Good Morning

An uneventful sky this morning, typical for the summer days and yes we are now at the beginning of the heat wave. Yesterday it rose to 32°C during the day and I spent the afternoon inside, although the window was open, I just have to have fresh air from somewhere. The sunblind was down so I was as comfortable as possible. I was thinking about going into town for a few groceries, but postponed it for today and will only be visiting the local store. It is really now too hot for large tours.

I eventually got my butterfly photos. They have now discovered my buddleia bush, also known as butterfly bush, and are visiting regularly. I think these are known as tortoiseshell butterlies.

There was also an intersting biug on a leaf, that seemed to be injured, but am not sure what it is.

And my garden slug was on his way home in the morning after a night feasting on what was avaiable. I am thinking about marking him so that I can recognise him better and discover if it is really the same slug. I have become quite attached to him and is the only one I see.

There are still enough bees hovering on the flowers. I have never seen so many as this year, but they are harmless.

Life is really not so exciting at the moment.

I decided to make myself busy yesterday morning by making a bread for the day. I already made the dough first thing, left it to rise and put it in the form for baking by mid morning.

Just before we had lunch I could remove it from the oven and it was ready. Our local bread to buy in the store is OK, but not to compare with self made. I have got so used to baking my own, that it is no great problem.

As said, today I will be off to the local store this afternoon. My supply of ice cream needs renewing. That is why I am only going to the local supermarket, to get it home before it begins to defrost. I have a special insulated bag to keep to keep it cold for transport.

I am now off to prepare myself for the day. My grocery delivery will be arriving some time this morning. It will soon be week-end so let s get the Friday behind us – if you belong to the work force.