RDP Thursday: Marathon

The day began almost normal although no, today was not normal. I had to strip both beds, it was the day of fresh linen. I did the necessary and stumbled into the kitchen for breakfast. No, no breakfast, first of all I had to make a dough for the daily bread. Admittedly I did not have to make my own bread, but it is a routine about three times a week.

I got the kitchen aid machine ready, put in the flour and salt, poured on the yeast dissolved in warm water, put in a spoonfull of honey (because I was making a dark bread) and turned on the machine. After a couple of minutes the dough was ready to be worked on. I put it on the work surface and did some kneading, although my kitchen aid machine does the work perfectly. I put the dough in a large bowl, covered it with a cloth and left it in my little room where I have the cleaning appliances to rise for an hour or two. I was good in the time, but now the next step.

I cleaned through the apartment. In the meanwhile the bread dough had risen to twice the size. I beat it about a little and formed it for the baking mould. I left it for another half an hour to rise. It was now time to begin to cook lunch.

Today it was spaghetti with a tomato and mincemeat sauce. I also had to prepare a salad. I found I had a remainder of chircory in the fridge which was ideal for the salad. It was all cooking and suddenly my timer told me that the bread would now be ready for baking. In the meanwhile I had switched on the oven, so everything was ready. I took the prepared bread, made a slit in the middle, put the lid of the baking form and placed it in the oven. My bread was baking and my dinner was cooking. Now I proceeded to the bedroom and made the beds up with the fresh linen. I had to vaccuum beneath the beds and dust down the bed frames. I put the fitted sheets on both mattresses and eventurally it was done. I now left the completed mattresses with with bottom sheet and now it was Mr. Swiss time to finish the job. I had already recovered the duvet and head cushions. He put them on the beds and finished the job by placing the bed cover. That was a half hour job (perhaps a little more) whilst dinner was cooking.

My timer now told me that I could remove the cover from the bread form and finish the baking for another 15 minutes. The bread was finally finished and I placed it on the counter to cool down. In the meanwhile I served dinner to Mr. Swiss and No. 1 son

The bread was perfect and I was pleased with the result.

The whole marathon began at 7.30 am and was finished at midday when I enjoyed my meal. I wonder if I would qualify for a gold medal at the housewife olympics.

RDP Thursday: Marathon

Good Morning

I eventually prepared breakfast and set up the computer, but not without an early morning stress. Today is one of those days where I should have octopus arms to cope, but I did it. The first chore was to strip my bed as today is fresh linen day. Then I arrived in the kitchen knowing that I should actually bake the day’s bread. No problem, I made the dough and put it to rise in 10 minutes – practice makes perfect. And then photos, I had nothing knew so explored the garden for a few insects – they were resting after their nocturnal activities. Although everything is damp from the constant rain we have had, not even that drew out the slugs and snails.All I have to show is my breakfast table.

I invested in a new plant on my last visit to the store. I just love kalanchoe. They are so simple to care for: hardly need any water and flower constantly for a while. Afterwards they grow further and are almost indestructible. They are also quite reasonable in price. It is now sitting on my breakfast table.

I also have this sedum outside on the porch sitting in a vase filled with water. This was an accident. I was cutting down my tansy as they had grown qujite tall and was surrounding my sedum which was now thinking about flowering, so it was the tansy or the sedum. Unfortunately in my busy actions I mistankenly cut this sedum. I immediately placed it in a vase of water: another plant that likes to make new roots so nothing is lost.

I have quite a busy day today. After making the beds anew I will bake my bread in between and have a spaghetti dinner to cook. The afternoon is looking better after my midday sleep. I was not sure if I would have the time to make a morning greeting, but I have managed that as well. I only wish the weather would brighten up a little. And now I must really move on to continue with the daily tasks. Have a good one everyone and do not stress too much (like me).

I nearly forgot my little bird. He arrived on the porch yesterday afternoon and began to forage around as if searching for food.

The interesting part was how he kept putting his head beneath the garden cupboard door – probably hoping to discover something. Unfortunately I have no bird seed. Our shops sell none during the summer months as they find the birds have enough to eat outside. This little bird decided to persevere. I think it is the first bird I have seen so close since a few months.