FOWC with Fandango: Power

Gösgen 06.08 (2)

This is power
Said to be only steam
Belching day and night
No way a dream
They say for the good of all
Is it good, does it enthral.
They had an open day
You could go and mount
One brought a machine
for Geiger to count
He was stopped at the door
This was not allowed
Was this a problem?
Do you get a shroud
Take a ride in a jet
You are now in the sky
Above the clouds the mist is seen
You do not have to try
It is  not so bad
Important for our juice
Perhaps it’s radioactive
But all has its use

FOWC with Fandango: Power

RDP Thursday: Thaw

Owl in the garden

Beware when the snow begins to thaw
There are things buried better not seen
Gradually they appear again
Forgotten in a long cold dark Winter ice cover
They take a deep breathe and are ready
To attack, or perhaps they just watch
Have no fear, they are frozen in movement
Suddenly the thaw progresses
Life returns to the dead cold layers
Green shoots of vegetation reanimate
Defying their frozen condition
Life returns
The monster in the garden is now free and watches
Regretting the life it never had

Walk Through Feldbrunnen

RDP Thursday: Thaw

Good Morning

Morning Sky

One of those grey mornings with the remainder of the rain clouds. I heard the rain during the night, quite a heavy downpour. This morning everything is wet, but the rain has stopped. Who knows? Perhaps today might brighten up. Yesterday was quite a good one: no rain and even some sun now and again.

I was preparing my Dyson vacuum cleaner to take with me. It fell had the motor had a stop-go syndrome. I had another look at it and found a cover to the motor part. I screwed it off. Dyson made a strange murmur and the motor decided to return to the normal condition. I think it must have had some sort of poltergeist inside that I expelled. I was glad as I did not have to take it with me. I even found a second vacuum in the cellar, exactly the same and I still do not know why we bought a new one. Anyhow now we have two of them plus the big model.

I embarked on a cobweb removing campaign yesterday and sucked them all away between the places where the ceiling meets the wall. There is still one room to do today and afterwards I will be ready for the new invasions of the spiders in summer. I never actually see those spiders spinning those webby strings but they appear and suddenly I realise they should be removed. We bought our place 20 years ago and it is still in good condition. A new layer of paint would be a good idea, but on the other hand it still looks OK and at my golden oldie age I really do not want an invasion of painters meaning I would have to dissemble our bookcase and have heavy furniture shifted. As far as I am concerned it will do for the next 20 years when I will be 92 and Mr. Swiss 100 years old: so what’s the problem.


My raised herb bed is in good conditions and survived the Winter well. On the left I have my chives and parsley: next to it thyme and a patch of savory at the front in the middle. Savory is something I did not know in my earlier days is in England, but it is a herb that the Swiss like to cook with green beans or mix in a bean salad. Its taste really suits the beans. My gardener planted it when I was constructing my new herb bed and it is also growing well. I also have a sage and out of the picture rosemary. I had an enormous rosmary plant that flowered constantly but had to say goodbye to it. I now just have a smaller version, perhaps I might get a new one, but they tend to take over. Now is the fun time for me in the garden especially with the raised bed. It makes it easier to plant seeds and discover new herbs. I intend to plant some dill seeds for my cucumber salads as well for fish dishes.

I am not sure if I will take a wheelie this afternoon somewhere. First of all the rain should stop and the cold gale force winds

Bird 12.03 (1)

I have another little bird mystery. I was wheeling along the river in town and heard it before seeing it. It was singing its little heart out perched up on a tree. I had to circle around the tree to get a good view. I though it might be a crow, but crows do not sing, they caw,  and I saw it had a nice yellow beak.

And now I should be moving on and bring some action into my day. Today is spaghetti day. For some reason it settled on a Thursday which suits me. Not so much to do and Mr. Swiss can be recruited to make the salad.

I wish you all a successful day whatever and talk to your computers now and again that they do not feel so neglected. I noticed that Facebook had some sort of outage yesterday for many hours and I could not crosspost my blogs on my Angloswiss page there. This morning it was working again. Many were lamenting on Facebook as if the end of the social site world was nigh. Basically I could not care less. I live my online life in WordPress and have no wish to tell the world all my personal problems. I just get curious to see what the others are saying. I leave you with some pansies I saw in town. Even the pansies are now flowering.

Pansies 12.03.2019