Daily Prompt: My Walking Controversies

I do not have conroversies with others. After 48 years with Mr. Swiss we just agree to disagree now and again, but no great problems. Life would be boring if we would have the same opinion all the time, and so now and again one of us might say or do someting that the other does not do or say – that’s life thank goodness.

My controversies are self made, my very own and at the moment I have a big one – for me.


One of my pasttimes is photography, nothing special, just a little enjoyment. My first camera, on the right, was my Nikon 7000 which was fine, but on the heavy side. After a few years I realised that going on a photo safari for me was strenuous, so I got myself a smaller Nikon, the 3000: a lighter basic camera and less heavy to carry. I also have many lens of different lengths and sizes. for a shooting (how I hate that word because there are Swiss photographers that use it, thinking is is a great english word to use) I have to decide in advance what I will need for a lens and what to take with me.

I kept my macro lens on the Nikon 7000 as I only really used it in the garden for flowers and insects. However I noticed that during the Winter I did not need the macro lens, so have now removed it and put the “normal lens” on that camera and have my zoom lens on my Nikon 3000. I seem to be changing lens all the time in any case, but that is part of the fun and Nikon have a good system.

Before you want to tell me to get a camera that does it all, it is not necessary. My camera walks are not longer than half an hour and are usually accompanied with a bench in between (caused by MS), so I really do not want to carry more than one lens with me, it is not worth it. If I walk locally, one lens is OK, and if I go further it is usually with the car and Mr. Swiss comes as well, so I have a helper and I can plan in advance which lens to take.

My problem is the summer months when I travel light without pockets in a jacket to carry things. My camera hangs over my body, no problem. I can also now shoot with one hand, which is necessary when walking with a cane. Without pockets anywhere, how do I take my mobile phone with me and my key. At the moment I am still wearing my longer trousers, and they have no pockets. They are stretch, very comfortable and my favourite sort to wear. As soon as bermuda weather arrives, it will be less of a problem, as my bermudas have pockets.

The controversay has now arrived, but I am gradually getting the solution.

Holder for iPhone

Some time ago I ordered a holder for my mobile phone. It has an arm band and so I found it would be handy when taken a walk, but I have never used it, because there was always a pocket somewhere. After a search I found it and have decided this is the ideal solution. I am now carry the camera on a strap across the body, and the mobile phone will be clipped around my arm in the holder. Now the key problem, but here I have also found the solution. I will organise one of those straps for around the neck and I am ready to go. There will be no need to organise anything, we have such a key holder tells me Mr. Swiss. Since at least 10 years it has been hanging where the coats are and no-one has ever used it.

I am now ready to go, no more controversies between the camera, the mobile phone or my key. I do not need my purse as there is nowhere to spend money on my walks.

Daily Prompt: My Walking Controversies

Good Morning

First Daffodil

It’s here, the first daffodil of the year has arrived and opened up with a few more to follow. I have had my eye on it for the past week and now it has arrived to tell us that Spring is here, almost. Today it is the first rainy day for a while, but it does not bother me. Now and again the garden needs rain to encourage the growth. Easter is just around the corner according to the supermarket, and the shelves are already full of chocolate eggs and easter bunnies, although there are still a couple of weeks to go.

When I paid at the cash desk the lady asked if I was collecting stickies. I am always ready to collect. She told me they were for plush easter bunnies. I decided to say no. I already have 7 plush easter bunnies collected from the last two years and have no room for the three specials of this year, which look exactly the same as last year. They have to hurry, after all the next feast for 1st August, Swiss National Day, is just around the corner and then the daffodils will long be a thing of the past.

River Aar 17.03 (3)

I took a walk along the river yesterday to make the most of the weather, but even the ducks and swans seemed to have disappeared. My favourite bench was also occupied. After a ten minute walk along the banks of the river I like to take a rest there for 5-10 minutes to take a few photos and to gather energy before climbing the stairs to  return to the village. Now and again there is someone else sitting on the bench, it does not belong to me, and I ask politely and can sit and often come into a conversation with my bench partner.

Yesterday I was annoyed. A middle aged man was relaxing on the bench. He was laying full length, leaving no space for anyone else. He had his hat pulled down over his eyes and was sleeping. I was disgusted. The next bench was too far away for me, so missed out my camera stop due to his selfishness and ignorance, and climbed the stairs to the top, where luckily there was another bench, and empty with no selfish, thoughtless people. Perhaps I am getting grouchy in my golden oldie years, but I was annoyed. I should have taken his photo for all to see here (and my crossposting on Facebook).

When I arrived home, the second annoyance appeared. I noticed this week that some kids had been drawing with  chalk on the paving in front of the path to where we live. Kids will be kids, it is not nice, but the rain washes it away. Our neighour saw the kids with their adult and said they should do their drawings in their own part of the estate, which was not so far and had ample space. Yesterday when I approach our path there was a 4-5 year old again drawing with her chalk on the ground and her grandfather or whatever, was helping. As I approached my path, she stretched out both her arms and told me it was forbidden to walk further. I was annoyed to say the least and said “I happen to live here, please move”. Her grandfather or whatever said “I live here too”. I thought if the adults are ignorant, then the kids are as well. I had never seen this golden oldie, and I knew he did not live where I lived, probably further down the path in the other direction. It was not a very good walk yesterday.

I have decided to stay at home today and keep out of harm’s way. I will send Mr. Swiss on a quest for the forgotten shopping from yesterday, although we seem to have everything.

In the meanwhile have a good week-end, see you on the flip side some time later.