Photo Challenge: Weathered

Feldbrunnen village 28.03 (3)

We have stables in our village and you can have riding lessons. I have never bothered, my only interest in the horses being to take photos. The entrance to the path leading to the stables is guarded by two horses, on each side of the path. They have been there for many years and are both looking quite weathered.

Feldbrunnen village 28.03 (4)

Photo Challenge: Weathered

Daily Prompt: The Undulating Mountains of Norway

CEE Conference Oslo 1968 Safety Rules for Hand Tools

Sorry for the poor quality of the photo, but it was the pre digital days of photography, a camera with a film roll in 1968. I was in Norway, in Oslo to be exact. attending a CEE Conference for Safety Rules for Hand Tools. I have no idea what the CEE was actually, but I was working for a branch of the Robert Bosch Company in Switzerland, called Scintilla and they manufactured the hand tools for the Robert Bosch Company, like drills and jigsaws. I was the english secretary for the company and there was an international conference every year. For the Hand tools we had the chair. It was also pre computer days in the office and all minutes of meetings were still taken down by stenography, so I was the elected recorder of the proceedings.

I was up on the stage with an audience of about 2-300 men and with the various Swiss organisers. The proceedings were 5% in french and the rest in english. I filled up two notebooks with my strange signs which I had to transcribe when I returned to Switzerland. That is just a short summary about it all.

Up to now I had only seen the Norwegian country from the plane as we approached which seemed to be a vast forest of fir trees with houses in between. We had one free day where a trip was organised to the surrounding Norwegian mountains by train. Living in Switzerland I knew what a mountain is, but Norwegian mountains are something completely different.

CEE Conference Oslo 1968 Safety Rules for Hand Tools

We had an organised walkabout with the people attending the conference. The mountains look something like this when you are at the top or was it the top. We marched up the slope expecting to be at the top, which eventually was not the top but  there was another gentle slope downwards. You saw the next top to climb when you reached the bottom – of the slope of course. Yes this must be it. You climb to the next peak and can now look across the Norwegian country, perhaps even see the coast. No, nothing like it. You walked up to the top of the next slope and what did you see: another slope, the next slope. This must be it. After climbing and descending slopes for half an hour you realised that there were no peaks in Norway. You never reach the top, because there would be another slope hidden behind the one you have just conquered. It was all a delusion.

60 years later I still remember the never-ending journey, my opportunity to see the Norwegian mountains which were not mountains, just undulations. And here I am at the conference, a 21 year old secretary, discovering the mysteries of the Norwegian mountains which are not really mountains, just a length of undulating slopes.

CEE Conference Oslo 1968

Daily Prompt: The Undulating Mountains of Norway

Good Morning

Misty Morning

This morning was a very misty morning. Due to having a river running through it at the bottom of the path and the cold temperatures, we have mornings like this. I actually had to convert my photo to black and white, which is more realistic as my telephone camera had a blue sky on the photo. The mist will probably be gone in a couple of hours when we depart for the shopping tour.

Feldbrunnen village 09.01 (5)

Yeserday afternoon on my “walk” through the top part of the village, known as St. Niklaus,  up to the local castle I also noticed there was a faint mist over everything. I had the paths almost to myself and decided to try the route from the castle to the village church. It was a downhill run part of the way, but my trusty steed, the wheelchair, managed it easily.

Feldbrunnen village 09.01 (21)

Most villages seem to have their churches perched on a hill looking over everything. I must admit I have never actually been inside this church. It is Roman Catholic, as most village churches in our area, although there are also Swiss reform churches for the others as would be Mr. Swiss. I was christened Church of England, so that is somewhere between the two of them, but more in the catholic direction. We got married in the registry office is Switzerland to simplify matters. It was a quick ordeal, in a language that I did not really understand so well at the time, but I got a Swiss passport into the bargain afterwards. Today you no longer get the Swiss passport automatically but have to wait a couple of years to see if you stay or not. Today I have dual nationality, but my british passport is no longer valid, and I no longer really need it. My last journey to England was my father’s funeral and I no longer visit such far away places that incorporate a plane journey.

Feldbrunnen village 09.01 (13)

I travelled on and came to a fork in the country roads. On the right it branched off to the next village of Riedholz which is not far. Perhaps I might extend my trip one day, although this is a road with traffic and no sidewalks, so it could be a little precarious. I am becoming very daring in my wheelchair. At 10 kilometers and hour I would reach Riedholz in a matter of minutes.

Feldbrunnen village 09.01 (25)

On the return journey home I cut through the cemetery and noticed that the forest workers were still busy clearing away the remainders of the big storm last week. There were still smaller branches on the paths and this tree seemed to break under the force of the wind. There were a few machines standing around doing the removal work. One guy on a tractor was blocking my path, but when he saw me coming he moved out of the way.

In the meanwhile there are still Swiss villages in the Kanton of Valais cut off from the world, due to avalanches and snow like Zermatt.

The latest news is that Mr. Trump has decided to attend the WEF (World Economic Forum) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, later this year. I hope he will understand what it is all about and that he keeps his big mouth shut. I am sure he is only coming to check on his Swiss bank accounts, or perhaps there are golfing courses in Davos. Our presdent, Alain Berset, wants to meet him for some strange reason.

And now to move on, there are logistics to be organised for today’s shopping and an appartment to be hoovered and mopped. Stay safe, have a good day and make the most of it. The crows are gathering in our part of the world to keep an eye of things. I saw them as I was on the home run yesterday in the tree. I even made a stop and changed my camera lens to zoom in as they were on the other side of the main road.

Crows 09.01 (3)