RDP Wednesday: Instinct

I had a cat called Fluffy, he was the man of the pack with the other two cats who were females, but he was the smallest: a Selkirk Rex breed which meant that he had curly fur. Unfortunately he was blind after an accident, so we had to be careful and not let him roam on his own and usually had an expanadble dog lead attached to his collar which we hung onto a pole ouside in the garden. He had quite a wide range for walking outside.. Inside he seemed to know where everything was.

He would jump on and off a chair, find his food and water with no problem, as well as his recycling box. I think he did it all by smell, but am not so sure. If we changed the furniture, shifted a chair or table, he was confused for half an hour, but soon found the way again. Was it instinct? Who knows, instinct is the word we often used when we have no other explanation.

RDP Wednesday: Instinct

August Photo a Day Challenge: 26. Beach

I found a beach in our town, although it was only here for a couple of weeks. It was a few summers ago and someone had the idea of organising Beach Volley Ball. There was plenty of sand organised. I do not know whether it was a success, because I never saw a match being played. It has not happened again, but with the virus around, it probably did not come into the question this year.

August Photo a Day Challenge: 26. Beach

Good Morning

A little dramatic this morning with the clouds in the background, but the sun is shining. There is also a stronger wind blowing, but I enjoy the fresh air it is bringing.

The first task this morning when I reached out to my iPhone and iPad, was to upload the updates for both. It is always a good start to the day when your appliances are ready to go. It was a short one today, so when I stopped hugging the bed they were functioning. The next task was to take a morning photo. Most mornings really look the same but old habits die hard.

Yesterday was only a short trip to town, and no real shopping excursion. I saddled my faithful scooter and made my way, this time to our local co-op, on the left on the photo. I am more a “Migros” customer, which is a Swiss store chain, at the bottom of the street, but they do not sell what I needed, so I did not bother yesterday. I reserved that shopping tour for today. Actually when I think of it, my golden oldie life has become a one big shopping tour, mixed with a few excursions to the local farm and castle. It is all documented in my camera. The good thing with the scooter is I can park it really anywhere, as long as it does not bother anyone. The result is that in town you seen the scooters everywhere waiting for their owners. I have never seen a parking ticket on a scooter.

I afterwards made my way through town on the home stretch. There was a small disruption as I found this crane truck blocking my way. A few shops ae being changed in town and need the cranes for the work. Luckily they have a horn signal when they reverse, so I realised that I would have to wait a little until the manoeuvre was completed. It also needed room where the street café was, so the waiter was busy moving various tables and chairs out of the way. There was a guy that seemed to be organising everything with his yellow reflecting waistcoat.

Eventually the crane truck decided where it was going and began to reverse. I was still waiting in my scooter for it to complete its movements, with a few other people. I think that was the excitement of the day in our little market town. Eventually there was enough space to move past this giant as he had found the trough full of debris that he was aiming for and I moved on, although it was a little narrow.

I eventually was on the home path, and noticed again two musicians singing to a South American rhythm. They were quite good and I remembered seeing the guy with his son a couple of days earlier. It seems to be quite a musical family, this time the wife being the singer.

As I was leaving town I noticed that our florist again had a good flower arrangement outside the store.

I eventually arrived home to a waiting Mr. Swiss. And that was my eventful and exciting day. I did notice that my next door neighbour has been busy in here garden lately so I asked her what she was planning. She said she was organising a flower meadow on the part which is our wild meadow. Over the years the flowers have become less and she had organised the ground with fertiliser and sown four packets of wild flower seeds which were in a special offer. I found this would be wonderful. Wild flower meadows are always so good to see, but we will all have to wait until next year in Spring when the results begin to show.

And now to move on to the daily chores, accompanied by some music I have discovered a programme on my iPhone with about 100 various british radio stations covering all your tastes from pop to classic. I like to tune into the “Smooth” radio which keeps its style of smooth music: no exciting loud stuff. I used to listen to the oldies station, but with time I realised I was listening to the same music daily. I am organised with a small shoulder pouch for the radio and my headphones not to bother Mr. Swiss who might be listening to one of his jazz programmes, or not wanting to listen to my background music constantly. Deathly silence is not my thing when I am in working action.

Enjoy the day everyone with safe distancing and perhaps face masks. Although I always have a mask with me I would only wear it when on public transport at the moment. We have no stronger controls in our area up to now, but in Zürich it is now law to wear them in the stores. Must move on, various chores are waiting. Will leave you with a view of our cathedral. It was looking especially good yesterday with its background of clouds.