Daily Prompt: What entertains

Computer Headquarters

I have become completely cyber. It is my world of entertainment. I am often not sure if I am really here, or whether it is a hologram of myself. If it is not the computer, it is an iPad and relaxing with a book becomes my Kindle. Real books smell and have a funny touch. At the moment I am reading on Mr. Swiss Kindle, because he does not need it and he uploaded a book I wanted to read. Today I needed my Kindle for this photo and discovered that although it has not been in use for a month, it tells me that there is almost no power and I should recharge it.

You cannot ignore your online connections if you want to. They tell you that they need you. They depend on your constant attention, and rebel when they are ignored. Their battery signs show a large empty space with perhaps a thin line showing that you have arrived in the nick of time to make a connection. In the meanwhile my Kindle is now in recharge mode, the day is saved.

Not that I cannot be without a computer, of course not. Just because I sleep with my iPad and iPhone next to my bed it only means that it is a good place to have them. During the dark hours of the night the iPhone is my illumination to that place which most of us visit.  When I wake in the morning and am still hugging the bed, I check of the nocturnal movements of my online colleagues. They live in other countries where they have day when I have night. Having dealt with the necessary from my bed hugging situation, I move to the kitchen. My computer is already waiting as Mr. Swiss as already shifted it to the breakfast table, my Microsoft computer.  I use my Apple computer for the afternoon shift. Of couse I am not a computer addict. Now and again I visit real life for entertainment.

If I am bored I can always assemble one of those jigsaw puzzles I like to do, online of course. I remember the days when I had real jigsaw puzzles. They could be most annoying as there was always that missing piece you never found to complete the jigsaw puzzle. Online puzzles never have this problem, all the pieces are there.

Some time during the late afternoon the computer world retires, although not the computer. Now and again I leave my home and put the computer on its shelf. That is when I go on a safari with my camara. Of course when I return the computer is again fired up so that I can upload my photos.

Of course I can live without my computer, but can it live without me? In the evening it is Kindle time. I used to be entertained by my TV, but now I prefer to read a book, online of course. Less problem with turning pages and bending the corners to remember which page you were on. The Kindle does it all for me.

Yes folks, that’s entertainment.

Daily Prompt: What entertains

Good Morning

Baselstrasse 13.01 (2)

I am almost ashamed to show our morning sky. Day for day it begins with grey and it is a lottery whether it stays or might disperse during the morning. I decided on a sky from yesterday afternoon as I left our estate on wheels for a short excursion. These excursions are now almost becoming a regular thing except for Monday Afternoon and Wednesday, when I have housewife hobbies to attend to.

I am now more out and about than I used to be.  Going for walks with my stick was becoming exhausting and there was always the danger that I might fall. Now I feel safe and secure, although crossing roads is always a bump when you go down and up the curbs. Most are sloped for wheels, but not all. I used to register the various benches in the area. Now I register the best places to cross the road.

St. Katherin Cemetry 13.01.2018

Before I leave Mr. Swiss wants to know my route, sometimes I do not even know which way I am gloing myself.  Yesterday I headed for the cemetery: a nice flat path until you get inside. Then I meet the lumps and bumps caused by the stones and grit on the paths,

St. Katherine Cemetery 13.01 (2)

I am becoming a regular cemetery visitor, but it lays on my path to other places. I often see the same people walking through. Actually my mother-in-law is in this part of the cemetery. When I leave the cemetery I enter a path known as stony alley, although it is not stony at all, but ideal for travel with wheels. This is the part where I meet the horses.

Horse 13.01.2018

There was only one of them outside with a pony who was busy munching pine needles. The other horses were probably taking 5 somewhere.  It is also the part where I change my lens to zoom. It reduces the effect of the fencing in between and I get a better portrait of the chickens opposite.

Chicken House 13.01 (2)

They now have a house on wheels which can be moved around to enable them a change of scenery.  Of course when the chickens saw me they all rushed to be featured in photo of the day.

Chickens 13.01 (3)

Afterwards I rolled on to the home stretch: again across the bumpy kerbs on the main road. I usually am a cause for the traffic to stop rolling when they see me coming. When I arrive at the entrance to my appartment I call Mr. Swiss on my mobile telephone to open the door. I could do it myself but is is complicated as I would have to stand and open the door myself and roll in on my wheels after propping the door open. This time I forgot to take my gloves with me an my hands were two blocks of ice, especially the fingers.  I noticed a call from Mr. Swiss on my mobile when I arrived to tell me I had forgotten my gloves, but did not hear it as I had my telephone on mute. I should remember to demute when I leave home.

And now to move on. I have something I want to start for dinner that can cook during the morning. Keep safe everyone and wrap up warm if you are North of the equator. Take the sun creme with you if you are South of the Equator. If you are on the equator, then you might need am umbrella – rain forests and all that. I leave you with a view of our local castle Waldegg that I saw on my way to the chicken run.

Castle Waldegg 13.01.2018