Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – February 24, 2017

Feldbrunnen village 23.02 (48)

This walk is next to our local castle and is one of my favourite walks. Unfortuntely it is now too far for me to go, but this week I managed to reach the beginning of the path for a photo. Afterwards the path leads into the forest.

Bipperlisi 23.02 (2)

A shot of the local road train from a hill where I was resting on a bench.

Estate 23.02.2017

My place is a little along the path on the right, but you cannot see it from this photo. This is the route I take if walking somewhere. The stairs lead to the main road and the castle, and in the other direction you arrive at the River Aar.

Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – February 24, 2017

Daily Prompt: A new baby in the house


So do not get excited, it was a painless birth, just half an hour, and mother and baby are still functioning as they should. Today was the day I decided to adopt a new iPad. My old iPad is still working, but I need more room to expand.

It was ready this morning to be picked up and only after my golden oldie sleep did I have time to give it the care and attention it required. It is looking quite healthy and I must say it was really a stressless birth. It was not my first, of course, I just followed the steps and everything was in the right place when it was finished. There was an update to perform, just a small one, but even that worked well. It asked me for my finger print and special code, but as I am the only one that will take care of this offspring, I decided why be complicated when it can be simple.

My finger prints will be all over this iPad eventually, with a touch screen and handling, so why make a spectacle about it. They even had a little photo of finger print to show me what a finger print looks like, but when I use my iPad I do not want to insert my finger somewhere, or write a code. Codes are to be avoided where possible. Our life is full of them. Something else to remember to forget – no thankyou.

It did a complete backup from a cloud, and when it was finished everything was there. I thought I would have to upload my varios apps again, but no – the cloud rained down on my new iPad and everything was in the right place at the right time. It even added a few apps, the apple numbers and pages. Now I am a happy bunny. There was a small panic when it refused to combine my e-mail server, which is also on a cloud, but Mr. Swiss informed it is a different cloud. This problem was also overcome, as the code for this was also registered, with Mr. Swiss. It will now be included on my memory stick for codes.

There was one little detail missing. I bought an extra surround thinking that a cover would be included. Due to a misunderstanding I only had a base and needed a cover. My problem is that I like to sleep with my baby next to me on the side table, and it tends to have illuminations before sleeping which can be a distrubance. However Mr. Swiss to the rescue. He had nothing better to do and volunteered to go quickly to the supermaket and get one for me. There was a colour problem, as I wanted something in pink – no more blacks and browns. Pink was not available but they had one piece in apricot, which no-one seemed to want. And now my baby is wearing an apricot cover – what could be possibly be better.

iPad cover

Daily Prompt: A new baby in the house

Good Morning

Castle Waldegg 23..02 (1)

Yesterday I took a walk in the glorious sunshine up the hill to the local Castle Waldegg. The place was deserted, just an occasional walker, but no great march. It was very windy, and that probably kept people away, but not so cold.  They have three benches at the foot of the castle, which is ideal for golden oldies like me. When I reach the top of the hill, I need a resting place to take photos. It is an ideal lookout point with a view of the Swiss alps if you are lucky. Yesterday I was lucky, the weather and atmospheric conditions gave me a super view from my bench.

Alps 23.02 (5)

After  some time I decided it was time to go and I got very annoyed with the Swiss airforce. I stood up, gripped my cane and just as I wanted to walk, two jets flew over at super sonic speeds. If I had still been sitting on the bench I could have take a super photo, as they were big jets and flying low. I think they were only putting on a show, or perhaps Mr. Swiss ordered them for my photo and forgot to tell me.

Mr. Swiss was also busy yesterday afternoon. His drum rehearsal room is being demolished to make way for a new building, and he spent the afternoon assumbling his drum set and moving it back to our hobby cellar, together with organising a few other things. He took No. 1 son with him for the heavy work. On Sunday they will be collecting the rest. I suppose at the age of 78, it makes no big difference if the opportunity for a drum practice is no longer available. He can still play at home in the cellar. Most people work during the day and are not disturbed.

Castle Waldegg 23..02 (3)

This is the full size of the castle as you approach it when walking up the hill. As I said, very few people, but one brave lady was taking a walk, as she got my photo. In Summer you do not get such a clear photo, as the trees are then bearing their leaves.

Today is the big day I pick up my new iPad, so I will be busy organising all my apps. Actually it is not big problem, the only problem I might have is organising my e-mails, but I am sure I have details somewhere on my memory stick. Otherwise there is always Mr. Swiss for help, although he did say something about not looking forward to solving my organisational problems that might appear when I am setting up the iPad. Today is also one of those stupid week-end shopping days. At the supermarket they have special extra point offers, and so it will probably be a battlefield and not the usual walk through.

My time is limited this morning, as I decided to stay a little long hugging my bed, which is never a good start to the day.

I wish you all a good one and wave goodbye showing a view across the top half of the village.

Feldbrunnen village 23.02 (16)