Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Looking Down at Things

Geese 16.02 (16)

Looking down at things is a habit these days, as I can no longer get down and get up again. Anyhow this goose obliged whilst digging to find what was down in the earth.

River Aar 14.02 (14)

When I reach the bench at the top of the 70 stairs from the bank of the River Aar, I always take a rest and time for a photo. I always hope for the clear day, when I can see the Bernese alps in the distance, but that can wait for later.

River Aar 14.02 (12)

Looking down onto the stones on the riverbed, with the reflection of the trees on the opposite bank.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Looking Down at Things

One Word Challenge: Escape

Feldbrunnen to Solothurn 17.02 (7)

At last the end could be seen, an escape from the darkness of the depths. We survived. It was a difficult job negotiating the twists and turns and avoiding other competitors, but we found the path. Not quite – there was a barrier to overcome, but our secret pass raised the metal bar. Just a small hill and the sun rays hit the front window of the car as we were on the road to freedom. Another obstacle overcome, yes, we did it.

One Word Challenge: Escape

Daily Prompt: Hideout? What’s that?


First of all you need something to hide from. Mr. Swiss? But after 48 years of marriage there is nothing left to hide.

Computer timeHe has his little corner of the computer world in our home and I have mine. His corner is a corridor away, so what could  possibly go wrong. I leave him to his devices and he lets me get on with mine. There are times when the sun is shining and the birds are singing and I realise there is another world out there, and so I may take a walk. He remains in his hideout, or might read a book. That’s the life of a golden oldie couple. We do not hide, we just do our own thing.

If we really need human contact we can talk to each other. I might not be listening, might not hear him from his hideout and this can also be the other way. We both have those mobile phones, so we could always call each other: although to such dire straits we have not yet progressed.

I never lived in a world of hideouts. I grew up in a house row. The house was built at a time when you could be glad to have a roof over your head, no bathroom and toilet in the garden. Rooms were small, not many, and if you wanted to hide you could not. The walls had ears and there were no secrets, as there were no places to hide the secrets. I had my own bedroom, but as mum would say if she were still with us today, there is not enough room to swing a cat – not that cat swinging was some sort of hobby.

I remember as a kid that I hid from men with moustasches. That was one of those silly kid things and I do not why, because I am married to a three day beard or whatever. If mum had a visit from a man with a moustache (I remember Uncle Frank had one) I would dive under the next bed and not come out until he was gone. Actually Uncle Frank was a nice guy, but he had a moustache. And believe me those beds in the old days were not the best places to hide, they were the birthplace of dust bunnies, beause mum probably did not want to kill them.

Memory Sticks

Today’s hideouts look more like this. We call them “memory sticks” because they are the secret memories of our computers. Computers are a dangerous species. Even if they die a painful death, their secrets can still be discovered on the hard disk if you have the knowhow and instruments to  unlock them. There are cyberspies everywhere. some even have a name like “Facebook” or “Google”, but perhaps you have secrets that you want everyone to know. I am running a risk at blogging, because it does not really belong to me, but the thousands (millions?) of people that follow them and read them daily.

And then there is the progressive state where the financial  business is done on the computer. If you want online banking, the risk is there, like it or not. On my Windows computer I have something called an “incognito window” where all the traces of my secret cyber paths are not registered, preventing people discovering where I go to operated my money transfers and washing,  at least I hope so. We can only take so many precautions, but the traces do not appear in the browser.

There are also the secret files where you store your passwords. We should of course have our passwords stored in our brain. I have about 20-30 sites with passwords, and passwords should be changed regularly. Being a 70 year old golden oldie, I often cannot remember the names of colleagues, or their telephone numbers (all on the iPhone) so how am I supposed to remember the passwords. Where there is a will there is a way, and for this we have the memory stick miracle. Just a little stick, but fill it up with your passwords. They are there forever if you do not inadvertently delete them. However, I do not have the time to plug in the memory stick every time I need to know a password, so I have a list in a secret file, hidden in a secret place that only I know (and Mr. Swiss in case I forget where I put it).  This is the genial solution, the modern extension of the hideout called “memory stick”. As you can see I have many, so now the problem is which memory stick stores the memories. This is extra confusion. If someone discovers my cyber hideout, he will have to find the right memory stick. Who knows, perhaps they explode when the thief wants to apply them – oh yes, we golden oldies have our devious methods.

Daily Prompt: Hideout? What’s that?

Good Morning Migros Ladies

Migros Supermarket, Langendorf

Why begin a blog with a greeting to a supermarket. It is quite easy, I spend most of my tourist life in the supermarket. Switzerland has supermarket chains, the largest being Co-Op and Migros. My visits are usually to the Migros in the Swiss village of Langendorf which is easily reached by car and is one of the big ones. Originally the building was a watch machinery making place, but was converted to a large supermarket many years ago – I remember it happening. So this place is almost my second home, and then yesterday morning something happened.

Of course you get to know the people that work there, especially those that serve – either the butchers department, where stuff is also sold over the counter, or the assistants that fill up the shelves, who you can ask where certain items are if you cannot find them. You get to know the staff, they get to know you. Their names are pinned to their overalls. After many years of weekly visits, they know me. “Good morning Mrs. Angloswiss/Mr. Swiss” is a normal greeting. It is a good place to shop, everything organised and you know where to find the goods you need – at least normally. It sometimes happens that golden oldies Mr. and Mrs. Angloswiss cannot find what they want, because someone somewhere decides to change the organisation and the usual spaghetti you need might be lower in the shelf. Sometimes it might be that something is not available, delivery problems.

However after making your selection you arrive at the cash desk. My son worked for this supermarket for 4-5 years as a Saturday and holiday job when he was studying at the university, so in a way I also got to know the ladies at the cash desk. I even have a few online friendships with them through Facebook where my blogs are crossposted.

So imagine my delight and surprise when one of cash desk ladies spoke to me yesterday morning about reading my blogs and finding them quite good. She does not speak english, but there is a translation possibility in Facebook, so she gets the idea of what I write. She made my day, as they all do really. Perhaps there are days when they are not so happy, but we customers also have our off days. Things do not always run as they should, a normal part of daily life. You cannot be happy all the time, but most of the time. My excursions to the supermarket are a pleasure, a meeting with familiar faces. So today this blog is a sort of homage, dedication and thankyou for the smiles, greetings, and work of the friendly ladies in the supermarket. They have become part of my external “family” over the years.

Today is not a supermarket day, that was yesterday, so I will be occupied with my housework, like cleaning a bathroom and taking the vacuum cleaner for its daily walk. I was thinking about a walk this afternoon, but probably it will remain a thought, as it is raining. Walking in the rain with a cane is not fun. I have no room to carry an umbrella as the free hand is necessary for the camera. However, I am sure I will find something else to do – write a blog for a change.

Have a nice day everyone, make the most of it, as a golden oldie every day is an event, whether you visit the doctor, the hairdresser, or the supermarket – just make the most of it.

Migros 26.09 (11)