Good Morning

When I opened the bedroom door this morning, Mr. Swiss was already up a few minutes before and had began to raise the blinds. I saw a red glow already from the room next to the bedroom reflecting through the window. I had my mobile phone with me and opened the window to take a closer look. What a wonderful surprise, and about time. There had been a few hints about a wonderful sunrise some time, but now temperatures have dropped and below zero through the night. This was fantastic. It was the view southwards where the alps are in the Bernese overland and you could even see their outline in the distance

I then took a look on the opposite side towards the North. The Jura was quite clear, with the clouds lifting slowly and there was a new sprinkling of snow. At least the day began well. It is still quite cold. When I wanted to refill the water bowl for the birds, I had to clear out the solid ice first of all. I noticed the birds are eating more since it has got colder.

My little lonely robin also calls past now and again.

I am not very pleased about the weather forecast for next week. I see rain on Monday, which is not so bad as I will only be going along the road to the local store. However, as the week progresses there will still be rain in between and temperatures of 1-3° C meaning a good chance of snow. I have enough food to survive on for the week, but need to replenish the supplies now and again with some fresh meat from the butchers. I am working out in my head constantly how to plan meals. I also notice that I have a good chance to place an online order if I do it today. Delivery slots are open until Wednesday. You can order coldcuts with no problem, but meat is difficult as you do not know what you get.

I seem to have had a week of Sundays behind me, but at last today is the last one and for the next four days we can more or less return to a bit of normality. I only have three people to feed, but I wonder how large families manage. Otherwise I seem to spend the day with a little cleaning, cooking and washing, although no stress. I have my machines to do it all. Of course the computer and camera help to break the monotony, but slowly I am getting a little cabin fever and would like to go places. Television is also no big help and I was tired of watching the same films yesterday evening or the monotonous quiz programmes. Even my favourite soap, East Enders, is no longer bringing anything exciting.

Yesterday I cooked on of my easy meals. I had red cabbage which I did myself, with a ham and boiled potatoes. It is easy to make and something warming in the colder days. Now the big meals are over, although I chose food that gave no stress and today we are back to pasta with tuna fish in a tomato sauce. I also have some ham left as it was a larger piece and that will be something for this evening. I will also be glad to buy some fresh bread tomorrow. In the meanwhile we have been living on frozen bread which is OK, but tends to crumble when cutting.

Life will be a little different next week as we return to square one of the corona system. Food stores and telecomunication stores will be open for sales, but all unnecessary items will not be available. This probably means our local town will again be a ghost town. I should make an arrangement to have my hair cut it has not been so long for some time, but it does not bother me too much. I am not going places, the only person that sees me is my mirror reflection and Mr. Swiss. I wear a nice warm woolly hat when going places so my hair is invisible. I also discovered that now I have the chance to actually let it grow without looking too untidy. Visiting a hairdresser is not an ideal situation at the moment.

I am now off to do something useful like having a morning shower. Have a good day, take it easy. Phase one of the holidays is now behind us, we can now stress around again to prepare for phase two and afterwards life becomes normal again – I hope.

We even had blue skies yesterday afternoon.

16 thoughts on “Good Morning

  1. Good morning … fantastic photo of the sunrise over the Alps. I always find those photos of the sunrise over the mountains to be so-o-o-o inspiring. Thanks for posting them. Your supper of ham and cabbage looks so delicious. I can almost smell the aroma. We have not done ham in a long time. We did chicken for CHristmas, Maybe we will do ham for New Years? I have to think about it and discuss it with my wife. Take care. Enjoy your day .. only 10 weeks to St Patrick’s Day .. so there is that … SLP …

    Liked by 1 person

    • I already saw the refelctions of the sunrise when I awoke: very impressive. This evening we had the remainders of the ham with some pickles. I also have a ham for New Year. I am now at the stage whenI will be glad when the New Year is over and everything returns to normal.


  2. Good afternoon, the sunrise is an outstanding one. It is foggy and icy out. The reason we don’t watch TV as we have seen most of the stories. Plants have taken over its space. I am getting cabin fever but there is no place that I want to go. I don’t think life will ever be like it was before the pandemic. We need to create a new normal. Online buying will become a way of life. My memories include where you didn’t get what you order and I prefer to see the object I am buying. Enjoy your evening.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I must agree with you with the online buying philosophy. It will be a new way of life. I have the feeling that this so-called pandemic will be with us for a long time. It is almost like a science fiction film. Jurassic Park was just a joke in comparison.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m beginning to feel as if we are prisoners. I got all this cool new outdoor stuff from Garry and also from my granddaughter — another fuzzy new hat with a fake fur pompom on top and a big warm scarf. I’m wondering if I’m ever going out again. And food. I’m tired of cooking. I cook a lot anyway, but it used to get occasionally broken up by a pizza delivery or something besides me or Owen or me AND Owen in the kitchen. I don’t think I’ve ever been more bored with food. Especially my OWN food. It’s not a lack of taste. It’s a total lack of interest. On the plus side, I’m losing weight. But who could tell? I don’t see anyone, so being thinner just means my pants are falling off.

    The weather was cold but lovely today and yesterday, but my bones are predicting rain tomorrow. I hope my bones are wrong!

    Is there a world out there? Will we ever rejoin it?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am the only person venturing into the outside world at the moment, although No. 1 son will be getting a few items in town this week for me as I only intend going to the local store. I am covered for lunch but not so much for the evening. Living on froze bread is not my idea of fun. I am also the only one cooking here, but it does not bother me so much, keeps me busy I still like to eat, No. 1 son eats until nothing is left and Mr. Swiss no longer eats very much.I like people at my table that enjoy food and Mr. Swiss no longer does. it can be quite depressing for me.


  4. My son says that every book about zombies he’s ever read started with a pandemic, followed by a bad vaccine that turned everyone into zombies. Half the sci books I’ve read have a theme JUST LIKE THIS. Garry says he is definitely not hanging out with zombies. Me neither!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have never read a book about zombies. I will be glad when I can get the vaccine. We spoke to our doctor’s surgery and we were told it will be mid February for us. I already feel like a zombie after the long Christmas holiday, now we have the New Year shut down in front of us and we had a snowfall during the night, although I think and hope it will be gone by lunchtime that I can at least get a few things in the store today.


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