A Photo A Week Challenge: Details

Castle Waldegg 31.08 (1)

I chose part of the gate of our local castle Waldegg, up on the hill in our village. The castle was built some time in the 18th century and was used later as the residence for the french ambassador in Switerland as his summer residence. It now belongs to the Kanton and used for concerts. You can also have your wedding reception there. It is a popular place for wedding photos after the ceremony.

Now and again the senior citizens of our village are invited for a Friday lunch. We pay for it, but a very reasonable price and the food is good. I have been once up to now but am looking forward to the next time. It is very comfortable to eat lunch in a castle. Just to give an idea, here is the complete castle.

Castle Waldegg, Feldbrunnen

A Photo A Week Challenge: Details

One Word Photo Challenge: Seal


Sorry, but this was the best I could manage, and he only costs 11.90 Swiss Francs in the local supermarket. I had a look in the toy department and found my seal. Actually he looks quite lively for a stuffed seal. Unfortuately Swiss rivers  and mountain lakes have no yet managed to produce seals.

One Word Photo Challenge: Seal

Friday RDP: Absent

St. Niklaus garden

It was a rainy morning and I really did not bargain on a wheelie in my chair this afternoon, although I had a little purpose in my journey. If I could manage to go places, I wanted to take a few photos of our local castle for a challenge in WordPress, although I combine my photographic purposes with anything that might cross the lens. On the way I wheeled past this garden in the top half of the village. It was empty, the chidren’s playground was deserted but what did I see. They had a Mowey, the same as ours, and it was mowing the lawn all on its own: wheeling backwards and forwards murmuring with a Mowey voice as it continued. Now and again the slide was in the way and he tried to ignore it by giving it a push, but it didn’t work, so Mowey changed his direction and continued on his lonely way. It was almost like something from a science fiction novel.

St. Niklaus

I continued on my way and did not meet one single person or hear anything. I was alone. Had we been invaded by extra terrestrials that had captured the village population? The only movement in the village were the various mowing machines. Perhaps they were possessed and were the new intelligence.

We also have a Mowey, but he is now redundant since our lawn refused to grow and began to die. Perhaps we are one of the lucky ones. Our lawn was protecting us from the Moweys which were slowly conquering the population. We are planning to have our lawn removed and just in time. Our Mowey supplier told us that our model is no longer being sold. This should have bee a warning. We asked why, but somehow the supplier avoided a clear answer. It was discovered that the smallest version made too many mistakes. Perhaps they became people mowers and the missing population had become garden fertiliser, small human pellets in a large sealed plastic bag.

There is a silence in the air you could cut with a knife.


I do not like the way Mowey is sitting there. He has chewed all the surrounding grass. What is he planning now?

Friday RDP: Absent

Good Morning

Clouds 30.08 (2)

I was determined to get into town yesterday afternoon, come what may. It did not look so promising when I left home with an overcast sky, but at least it was not raining and temperatures were bearable. My first view when I wheel along is the Jura mountains across the main road to Solothurn, our town down the road which was my target. I wanted to go the day before, but we had a rain shower and sitting in a wheelchair you are exposed to the elements.

HESO 30.08 (4)

I arrived at my target, which was to see the new developments of the building for our town trade fair. My No. 1 son goes through town every day after work and reports on the new developments. We have never had such a tower before, so it was worth a few photos. It all looks quite strange with the background of the town walls. This part is all being built on the old moat. Strange to think that it was all once filled with water, but more in the middle ages to keep the enemy out, which were probably the inhabitants of the non-catholic Kantons. Religion seems to have quite a war history, and we have still have not learnt anything in the meanwhile.

HESO 30.08 (10)

It seems that women’s equality as now reached the building trade and I noticed this lady was also doing her part of building the various pavillions. She might even be in charge. It looks like there will be part of the fair built in wood at the entrance and I am now getting curious as to how it develops. I am hoping they make it all a bit wheelchair friendly as I would really like to pay a visit when it is finished, with my camera of course.

Gurzelngasse 30.08.2018

I wheeled on into the old town. This is on the west side, with the Bieltor (tower) which points towards the french speaking part of Switzerland. Biel is about half an hour away by road and has a 40% french speaking population.  Again we have the fairly narrow roads (paved by bumpy cobblestones) and the style of shutter on the windows and the street lamps on the building fronts. I wold add it is all electric, just nostalgic copies.

Pigeon 30.08 (3)

There was a lady feeding the bird life of the town, so there were a few pigeons around who had already eaten their food, and sparrows who were still gathering their trophies.

After spending an hour with my camera in town I made my way home. I usually cross our bicycle bridge for the other side of the river and cross back again on a very good path on our other bridge which runs beneath the road bridge. It was then I spotted the swan family. They were at a distance, but as luck would have it, as I began to cross the bridge that swam below and I managed to get some really good close-up photos.

Swans 30.08 (13)

I took many photos of them, about 40, but chose this one to show that some of the kids were still in their brown feather dress, although others were now mottled. They still swim around with the whole family together. I find swans are such devoted creatures. The adults are always in pairs, and it seems they mate together for many years.

Swans 30.08 (27)

On my way home along the river bank I met this pair standing on some stones in the river and again I stopped for a few photos.

And now I must go. I overslept this morning, yes even golden oldies do that. Mr. Swiss also overslept: not that we have an important appointment, but we do have some cleaning to do and a shopping trip for the week-end. I hope you are having a good day and managed to awake in time. How comes that a golden oldie has problems with a sleep in – no idea, must be in the genes.

I hope you are all wide awake and ready to go or having a good sleep, keep safe. I will leave you with a photo from one of the town windows of this years geraniums.

Geranium 30.08 (2)