FOWC with Fandango: Carry

Me, mum and dad

I was always tall for my age, even as a 3-4 year old. Here I am on the left with mum and dad dressed in the style of the early fifties, almost like Princess Anne of England, although the quality of the coat was probably not the same.

It was a working class family: dad with he customary cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth and mum next to him. We were on holiday in Blackpool, a sea resort in North England. In those days you didn’t walk around in the bathing dress in the street or wear sandals with bare feet, it was all nice and neat.

And note, no-one was carrying me, that is until it was necessary, generally to do with the financial situation One of mum and dad’s favourite outings on holiday was a visit to the local horse racing course if there was one.  I do not think Blackpool had one, but we would often go on holiday to Great Yarmouth and sometimes a day out near London if there was a race

Mum and dad always took me with them. It was when we approached the entrance to the racing track where we had to pay at the cash desk. There was always a notice saying “children in arms free”. This was the signal for mum to struggle and pick me up and carry me into the stadium, because if she carried me the entrance was free.I was not really heavy, just rather large with long legs and arms and of course, I was not very happy about this. I felt stupid, but saving an entrance price with a child in arms was worth it. I remember my uncle and aunt, who had twin boys, often came with us and all three of us were being carried. I do not think any of us were very happy, but so was life in the fifties.

FOWC with Fandango: Carry

RDP Wednesday: Recommend

Christmas Trees

Christmas trees are there,  standing in a row
Which one shall I choose, I really do no know
It will be in the living room, taking up a space
It will spread out its arms, needles all over the place
On the eve of Christmas the candles burn so bright
So a bucket of water must always be in sight
We once had a burn up when twig began to singe
It smelt like a bonfire and I began to cringe
So why do I bother, it is safer with a wreath
It stays more compact,  does not burn underneath
I decided to leave the trees, or perhaps something smaller
If I forget it is burning, there might be a squaler
I recommend ignore it, next year the needles fall
But they look so neat and tidy lined up along the wall
Perhaps a plastic tree is better, I can keep it all the year
Just a dust down and vacuum and then there is no fear
Who needs a Christmas tree, you are better off to miss
Just hang up some mistletoe and seal it with a kiss

 RDP Wednesday: Recommend

Good Morning

Clouds 20.11.2018

So let’s see what we have this morning. Our sky is grey again, but looks promising, so who knows. Yesterday afternoon on my wheelie through the top half of the village we had some blue sky, although it was quite cold. I was wrapped up in my scarf, padded jacket and gloves, so carried on regardless. I decided it was time to see what was going on in my village.

Church Feldbrunnen 20.11.2018

The sun was shining on the village church, which is always a good sign. Like all churches it is perched on a high point for everyone to see when they go past.

Castle Waldegg 20.11.2018

Our castle Waldegg was also looking good, although the gardens around it are now quite bare. Most of the flowers and plants have been removed for the Winter although I noticed a few arrangements still existing in the cemetery as I wheeled through.

Flowers 20.11.2018

I do not know what these are, but I think some sort of sage. The cemetery was empty, except for the permanent residents of course and I was the only living visitor it seems. It is on my way and gives me a good scenery when wheeling.

Cows 20.11 (2)

I was surprised to see a few cows out on the pastures grazing. Probably their last chance before the frost and snow arrives and before they disappear into the stalls throughout the Winter.

Chickens 20.11 (2)

The chickens seemed to be holding a meeting and discussion of the daily affairs, huddled together.

Goose 20.11 (1)

There we also a couple of geese around keeping an eye on the chickens, so everything under control. I do miss the summer days when there were all sorts of livestock moving around on the farm. The ducks were probably keeping warm in their various little houses now and the swans were nowhere to be seen. Again I seemed to be the only one moving around outside, but I needed the change from being cooped up at home. I was only away for just over an hour.

Today is again a shopping morning. My plans are made for lunch. I decided on a plain hamburger, garnished with some fried onion and baked tomatoes with fried mini potatoes. I think these little cooking experiments are the highlights of my housewife life. Otherwise no big plans for today and I decided to take it easy.

Today I will buy a Christmas cactus at the store. My online friend Marilyn reminded me in her post that they were beginning to flower again. The one I had last year suffered throughout our summer and it was not such a good one. I had bought a pink one, but the red ones are more resistant it seems to me.  As you can see my daily life is full of excitement.  I just saw a misunderstanding outside my kitchen window in the garden between a crow and a magpie. They both wanted the same piece of bread I had thrown out, but the crow won and the magpie is now sulking in a tree. I have just heard the first ambulance siren of the day passing through the village from the local hospital, not a happy sound.

And now to move on with the daily clean and tidy up. Mr. Swiss asks why I bother every day, but something is missing in my routine when I do not do it. I have a good feeling afterwards

So look that you also have good feelings today and make the most of it. Those that are still sleeping, enjoy it.

Flower Arrangement 20.11.2018

And here I am stealing another grave arrangement for the flowering greeting of the day.