RDP Tuesday: Candle


Isn’t this a beautiful view, at least it is for me. It is Christmas Eve and in Switzerland, as many countries in Europe, it is the day when it all starts with the celebrations. I seem to be getting sentimental in my Golden Oldie years and have again discovered the nice side of it all. Even if you do not believe, like myself, you can still savour the various aspects: decorations, food, and above all family connections.

I have received Christmas cards from the remains of my English family, and also from friends in Switzerland, each one a delight. There are perhaps not so many, but as we get older unfortunately we diminish in numbers.

However, let’s look on the bright side. We do not have a big family get together on Christmas Eve or Day, just the local part. It will just be Mr. Swiss, No. 1 son and me. No. 2 son is on the other side of Switzerland and his wife comes from even further away in Germany, so we will only be seeing them later.

We gave up Christmas gifts a few years ago, but the thought counts, and of course my two grandchildren do not get forgotten. As I get older I begin to discard the attachments I have collected on my way through life. One of my hobbies is photography and on the way I have quite a collection of cameras and lens, but you can only take a photo with one camera and lens, so I began to sort it all out. I have now given one of my cameras to son No. 2 with two accompanying lens. It is a Nikon camera that I have used, and a very good one, but since buying my bigger and better camera, it has been somewhat cast aside.

On his last visit as he was leaving, I gave it to him at the last moment, but did not have so much time to explain everything. In the meanwhile the photography virus has packed him. He has the instructions and decided to go about it all quite professionally with manual applications. I have heard he is taking photos everywhere at the moment, discovering all the possibilities. Today I received the photo as above taken just  before sunrise today in his garden. He even gave me the shutter speed and the aperture f stop he applied. He said he put the camera on a surface to keep it steady for the second he needed for the photo. What a wonderful gift that photo was for Christmas. No. 2 son has a new interest.

It might not be a candle, but my day has been illuminated by this photo.

RDP Tuesday: Candle

22 thoughts on “RDP Tuesday: Candle

  1. Truly the best Xmas present is to be able to share knowledge with and, even better, be the instigator of a new hobby with someone you care about. That is a lovely story and I wish your son well with his photography.
    Like you, I’m a non-believer but I derive great happiness from the Christmas holidays whether it’s in the colourful decorations, the tinsel, the bauble laden trees, or the smiles on most people’s faces – I even like the carols as I manage to avoid them in shops having done most of my shopping earlier. And I shall shortly be leaving to join my goddaughter and her family for a lovely Christmas meal, but not turkey. This year I have a choice of beef fillet or Weiner Schnitzel followed by lemon posset! I’m not able to help with serving meals to the homeless though, but the younger members are doing their bit and my help is merely financial. After Christmas I shall make more efforts to use my voice to make my government feel more responsible for this. Happy New Year to you.

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    • I was so happy and surprised to see how No. 2 son was getting interested in the world of photography and he is doing well at it.
      I can only endorse your non believer ideas, although would be glad when I would not have to Organise so much alone. Mr. Swiss is now 80 years old and also had his mobility problems. We had beef filet yesterday for the Christmas Eve meal which is our big day in switzerland, and had veal steaks today in a morilles cream sauce. Now for a relaxing afternoon.

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