FOWC with Fandango: Arbitrary


It is quite unpredictable what people decide to do in our town. These two ladies are standing at the window all day. Perhaps they are looking to see if their partners are coming home, but all day. The funny thing is that they never move, as if they were fixed to the spot. The only thing that might change are the clothes they are wearing, but their positions remain as if their limbs were fixed, immovable.

FOWC with Fandango: Arbitrary

RDP Friday: Project


I am still fascinated by this white newly decorated old kiosk which was actually closed seven years ago in the underpath as you go into town. It has now been re-opened in the name of Zarte, a current artistic happening in our town. I was passing through yesterday and got into a conversation with the young man that seems to be responsible. The complete design in in white and all the articles are white, so I asked him what the idea was behind it.

He laughed and asked me what I thought would be the big idea. The only thing that came to my mind was something to do with washing powder making everything white. He then explained that although it was an art concept, it was also at attempt to bring the closed kiosk back to life again and arise interest in the population. I remember it being a kiosk and he told me that it was closed because it was simply not making any turnover, very people visited it. He said since the exhibition he has three people that have interest in doing something with it, but nothing concrete. He found the best idea would be a bar and I told him we have enough bars in our town, and in the corona days it would not be a good idea. And so he asked me for my ideas. Of course I had none at that time, but told him I would think about it now that I know that it might lead somewhere.

He said he would be there until September, so I would have plenty of time. In the meanwhile the young man is taking photos and mounting on some of the lamps in the underground passage.


Here is one of them, and it certainly adds interest to the underpath. He also took a photo through the mirror of my wheelchair with a reflection of the kiosk, but it has not  yet been mounted on the lamp. In the meanwhile at least there is something of interest in the old kiosk which had mostly become an opportunity for various graffiti designs.

Baselstrasse Tunnel 12.11.2018

The new place is behind the grey blinds which are now at last raised again after seven years.

RDP Friday: Project

Good Morning


This was an hour ago and now it is raining. Looks like the clouds won against the blue sky because now everything is 50 shades of grey with some lumps and bumps. I do not mind so much, it is still warm enough to sit outside on the porch which is covered and protected.

I am mobile again with my wheelchair and at last could escape into town for my shopping. I had a few items to catch up on after my shopping drought for three days and was actually glad to get out again and enjoy a change in scenery. My wheelchair performed well with the new battery and I was full power with the journey. Just a few seconds at the end one of my two green lights almost disappeared which is really no problem after 3-4 kilometres to and fro and circling in the store, but I am now on full power again. The wheelchair man found it is not necessary to load fully again, but I am on my way today and want to be sure. I was going to the local store, and would have had enough power to get there and back most probably, but have decided in the meanwhile to go into town again for the rest shopping. Mr. Swiss also has something to pick up at the chemists.


It was a pleasant afternoon yesterday and our buildings were showing their best side. Here I managed to capture the cathedral front and the Jesuit church on the right. I do not think that we have many Jesuits now, a church from the olden days, but I have often visited concerts there, mainly when No. 2 son was a member of the boys choir before his voice decided to break. He then progressed from church songs to the drinking songs of the student group and I hear that he still sings his children into sleep. I am sure they are the only toddlers that know all the the drinking songs of the students.


When I go to the store I leave the town centre and its bumpy cobble stones and arrive at the next square with smoother runnings. There used to be quite a picturesque fountain in the middle, but it has now been replaced by this modern form of water games: spouts of water in the middle of the square It is also the place where busses are allowed as in town there is reduced traffic. I am allowed to circulate of course with my wheelchair and will also be able to enter with my scooter and even park there. This square is the place where you see most masked people usually, as it is law to wear one when boarding a bus, although yesterday there were not so many bus customers.

I was glad to be back in town in the store as I needed to replenish a few food items and had nothing for the coming week-end. I had not even made a plan of what to eat, but am now half way there. Mr. Swiss was also on his way in town to the dentist for a final treatment and can now smile again. He used the opportunity to get himself a new iPhone, the latest edition of iPhone 11. I have iPhone 11 for some time and just love its camera. Mr. Swiss is now a happy bunny and is still organising the various features. The camera has only one small improvement as opposed to my older model, and that is the frame which now includes more. He said I can used his camera, but I told him it would be of no great use for me as my camera is linked to two photo apps, Flickr and Google, and the photos are uploaded direct for use. Anyhow he is happy with his new toy and that is the main thing.


On may way home I noticed that the local castle was really looking good from the road. They now have two mobile chicken coops, more like self contained flats with all mod cons. They can lay their eggs in peace and quiet and cluck to their little feathery hearts content. Unfortunately the coops are movable and now in not a very good place for my chair, very bumpy and stony on a side path. However when I have my scooter I can park nearer and walk the next few steps with my walker which will be attached to the scooter for some photos.

I am now on my way with a few chores to deal with and hope to have time to iron the freshly laundered bed linen. I fought with the beds yesterday to re cover them. and again won the battle.

Have a good day, enjoy it and don’t forget to wash your hands, wear your mask if necessary and generally keep away from the others at a good distance. Corona is just waiting for a change to pounce.
