Photo Challenge It is easy being green

Feldbrunnen 14.03 (18)

Although it is only the end of March, things are becoming quite green in our area in Switzerland. I live in the village of Feldbrunnen, at the foot of the first mountain range of the Jura mountains, which you can see in the background.

Last week the sun was shining, birds were singing and all that jazz and I went on a walking tour with my cane to the local castle Waldegg. It has been there since the 18th centuary and is surrounded by green throughout the Summer, only in Winter it can get a little white from ice and snow. This time I entered the castle, walked through the grounds,  and from the wall at the side took this photo looking down onto the surroundings. There was a tree in front of where I was taking the photo, but I decided it belonged there to give me a foreground to the background.

Photo Challenge:  It is easy being green

Daily Prompt: Acceptance – a way of life

Altersheim & Church Baselstrasse 21.03.2017

Nice building, who knows, just around the corner with an attached church. It could not be better for a senior residence. I drive past often during the week when we go shopping. Only this morning I saw there  was a delivery a van full of minteral water parked outside. Yes, they look after the residents, but that is only one senior  residence, there is another one just 5-10 minutes away: more modern, even with a café for non residents. You are never isolated from the others. Just because you are a golden oldie, it does not mean that you have to only be with golden oldies. Who knows, one day perhaps ……..

Yes another depressing daily prompt. There is no question of acceptance. Was I accepted when I arrived in Switzerland by the Swiss folk? Of course not. Their food was not english style and their way of life was not english. They had different laws and even the people were different. Of course they were human beings, but what I did as a natural reaction, was not for the Swiss natural. I had to get used to them and do it the way the Swiss did it to be accepted. I am not going into details, because I am not writing a psychological treatise on the difference between the two nations. Suffice it to be said that the Swiss were not waiting for me. I was an innocent young 20 year old wanting to show the Swiss how good the british are, but they were not impressed. They showed me how to do it the Swiss way, and I learnt to accept their ways. They did not have to accept mine, as it was their country.

It is now 30 years later, and I have a Swiss passport, a Swiss husband and even my kids are Swiss because I never bothered to check whether they could become British. The possibility was there, but I was integrated in the Swiss way of life in the meanwhile. Of course I found there were british things that were better, but we were a Swiss family and who am I to change the Swiss Way of life.

It was only when I returned to England for a holiday that I realised I was not longer British. My collegaues were talking of the latest british news. On the TV only the talk was of british affairs, nothing international. Swiss TV and radio were always full of what was happening in other countries. Probably because they did not have enough own news to fill the programme.

Discussions about a new line in the local supermarket for meat pies or sausages and bread were the brtish subject of the conversation. My dad belonged to the older genration and he was constantly asking if we have this or that TV programme. I had to explain we have our own programmes, spoken in our language. He was under the impression that the whole world was endeavouring to lead a british way of life, beause it was so perfect.  I remember when he visited us in Switzerland and we would eat in a restaurant. It was not his usual food, but he summarised it all with the words “they like that sort of thing”. I asked him who “they” were, but never got a clear answer. It was as it we were from another planet.

My british colleagues asked me about my way of life, but I gave up. I noticed in their tone of conversation, they really felt sorry for me having to endure life in a different country. How did I manage with the food? Did I miss the good old fish and chips, meat pies etc. . The Swiss eat veal we heard. The Swiss tend to eat fish with boiled potato, we have our own way of cooking meat pie and it is not a Swiss speciality, but I never missed it, I did not even like it. As far as veal is concerned, the english seem to have a thing about veal. It is meat like any other. Veal is from baby cows and lamm is from baby sheep which the english love. What is the difference?

Acceptance is no problem for me, because I make an effort to understand and am always happy to learn something new.

About a year ago MS was diagnosed for me. I accepted it as I had no choice and I am learning its ways. What is the point of collapsing in despair. The illness will not go away and I have to learn to live with it. If our tax increases or sickness insurance (which it will), I have to accept. I even have a nice senior citizens home around the corner, what could be better.

Daily Prompt: Acceptance – a way of life

Good Morning

Roadworks Feldbrunnen 21.03 (1)

Remember the film “Poltergeist”?. One of the remaining phrases that stuck with me was “They’re here” and so I was reminded of this yesterday when I decided to take a walk. We had building work on our road to make it better, nicer and fantastic, for half a year and it was finished at the end of last year. We could cross the road again, the chickens had been waiting impatiently. Mr. Swiss did tell me we have yet received another notification about roadwork to improve even more on what has been done. I was puzzled, I only want to cross the road, not more or less.

And so as I approached my important crossing, only at the end of a short path, they had returned, the red signs had re-appeared. There were men digging holes in the road. Of course, no problem, just an extra 5 minutes to get to the next crossing and walk back on the other side. It seems the road is now too wide and will be narrowed. I thought roads should be wide enough, but perhaps the pattern did not fit in the Swiss road pattern. It makes no difference to our driving situation, as we enter and leave the village further down the road, but my walking situation is again disturbed. I think they have too much money in the till and have to use it up. Almost forgot to draw your attention to the fact that work is being done in the usual efficient way: one man digging and two making sure he is digging correctly.

Waldegg 21.03 (1)

Undaunted, I continued on my way, across the road and turning left past the stables towards the cemetery. I also managed to get a shot of the castle from a slightly different angle. I had my normal lens on the camera, which served its purpose well as I managed to get the complete castle on the photo. In the background the first chain (there are seven) of the Jura mountains.

I also took a few shots of the horses as I walked past.

Horses 21.03 (2)

This one was standing behind his “real fence” which was under electricity. They all are. They had too many problems of people wanting to feed the horses, which is actually a risky job. Either the horses decided to taste human flesh instead of biting into the apple, or they were being fed the wrong things. The fence is now there to keep the humans out and not the horses in.

Horses 21.03 (7)

The pony was also there. He is available for children’s rides. Actually I could even have riding lessons at the stables, but I decided that belonging to the ministry of silly walks was enough for me, and horse riding would not be my thing.

It was a pleasant walk and I was proud to be able to reach the cemetery again which is a little further. There were more benches than visitors at the cemetery which suited me very well. I crossed the main road to get home, avoiding the roadworks.

Today is a day of shopping, Mr. Swiss said something about a shopping list, so I will let him get on with it. I have again lost my notifications on my telephone. I know where to go to re-organise it, just a small adaptation, but I cannot remember what I did the last time. I think it now might be working, but it is too early in the morning to discover if action is available as over the pond they are all sleeping. I have compared my iPhone setting with my iPad and everything should now be OK. Oh, the problems of a cyber golden oldie are endless. Mr. Swiss gave me some advice, but his advice is close it down and re-open it again, which is not exactly the solution I need. He is now busy with the Dyson so I will ot disturb him, as priorities must be set in life.

Enjoy the day, already the middle of the week. Time flies when you are having fun on the computer.

St. Katharinen Friedhof 21.03 (4)
Stream running through the cemetery