Good Morning

Baselstrasse 27.01 (10)

Yesterday afternoon I did an excursion to another part of my area where we once lived. It is not so far away, but no longer in our village, on the edge of town. For a couple of years we had an appartment in this building, fourth floor on the left. This is the front side of it. At the back there is a lawn. a few bushes and flowers. It was quite a large appartment and belonged to the company that I worked for. We were there for a couple of years, but eventually bought our own place in our village just along the main road. It was in the days when we both belonged to the work force.

Baselstrasse 27.01 (11)

This is a view of the back of the building, but currently everything is waiting for the growing time to arrive. My lawn is in the same state of growth, low with brown patches in between where the builder’s boots flattened everything. Today I will spread some grass seeds around as it is supposed to be a rainy day. I just have to hope that the sparrows do not decide that they have an extra meal.

At the moment I am waiting for the crows and magpies to arrive in front of my window for a few photos. I have to do the shooting through the window as they fly away when I go outside. The wonders of a zoom lens, if I get it to focus in the right place at the right time.

Today it looks like a lazy Sunday and I am not sure if I am going anywhere. Since havig my wheelchair I just like to get out and enjoy some fresh air. And now to the housewife hobby of the day, cooking lunch. I have red cabbage to prepare and a large piece of ham. The potatoes will later be prepared. Seems like the highlights of the day.

Have a good day/night and enjoy your Sunday.

Horses 27.01 (1)

This curious horse decided to have a look to see what I was doing with my camera. His pastures are  behind one of the local road railway stations, so you have to know where to look.