Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Flags or Banners

Renovation 16.07 (2)

A year ago our building looked liked this. It was being renovated and full of banners for the companies doing the work.

Jubla Feldbrunnen

This belongs to some sort of youth group in our area where they have a holiday camp from 9-21st July.

1st August flags

These are the street decorations for 1st August, our national Swiss day. On the left our Kanton flag for Solothurn and on the right the flag for our village Feldbrunnen. In the middle the Swiss flag.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Flags or Banners

Daily Prompt: Broken

Clouds A 05.01 (13)

I was surprised that our WordPress people, the same that have created our Daily Prompt Grid and the same that have encouraged us to write daily for a prompt, chose the subject of “broken” for today’s prompt. They broke everything for the blogger in WordPress when they announced that the Grid will no longer be a grid, that daily prompts are no longer required and that the bloggers should do something else. Go and play in another playground. There will no longer be a daily prompt, tomorrow is the last daily prompt.

Those over the pond find the daily prompt subject waiting for them on their computer first thing in the morning. In my part of Europe it appears in the early afternoon, but we all have something in common, we write for the daily prompt. We might look in on others to see what they have written.

There is a daily prompt community on WordPress. We have found colleagues sharing a common interest in writing almost daily. Perhaps not every day, but I find an average of 100 entries daily written by us (usually many more). I have met many bloggers, Olga from Pamploma, Marilyn from near the Blackstone River in the States. There is Tony in California who tells me about the plants he grows and I tell him about the plants I grow. One day I will meet Martha, the lady with the three dogs almost bigger than she is and author of interesting books. I already met Susan from the States when she was on a trip through Switzerland, she lead a very interesting challenge to encourage the use of macro images with the camera. And Cee, whose challenges with photos are weekly and keep us all on camera quests to find something to fit.

These are not all people that make a daily entry for a daily Prompt, but they read what I write and pass a comment now and again. I have got to know them through my daily prompt and they know me.

From 31st May, when the last prompt is posted, this will all be gone. There will be silence in the prompt world. Some have sent out messages to the daily prompt people not to do this, but to continue. It doesn’t hurt to post one word a day through a computer programme, or does it? Perhaps it brings no profit.

Let us see what can be repaired in the meanwhile. Perhaps the 1st June might bring an unexpected surprise although I do not think so. WordPress only surprise us when they forget something. I will now wait and see.

Daily Prompt: Broken

Good Morning

Jura 29.05 (1)

No clouds this morning, just a plain blue sky. It looks like the summer days are upon us again. I tool this photo of a floating cloud over the Jura mountains as I went for a wheelie yesterday afternoon.  I did not really want to go anywhere. The cleaning lady was here for an hour to do the kitchen and I was outside on the porch with Mr. Swiss on the computer. I did my computer stuff and realised there would be time to go places and see things, so I saddled my wheelchair and was off.

I decided to take the simple route over the cemetery, the castle and afterwards visit the animals. It is smooth running because there are not great obstacles to overcome by crossing roads with large steps that make a bumpy ride.

Alps 29.05 (1)

As I looked towards the south I noticed that the mountains towards the Bernese Overland were showing their peaks. These are not the big ones, but those in the front. The atmosphere did not allow seeing the snow capped peaks, but even these can be impressive. As the seasons get warmer, there is less snow on the peaks.The building at the front of the photo are parts of our village.

Horse 29.05 (3)

The local male (in case you did not notice 🙂 ) pony was in the meadow enjoying some grass so I stopped to get a photo. The next part of the journey was again to see the ducks, swans, geese and chickens.

Chickens 29.05 (1)

Even the one and only rooster was outside with his womenfolk and making a lot of noise. I noticed the hens answered, so something must have been happening.

Ducks 29.05 (2)

Time to move on so I took the path again through the cemetery and across the road, being the easiest to navigate. Somtimes I think I am the only person going places in the neighbourhood. Most people are still members of the working force and those that I see on their way are golden oldies like myself. At home I only really hear the noises of the crows gathering in the trees, song birds, and mowers and hedge cutters: which reminds me we should get our hedge cut as well. It is beginning to expand in the warm summer days.

Otherwise no big events yesterday. I now spend my evenings outside reading until it gets too dark. Today is again a shopping excursion on the list of things to do. I will now move on to stuff with a vacuum cleaner and a mop, all in the daily schedule. I also have a shopping list to compose, oh the stress. I will be back some time today, after all it is the penultimate day of the daily prompt and grid, so we must make the most of it. Our chances of meeting each other are now becoming fewer and far between. All in the name of a new brilliant idea where someone had a dream at the WordPress headquarters.

Wild Flowers 29.05 (2)