FOWC with Fandango: Awesome


Awesome is a word overused often. It is not a word that was used so much in my british days, and some seem to classify everything as awesome. I just say that a view of the Bernese Alps from my Swiss village is awesome enough.


And the stork that chose to build its nest on the chimney of our town’s concert hall: not only awesome but expensive in Winter when they have to remove a ton of material so that the heating functions as it should.

FOWC with Fandango: Awesme

Good Morning


A beautiful morning this morning and now I have at last dealt with everything and am taking a pause at the computer. Tuesday is cleaning lady day, but this morning I had an extra visitor and I engaged the gardener to come along and deal with a few things in the garden, mainly my hedges needed cutting.


Here he is busy at work. this was an hour ago, and he is still cutting hedges, but now in the front garden. The lady that designed my garden also paid a visit and everything is looking good.

Pineapple Weed, May Weed

She also managed to solve the mystery of this strange plant. I thought it might be yarrow but nothing so special. It is a so-called pineapple weed or mayweed and resembles chamomile. The expert said it would be better to have it removed, otherwise it will probably spread its seeds everywhere.


My Asian peonies are also now flowering. They are not filled and are a great attraction to the bees.

My cleaning lady has now departed and the gardener is clearing away the remains of the hedge cuttings, so this afternoon will be a peaceful one, I hope. I might take a wheelie somewhere. The weather experts said that we would be getting storms and heavy rain yesterday, but nothing so far. Yesterday afternoon it got quite windy and overcast and I even had a few raindrops on the car window, but it was a short appearance and today we are back to summer weather.


And I had a little visitor in my garden yesterday perching on one of my herbs. I very rarely see ladybirds, perhaps I might get more of them now. Luckily the slugs are keeping away. We have had dry weather and perhaps they are not so good at climbing to my raised beds.

And now to take a rest after all the morning stress. The gardener has gone, but will be back this afternoon for a few small jobs. Have a good day and enjoy.
