Good Morning

I am a little later this morning, but have arrived, although probably will not stay long. It is a rainy morning and my birds were searching for more food, but my food supplies are now at an end and they really now have to find their own supplies. I had contact with my son this morning and he informed me that he now has notification that he will be vaccinated at the end of April and in May. He is now 47 and also has diabetes, like his mum, so has got higher on the list. He lives in Kanton Schaffhausen which borders on Germany and they are making good progress with their vaccinations.

However there is always fresh water available for them.

Yesterday was a Sunday at home and a Harry Potter marathon two-films based on the book Deadly Hallows. Now I have seen them all and will really have to catch up on the last two books.

I will be at home today, no interest in going anywhere. I should really give my orchids some water and fertiliser. It is still a little too cold to put them outsdie, but they are making growing attempts and I am sure there will be some new flowers eventually. There are some strange stalks growing on them with a few leaves. I sometimes wish I could be more active in my garden, but it is difficult for me to plant anything on ground level.

And I will now move on – a short message today, but even we golden oldies have our daily programme.

Look after yourselves and may the week’s beginning hold no unwanted surprises.