Good Morning

And another sunny day dawns over our little village somewhere in Switzerland. At last we can sit outside and enjoy the sun. From today the Covid rules are also being relaxed in our area and you may sit inside the restaurants again, although in this weather people prefer to be outside. They are still registering the names and places of the customers on their iPads in the restaurants if contact would be necessary, but things are improving a little. Switzerland has also made progress in its vaccinations and it can been seen by the daily results.

My basil seeds are also no sprouting. I almost gave up on them. Due to the cold spell of weather that we had, they decided to stay in the warmth of the earth, but now they are growing. The first leaves are showing. I got a little worried that the cold had killed off their growing powers, but here they are. I think my next project will be to plant some parsley seeds which I like to use for garnishing veg like potatoes, peas and carrots. I already have a pot, but would like to plant some more.

My mega sized leaves of one of my hosta beds are also growing. Even my gardener remarks on how big they are. I have had them for many years and each year they seem to expand in growth. I just have to keep an eye on the marauding slugs they they do not have a chew for breakfast, dinner and tea. Surprisingly I have not seen any up to now, but I have already placed a layer of slug pellets on the ground as protection.

I am now pleased to say that my organisation of unwanted objects in the apartment is now dealt with. Yesterday I attacked my wardrobe in the hobby room and now have removed all the clothes it contained. They are neatly packed in plastic bags and will be deposited in the unwanted clothes collection. In a way it with was with regret, but I have not worn any of the many blouses since at least 10 years and really no longer need them. I will now contact a removal company this week to remove the other unwanted goods. We have chairs, a television , a settee, and a collapsible bed, not to mention various packed bags of unwanted goods. You cannot just throw them away in the rubbish collection, but they have to be disposed of in the right places: especially metal should be separated. We have a collection twice a year, but we now have so much that it would not be possible for two golden oldies to move it out onto the street.

And now to get around to the normal daily chores. I want to bake a bread this morning for the evening coldcuts. Otherwise Monday is not such a busy day, just the normal routine.

I wish everyone a good start to the week.

4 thoughts on “Good Morning

  1. Good morning … great photos … a neighbor gave us unwanted hostas last autumn and they successfully overwintered in pots covered with lost of mulch. As soon as the unseasonably cool weather passes … I am going to plant them .. we are busy enjoying the thought of how they are going to transform the back yard garden. Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine .. SLP …

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good Morning!
    and it is good that the basil is growing. Hostas are popular where winters are cool, and survive surprisingly well in some remarkably cold climates. They seem like they would be sensitive to cold weather because they are so lush and leafy, but all that lush foliage is gone before the weather gets cold. They know the routine.

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    • Hostas are quite successful here, despite the Swiss Winters. They disappear nicely in Winter and when the spring bulbs arrive the hostas wait politely to grow until they have finished flowering.

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