RDP Wednesday; Awakening

A beautiful sunny afternoon, at last a chance to sit outside on the porch and enjoy the sun’s rays in a comfortable chair. However, it seems my shoice of chair, in the best place, belonged to somoneone else. I now had to decide. Should I move the neighbour’s cat to another place or take the other chair which was in the corner away from the benefits of the sun. I had three cats myself and my last cat went to the enternal corn chambers to hunt mice a couple of years ago, so this was not a rare occurance. I suppose what goes around comes around and I was reminded of my Tabby and how she would always take my chair. However, I moved the chair which lead to moving the cat. No problem, he found another comfortable place, in my garden of course.

RDP Wednesday: Awakening

Good Morning

If there is a sun in the morning sky, then the day starts well. Yesterday we even had some warmth and everything being well, today will also be filled with some Spring warmth. Yesterday I was probably being famous for not being here. Tuesday morning is filled with cleaning lady work which gives me a different routine and yesterday there was a delivery from my online supermarket.

This was the main reason for my absence. I had a large piece of pork that I like to slice and freeze which keeps me going for a couple of months now and again for a meal. Although I do have a good carving knife, it is not always as sharp as it should be. I then vacuum pack the pieces with my machine which means sealing the plastic and withdrawing the air and that takes time. After the task was completed I signed the date and type of meat and transferred it to my freezer chest in the storage room in the cellar. This took more time that I had bargained for. I then had a meal to cook and generally organise my apartment. I was finished and it was already time to eat, so there was no spare time left to write anything. I also had other groceries to organise. I discovered that one item was missing, not included in my order. It was nothing life saving, as I had a reserve in my freezer, but I had to compose a mail to the supermarket telling them and that is not the easiest task for me writing German. Speaking is one thing, no problem, but making no German grammatical mistakes in writing is something else. With a little help from Mr. Swiss the task was done and later in the afternoon the supermarket wrote apologising and deducting the cost from my online payment. I was glad as can never be sure whether I had perhaps mislaid the item myself.

In the good Spring weather I decided that an excursion into town would be ideal. I had to get cigarettes for Mr. Swiss and there were a few interesting offers at the local store that I cannot order online. On the way I passed our old moat and saw that the youth of the town were now making the most of the good weather with a kickabout. It is so good to see that there is some action in town again.

The outside of the restaurants are also again open although it is still not possible to sit inside. Covid is still a threat and being careful is still a rule of life. It was good to see that our town was again springing to lifel

I also noticed that a small protection against the bright sun had been constructed for the guys that were looking after our vaccination station. I suppose it is good to be vaccinated in an old building like our old riding school which is otherwise used for music functions or meetings of official organisations. Now it is occupied by doctors jabbing the vaccine. How life can change. We have now been living with the Covid curse for a little more than a year and it will probably continue for another year.

I naturally had a look around in the town to see if there was anything new, although a town originating from the Romans and their followers is mainly under building protection. At the moment part of our cathedral is being repaired and has a scaffolding surrounding the tower. I wonder what our statues think about that.

Life was otherwise continuing as ever. The busses are still arriving at out main square just outside the walls and everyone travelling in them are wearing their masks which is still law in busses and trains. I only wear mine when I enter the supermarket as I find out in the fresh air I do not need them. I am a vaccinated golden oldie.I have a normal average mask in pale blue, nothing special, but I noticed my cleaning lady has one in black which she gets in another store. I found that quite a sophisticated colour and she will be bringing me a pack the next time she visits.

I arrived home with my supermarket quests and still had some time for relaxing with my computer. It is good to get out now and again and I really enjoyed my journey.

Today is a day at home, with nothing special planned although you never know what might turn up. If the weather stays good I will be outside on the porch in the sun in the afternoon. I leave you with a view of our museum park showing itself in it finest Spring dress. I usually wheel through it on my way to the store.