Good Morning

We are getting spoilt. Another wonderful sun shining through the trees and a promise of another warm day. I even watered the garden this morning to make sure that my plants are all happy with wet feet Somehow it does not seem logical after the monsoon days we had, but it can dry out quickly, so better to be safe.

Our wild meadow opposite the garden has made the most of the rain of course and I have never seen it look so wonderful. Many of the various plants are almost waist high and I am tall. We usually keep the meadow until mid June to make sure the seeds will be left in the earth for next year. Afterwards it is mowed down and the grass is dried for next year’s hay for the animals in the surrounding farms.

We had a bit of excitement in town yesterday although I only got the news from various videos on Youtube and my son who happened to be in town. A demonstration was announced earlier as certain elements in the population were not happy with the way the government was handling the Covid situation and a few other things. The police had warned that there would be repercussions. A handful of people demonstrated with words, but no real danger to anyone and the police force of our Kanton combined with Bern were organised. It was by far exaggerated. My son was stopped by the police and asked from where he came, but that was all thank goodness. They transported a few of the demonstrators up in a police van, but it was really not necessary. We have a small market town and it seemed that there were more police in the streets that normal citizens. Sometimes you can really overdo it all. Somehow I now wish I had gone into town to take a few photos and see some action.

All this did not bother our local catwatch. Roschti made himself comfortable in the garden for a quiet sleep.

And the bees made themselves busy in the better weather finding a few empty rooms in the insect hotel for the youngsters. They have growing families and want to make sure that they get a good start in life.

I made myself busy baking an Italian foccacia bread to go with the evening meal of chilli. It really turned out well. It was my first time and so easy to make. Just mix the flour, some olive oil and yeast diluted in warm water and leave the pastry to rise for an hour. Then divide it into two and roll it flat and long. Bake for 20 minutes and you have a nice fresh warm foccacia bread. I will definitely do it again, perhaps to accompany cold cuts in the evening, but then I will add the rosemary needles before baking which is the original Italian was of doing it. They would not have matched with the chilli yesterday.

Today is an easy lunch to cook, some boiled ham and a red cabbage with potato. Otherwise I have no big plans for today, just another lazy golden oldie day at home.

And now to move on. Enjoy the Sunday, Monday comes soon enough. I have a shopping list to complete for my online delivery on Tuesday which will already be the first day in June. Half a year already gone, how time flies.

10 thoughts on “Good Morning

    • Also a nice sunny day here today, so I am sitting on the porch outside with my computer. It is a very good bread. I bake almost all my own bread now. I have a good time table for it and it is really no great problem. The foccacia is an Italian bread, something like a pizza without the toppings, and thicker. I made mine with pizza flour which worked very well.

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  1. Great photos … the bread recipe sounds pretty simple .. we will have to try it … enjoy your beautiful clear sky for this Spring morning in your part of Switzerland … we are having very cold weather .. down in the 50’s (Fahrenheit …) … fortunately we did not go to the beach where I am sure with the ocean breeze it is even colder. But perhaps tomorrow, which is Memorial Day .. our national day of remembrance for our deceased veterans … it will finally warm up … have a great weekend. SLP …

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is a very simple bread, but is a flatter sort of bread. We have great summery weather today with a light breeze – quite warm. We have no beaches in Switzerland as we have no oceans, but we do have lakes. The Brits are no celebrating a weekend bank holiday until Monday. They call everything a bank holiday. We had this holiday last week for Whitsun.


  2. Good Morning!
    I googled the demonstration, and it looked weird to see several police officers in the same town where you get so many idyllic pictures. I could not read about it without translating it. Some seem to protest masks and vaccinations.

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