Daily Prompt: Guilty

Cows 22.05.2018

I think it was a horse that passed this way. It was on the concrete path, an invitation for a photo. It could have been a cow, but their  traces are usually flat and in the fields  being the foundation for homeless flies. The nice thing about this is that neither the horse, or even a cow, would feel guilty about it. It is a natural process in life. The hay and grass they eat must go somewhere eventually. I did not feel guilty about taking the photo: worse things have been given prizes at exhibitions.

At my age I no longer bother about guilty feelings, why should I. Do I feel guilty that I am now sitting outside on the porch with my computer writing and enjoying the nice sunny weather. I could be shopping, doing housework, there is always something to do. Actually I wanted to go somewhere with my camera, but I slept too long after dinner and it would be too much stress.

Someone has discovered that shopping in the afternoon would be more comfortable than in the morning. There are not so many people, but for me it would be an inconvenience and  more stress. I might have more time in the morning, but not less to do. It would just be a shifting of responsibilities  and packing more into the afternoon as well as dealing with the normal daily chores in the morning. Afternoon is me time, the few hours when I do what I want to do and when I want to do it. Definitely not rubbing shoulders with other housewives in the local supermarket and using up any spare time I might have. Or should I feel guilty about that.

Cows 22.05 (4)

Daily Prompt: Guilty

Good Morning

Morning Sky

Blue sky and cumulus clouds, at least I think they are: looks promising, but who knows. It rained yesterday evening and now and again through the night, so temperatures are a little on the cool side. Today is one of those days, I hope, when there is nothing that we have to do, but just what we want to

Yesterday I decided to get those little jobs done that were mounting up. It was time for the windows on the front side of the apartment, but why bother? I do. When I was a working woman with job and pay packet, I had to fit these things in between but now having nothing to do as a golden oldie, I have the time. Unfortunately the  body often disagrees, but yesterday afternoon Mr. Swiss had a supermarket mission to complete and so I decided it was time to do the work as I was on my own.  The job was completed within half an hour and I collapsed into a chair on the porch satisfied.  I am so proud of myself. When I think over the last five months on my broken leg recovery, every little milestone of doing something I used to do with no problem, is an achievement.

Road to Langendorf 23.05 (6)

Due to my stay-at-home day, I did not go places and see things. My last photo excursion was to the supermarket yesterday morning. Here is our local railway station. No big deal I know, but the little pavement than runs along the side of the bushes is one of my favourite wheelchair stretches. It leads to the estate where I live and just at the side of the station building there is a gap in the hedge to a farm where they have horses.

Horses 03.04 (7)

I often make a stop on a wheelie in the chair to see if there are any horses grazing in the field, and am rarely disappointed.

After cleaning the windows yesterday I moved on to watering my two indoor plants. The rest are now outside enjoying the warmer weather.


I have two kalanchoe plants indoors. I love these plants. They are easy to care for: just once a week I give them a bath for a few minutes in their pots, empty the water away and forget them for a week. Not exactly forget, I have a look now and again and of course talk to them. I am sure that is the secret of good care. They are also one of the most reasonable plants to buy, just a couple of Swiss franks. I have killed a couple of them with kindness, by repotting them and giving them a spray. They prefer to be left alone and do their own thing. I have been told that they grow to new plants if you plant a leaf in a pot.

Today will be a day of relaxation and perhaps a journey into the unknown this afternoon if the weather stays with me.

Now I must move on to take a walk with my mops and vacuum cleaner, all free legged. I have got my normal life back at last, after 5 months of supporting myself with a walker. I hope you all find a silver lining somewhere in your day, even if you have to search. Enjoy the day or night, wherever you are.

Tree 23.05 (5)