Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: March 26, 2017

River Aar

Do not ask me. It is so odd, that even I did not have a clue. It was a pole next to a wooden hut and it lookes like there is a key hanging on it at the end – who knows.

Feldbrunnen to Subingen via Derendingen und Gerlafingen 23.03 (21)

Masts in a field in a place called Subingen. We had to pick up something in a store and whilst Mr. Swiss was busy I took a walk with a camera. Jura mountains in the background and some sort of electric pylons at the front, but I do not know what they are there for. Our telephone and television cables all go underground. Perhaps they are just there to take a photo.

Feldbrunnen 14.03 (7)

Looks like someone was have a clear out. If I had had the possibility, I would have taken a couple of armchairs, instead of just a photo.

Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: March 26, 2017

Daily Prompt: Symbiosis with my camera

And we have another one of those wonderful words with deep meaning, prompting me to write in symbiosis with WordPress, but I am not so sure it will work. After the initial shock of actually seeing the word, I decided to flee with my camera along the river bank. Ducks were non-existent. I have a feeling they have now met their partner for the season and are busy in symbiosis with each other, laying eggs and all that sort of thing.

I walked along the river bank, camera with symbiotic zoom lens draped around my body, to see if there was anything worth a photo or 2 or perhaps 20. I saw two swans appearing in the distance. Swans tend to live in symbiosis with the same partner all their life, so no big deal. I took my first shot as the come to sight around the bed in the river.

Swans 26.03 (14)

And then something struck me when I saw this photo. We all seem to live in symbiosis with something. I have a river with two swans, trees on the river bank and a farm in the background. The swans swim on the water and find their food in the river. The trees are a resting place for the birds, produce seeds which are eaten by most animal, sometimes humans if the nuts are edible, and they probably do something for the fresh air (am not an expert). So there we have it, a symbiotical photo.

And then I found my favourite bench and now was the time for me to get into symbiosis with the camera. In the meanwhile the swans had caught up with me and were on the opposite bank of the river.

Swans 26.03 (11)

I then got the swan show, for my symbiotic camera and that was all.

I was still searching for my lost hour’s sleep so decided to return home. There were a few cyclists on their way along the path and joggers doing their fitness tour.

Daily Prompt: Symbiosis with my camera

Good Morning


It is not really a very good morning. First of all I lost an hour’s sleep somewhere in the middle of the night and this morning the weather is dull, dismal and very unfriendly. I can only hope it will get better on the way. Yesterday we had to alter our clocks and turn them back an hour meaning that my beauty sleep is not what it should have been. I slept well, but would have slept an hour more had it not been for this stupid daylight saving time, or whatever it is called. What difference does it really make if I get longer daylight in the evening? The Brits are always an hour behind us Summer and Winter, because they change their clocks differently. I should know, I used to be a Brit and it seems we did everything differently to the rest of Europe.

Mr. Swiss was quite astonished to find me already up and no longer hugging my bed. If you cannot beat them join them. Just because I have lost an hour, it does not reduce my housewife duties and breakfast was calling. The Brits are celebrating mother’s day today,  which makes them again different to everyone else, as the rest of Europe celebrate it the first Sunday in May. I do not celebrate it just one day in the year, I live with it all the time. Being a mother for one Sunday in a year is not my thing.  I remember at home when dad would be getting nervous and buzzing around me making sure I would be giving mum a box of chocolates or something for mother’s day because mum was not happy if she got nothing. Of course I remembered it, the shops were full of reminders. Today we have Facebook full of mummy stuff, so how can we forget.

Yesterday was a day at home, as I had not time for anything else, but today I may take a walk this afternoon as who knows, the sun might break through and it can only get warmer.

At least the hyacinths are flowering in the garden to add a splash of colour on this grey day. And now to move on and try to forget my lost hour’s sleep. At least my WordPress appointments will again arrive at the normal time and not an hour earlier, although it is no big deal, I just wrote them an hour later.

Enjoy your Sunday
