FOTD 3rd July 2020: Campanula


A couple of days ago I discovered this plant growing in my garden, actually there are two others but the buds have not yet opened. I remember there was a special theme early in the year where the supermarket was giving away packets of seeds and other gardening objects for points you would collect. The seed packets were free and I was spreading them all over the garden. I now realise that this is the product of one of the sorts we were given. I must say it is really looking good. I took the photo this morning with my iPhone camera and perhaps got a little too close. It seems to be a so-called campanula. I just noticed that even a bee similar insect was approaching.

FOTD 3rd July 2020: Campanula

FOWC with Fandango: Gadget


Nothing escapes my eyes when I take a wheelie with a camera, be it just my mobile phone or a genuine camera. As I was on the way to town I wheeled along the path next to the local railway and where it eventually widened out for the road crossing I notice this big yellow object on one side.

I decided to approach it for a closer inspection and discovered the inscription in German meaning Track Construction. Does this mean that yet again our railway tracks again will be replaced? I can imagine the noise during the night all through the Summer. It is always a nocturnal job as the trains do not operate during the night.

FOWC with Fandango: Gadget

RDP Friday: Layoff

18.01 (69)

I wheel past this derelict kiosk in the underpass below one of our crossroads when going into town. It was once a thriving kiosk with newspapers, magazines, cigarettes, candies/sweets and all the rest of the stuff belonging to a kiosk. About 20 years ago it was closed. We never really understood why, there were always customers. Most probably it was a question of money.

Today I had a surprise when I saw it had been opened again. It even looked quite clean and had been organised to look like a shop.


Inside it was sparkling clean, all in white and there was a guy organising the shelves. There was also a lady that seem to be the person in charge. I was trying to guess what it might be and saw various boxes and packing that might be handy for a cake shop. I asked the lady and she said it was going to be part of the Zart Exhibition 2020 which I had not heard about, although I did notice that some strange artistic objects were appearing in town. The link is even in English, probably for the few tourists that might arrive. I asked if it would be OK to take a photo and she answered with an enthusiastic yes.  I am now hoping that our old neglected kiosk will be revived and awakened to new life, although it is probably only for the time of the exhibition.

RDP Frida: Layoff

Good Morning


A cloudy morning today, but at least it did not rain during the night and it is also not raining now. I think the day will develop into a sunny one. It is a relaxed Friday today with the normal morning chores. This week my son’s bed is on the rota for refreshing with clean sheets, so I can leave him to it. I am in a tidying mood at the moment, although not too extreme. My porch now looks better after I cleared away the various objects laying under the table. I have even organised my watering cans, meaning filling them with water with the various sorts of fertiliser I have: one for cactus, one for my potted calla and one for the rest. Plants also need food now and again.  I now have the garden cupboard to finish. I began a week ago and did half of it. Now I have to tidy the other half to make it uncomfortable for a new mouse home during the colder days. I had two living there last Winter, and did they make a mess.


Yesterday I did an hour’s tour of our part of the village. I did not want to go far, and had no shopping to do in town. At the end of the path we have a meadow reserved for a few cows. I was not sure if they had returned this year, but they were there. They used to be the only cows in the village with real horns, but it seems that this year the farmer had decided they should remain hornless.


It’s a shame really, a cow is not so interesting without its horns. The reason is apparently they can be dangerous and harm each other. I find it ridiculous. Human finger nails can also be dangerous if the grow too long and sharp, but we do not remove them at birth, so why remove the horns on the calves before they even start to grow. We once had a national vote in Switzerland, a referendum, that the cows should be allowed to keep their horns. I voted yes, but unfortunately the majority did not, so we still have many hornless cows.


Trees are flowering everywhere at the moment and I noticed this strange tree yesterday. I naturally did a search for the name and it is apparently a bottlebrush buckeye, another tree not really common to our country.

Our statistics for corona virus reached another bump in the levels yesterday and this time the cause was one of the towns in our Kanton. Apparently a group met in a restaurant and one of them had the virus, the result being that the daily statistic for Switzerland increased to more than 100 new infections and there are 300 in isolation being tested.  Sometimes I think if it were not for the stupidity of the people the virus could be kept more in check. A week ago we had an average of 20 new cases daily. and now this.

And now to move on to my vacuum cleaner and mop for some occupational therapy. Keep well and safe everyone. I leave you with a view I saw yesterday on my wheelie through the village over our local countryside.

Landscapes Feldbrunnen south 02.07 (1)