the bit about letting the fresh air circulate. To my past experience in the denizens of East London, it was not advisable to open windows – too many fumes from the passing traffic. A wonder that the covid hairy pins survived in the exhaust fumes.