FOWC with Fandango: Ramble


Things change as you get older. We used to go for a ramble in the park, in the forest, perhaps along the river, holding hands. Today we check that our batteries have enough power and we set off to town. Mine is on the right, Mr. Swiss on the left. Today we even lost each other on the way home, but no problem. Where you have a mobile phone there is always a way.

FOWC with Fandango: Ramble

RDP Saturday: Stars


Let’s go star gazing
And see what we find
The planets take over
Which is not very kind
At the top shines Uranus
Wearing a very blue gown
And next comes Mars
Blushing red with its frown
At the bottom is the moon
Cold and looking very plain
Perhaps it is shrinking being on the wain

But what about the rest
Those little shiny points
They are holding it together
Filling in the joints
Some stay inconspicuous
others like to glare
On the right is Mirach
The brightest in our lair
They belong to Andromeda
And never ever fall
A backdrop of perfection
Being there to enthral

Photo taken from my app Skyview this morning

RDP Saturday: Stars

Good Morning


It is all blue again in the sky, not a cloud to be seen, but look who is still hanging around. Yes the moon is still lingering, although thinking of going now. I took a quick zoom snap with my iPhone and the result was not so bad.


I just took another look from my seat on the porch and it is still here: changed its position a little going north. When it is no longer in the range of the sun rays it will disappear from our sight, but will still be somewhere.

Saturday again, how fast the days go. Yesterday I was off to the store again. I had quite a bit of week-end shopping, but it went well with my scooter. I must say it really has perseverance with the battery. I have had it now two weeks and use it at least 3-4 times a week travelling mainly to and from town. It has 7 stripes to show how much battery you have and only one has now disappeared. I am hoping to get to the doc next week with it in town as I have my annual appointment to get the permission for my very expensive exclusive medicine to inject for my MS. I suppose I have got used to injecting over the past four years every second day. It is no cure, just stops the problems from progressing so fast.


I seem to now have quite a collection of street musician photos from our town. There is always one or two somewhere playing their instrument. I pass this one often when wheeling through one of the passages on my way to the big store. We seem to have got to know each other and he always greets with a nod. Yesterday we had a quick conversation  because he said hello. I thought he might be a Brit, but it seems he is a Czech. He plays quite a good guitar and sings to it.


Our oboe player was also in town. He is quite well equipped and has a recorder with the background music. They all seem to be music students making some extra money in their holidays.


And what a wonderful show I am getting from my orchid. It is the first time that it has flowered again. I have had it for at least a year. Putting it outside in Summer, in a shady place, seems to have been the right thing to do.


And now a second one has begun to open the first of its many flowers. I only really see the actual colour when it opens. This one also has many buds and I am looking forward to seeing them all open. I also have another two that are well on their way, so it looks like it is becoming an orchid summer outside.

Sometimes life is so wonderful and the little things give the most pleasure. Today it looks like another excursion to the store as I forgot to get bread yesterday for today’s chilli con carne this evening. Most people eat it with rice, but we prefer it with fresh bread. I will probably go with my scooter and might even take Mr. Swiss with me (also with his scooter) if he is willing.

Have a great week-end, may it be a good one. Now to begin the daily routine, no problem. Without it I would probably be bored.
