FOWC with Fandango: Chemical

Telephone Me and Marcel

Was it chemical when we met, it seemed to be a bliss
Mr. Swiss dictated letters to a very english Miss
Everyone in the business was very suspicious
Their antics in the office were becoming quite capricious
Dictating just three letters did not need three hours
It must have been determined from much higher powers
So after 10 months it was Q.E.D.
It was very much proven for everyone to see
And now they  are still together for almost 50 year
Her hair has become grey, and his begins to clear
But chemical reactions can explode to something bigger
All it needs is a mixture in the test tube and something to pull the trigger

FOWC with Fandango: Chemical

RDP Wednesday: Birthday

Santa in Migros advertisement

When our supermarket had this advertisement for Christmas last year, they had to withdraw it, but I managed a photo before it disappeared. Even Santa is a human, just like us, but his flatulance results are ice crystals.

We are talking about birthdays and I have the unfortunate date of 6th December  on my documents as being my birthday. OK, no big deal, but this is St. Nicholas day and this is celebrated all over inland Europe by giving the kids bags of nuts and tangerines and all sorts of Christmas sweets packed nicely in a Santa Claus Sack. This means that since I have been living in Switzerland, I have to share my birthday with the kids. I had to buy my kids all their sweet gifts. Of course they gave me presents as well, but it is not the same is it?

It should be my special day for I, me and myself and not fade into the shadows of SantaClaus day. I feel stolen, cheated, conned or whatever. I want my day for myself. I do not want to share it with the children’s population of Europe. Did you hear me Santa, do something, shift your birthday to a couple of weeks later.

Santa sack

RDP Wednesday: Birthday

Good Morning


This is a quick one, to let you know that I am more or less alive and kicking.  Yesterday I had an MS relapse and spent the afternoon in the hospital and early evening having iinfusions for this and that and have another appointment this afternoon for a second infusion for the relapse. I have been quite giddy since yesterday, but they gave me a sleeping tablet for the night which helped.

My neurologist was contacted, and I am now re-organsing my life a little based on walkers instead of stick, but am trying to do what I usually do, although even slower. My main problem is keeping upright which is working OK up to now. I also spoke to the chief neurologist in the hospital who confirmed it was a clear case of a relapse. And this is what ambulace door look like from the inside when you are being transported.

Ambulance doors from inside

Perhaps I might not be here so much, on the other hand life gets boring when I do not get around so much as I should.  See you around sometime, but do not know when.