Flower of the Day: 30.09.2017 Buddleia

Buddleia 16.07.2017

This is my pink delight buddleia in the garden. I chose this one because it remains quite bushy and always has a wonderful show of flowers. I once read an article about buddleia and it seems all the various plants have their own specialities according to the colours. This one makes a wonderful show every year and of course attracts many butterflies.

Flower of the Day: 30.09.2017 Buddleia

Daily Prompt: The Circle of Boredom

Solothurn 1407 (4)

It is Saturday afternoon and I am sitting at the computer trying to think of something astounding to write about a circle. It begins at a place, and ends in the same place. Now that is really brainy. So what more is there to say?

This mind blowing idea is really something. I studied for some time until I came to this conclusion. Ok, circles are not so bad because they generally know where they are going. I walk in circles constantly and always return to the beginning. On the way I might go shopping, write a blog, or clean the appartment. But it all comes down to the same thing, life revolves and it all goes in the same direction.

Now and again the circle might leave its course. They are the moments when you can break out and do something completely different, but it is only temporary. And so life continues.

Yesterday I noticed a drain cover on a walk, so I took a photo.

Drain Covers 14.02 (1)

This was also a circle and it even had more circles as a decoration, but it also had a square pattern. We also have square drain covers. Life would be monotonous if it was completly circular, now and again you have to be a square.

You can have crop circles, although our local farmers stick to square fields. Otherwise they might get confused, walking in circles all the time. Their tractors are better keeping to the straight and narrow.

Castle Waldegg Surroundings 28.05 (4)

Of course, if there were no circles then many mathematical equations based on π would be a waste of time. Now that was interesting. I have now discovered how to print the pi sign on my Mac keyboard by pressing the “option” key together with the “p”. So as I was saying if we had no circles, everything would be square and the π sign would be superfluous. Are you with me? Of course not. I think I will go back to bed it is safer. That is the trouble with the circle. Going around and around and never getting anywhere like this masterpiece I am writing.


Daily Prompt: The Circle of Boredom

Good Morning


Not too bad this morning, cool but with a promise of sun, although I am not sure if I will go places and see things. Yesterday I made an effort, but somehow the energy was not with me. I made my way across the road to the stables and the chicken run. There were no horses in the stables and their lady was cleaning out the stables, so no luck with photos.

I moved onto the pond next to the stables. There were some ducks and geese there and would have made great photos, had I taken my zoom lens with me. I only had the normal lens, so got more of the wire fence in the photo that what was behind it. The chickens had been move to the other side of the field and my energy was not with me to walk uphill.

Cows 29.09 (5)

However there were cows and I noticed the farmer had put a cow bell around their necks. This is a sort of Swiss thing, although there were so many complaints about the ding dong noise that they are becoming rare. However, this farmer decided to know where he cows were when munching their grassy meals. Note the cow does not have horns, she never knew that she could have horns. The buds are removed when they are still calves. There is now a small movement in Switezerland to let the cows have their horns again and signatures are being collected for a referendum. I will definitely sign. I want my cows to be rehorned, and of course it makes much better photos.

And so my walk was a short thing, about 40 minutes and I returned home with my few photos.

I have an app on my iStuff called macprime which is the Swiss Apple portal. It is not officially from Apple, but keeps you up to date on what is going on in the Apple world. I would have included the link, but mine is .ch which means only for the Swiss, although somewhere it probably exists for other countries. It informed me that there is a new Apple programme calle High Sierra that can now be downloaded, so that kept me busy yesterday, although it runs so smoothly on my Mac Computer I only had to look in now and again. When you have it, you go through the various queries about how you would like your Cloud to be organised. I did not actually want a cloud, but it seems there are certain things that have to be floating around in a cloud, one being your e-mails.

I confused my Apple computer and it told me that there was no deal with important stuff working with a cloud. I had to revise my choices and now I am back in the cloud. At the same time Mr. Swiss updated his Apple computer as well, so there were a few moments of silence at home. We are now both in the High Sierra. Apple always name their programmes with American mountains.

Spider 29.09.2017

Taking a closer look at the scaffolding surrounding my home yesterday, I noticed that it is slowly becoming a place of refuge for various insects. This one had spun its web betweem the angle of the iron bars and was feeling quite comfortable. It was preparing  its lunch when I took the photo.


And now to move on. Looks like another apple tart day today from the shape of the apples on the tree. Enjoy the day, look after your computers and be happy. You might have an update somewhere that you would love to upload.


Daily Prompt: Being Witty, I do not think so

Chocolate from the tap

If you turn on your tap in the kitchen and brown water pours from it, you would cry. What have the water works been up to this time? Looking closer you see that it is liquid chocolate. The kids would laugh and love it, but I would not think it funny. Today I am really not in the mood for wittiness. I was planning on an excursion to town, but it is Friday afternoon and the place will be crowded. I decided on a walk in the surroundings and which was also not very amusing as the sun was beating down. We have something called an Indian summer which means that the seasons are upside down and instead of the cool Autumn winds blowing the leaves from the trees, the leaves are still clinging on and there are cows in the meadow.

So after half an hour I returned home to this.

Back Porch

Where there used to be a nice big table with room for everyone, and a luscious green lawn, we are now surrounded by a metal scaffolding and a lawn that says “help” with the impressions of builder’s footprints. The latest arrival is a ladder. We do not know how this ladder arrived, but one morning it was standing on our porch. My first thought “can we use it”. Mr. Swiss found it was a shabby ladder, full of paint markings. It is in a far better condition than our ladder in the cellar so we are still thinking about it. Builders forget these things so quickly. Four months ago they left padding material behind. Our gardener shifted it to another place and it is still there, probably giving a suitable home for any wayward neglected insects.


On the other side of the appartment, in the front garden, we have a section of one of the balconies on the upper floors. They removed them six months ago and are now being replaced. OK, not my problem because I do not have a balcony, but in that case why leave a section of the balcony in my garden? It has been here for a week, perhaps we can use that as well. No, life is not longer witty and definitely not funny.

Daily Prompt: Being Witty, I do not think so

Good Morning

Plane Clouds

First thing in the morning after I stop hugging my bed is to see what the sky is doing. Today it seems that we had some identified objects circling above us, although they are now gone, but they left their traces. We are on one of the main routes from Zürich airport towards Geneva and other places even further.

Before we moved to where we are now we lived on the third floor of a block of appartments. We had a good view from the kitchen window towards Zürich, and I could see the planes rising in the morning and making their way. In those days digi cameras were still unknown, and I was busy getting the kids off to school to have time for photos. It was interesting to see them taking off and in descent. Now they just fly overhead. I flew once a year to London from Zürich to visit my dad and I knew the route exactly. I even saw our small town of Solothurn from the plane as it flew parallel to the Jura mountains.

View of plane

The days of my regular flying trips are now over and I just watch from the garden to the sky.

Otherwise life is not so adventurous at the moment. After my walk through the surrounds looking for Autumn, I spent yesterday at home  looking at my book Doctor Sleep the No. 2 in the Shining series. I had a bit of a problem getting into it, but am now on my way. I first had to sort out who is who, as the characters in the first story are now grown up and the little boy is now a man, still with the shining gift, but it can also be a problem.

Today is the day of week-end shopping and Mr. Swiss and I have already composed our cloud list. These computer clouds are OK if you can use them because you want to, but now and again they are forced on you. Yesterday I was going through my mails on my iPad, which is Apple. It serves my purpose when I am sitting in an armchair with nothing  better to do. They also have a spam mail section and I notice a notification from something called onedrive in Windows. They notified that 6 of my photos had now been uploaded. I have never ever allowed Windows to upload my photos so I investigated. My photos are all on a cloud from Flickr and that is OK, because I have everything under control more or less – you never know.

Now this onedrive is interfering. I had a quick consultation with Mr. Swiss who said it is rubbish and we checked on my computer. I do have a onedrive and now and again it wants me to register me there, but I refuse. I have now disabled it, and it no longer exists on my computer. Why are they always forcing stuff on us that we do not want. Clouds are OK for shopping lists and my 18,000 photos but because I want it and not because someone somewhere in a cyber world is forcing me to use it.

However my computer world is now organised and I will be making the supermarket insecure this morning with my iPhone camera and shopping list. Keep safe, and be careful of the clouds, they are everywhere.


A parting photo from my physalis in the garden. I decided to get one as I read that they like to spread, go forth and multiply. This year it is not so special, but the organge lanterns each contain a seed, so who knows. I may have a garden full next year.

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Lines and Angles

Renovation 03.09.2017

I saw this somewhere on a construction site so took a photo.

Schaffhausen 06.08 (90)

This was built in 1584 in the village of Wilchingen, Kanton Schaffhausen, in Switzerland and is known as the Bergtrotte. It was originally used for pressing the grapes to make wine, but has now been renovated and contains a restaurant and a few other rooms to serve the local area.

Baselstrasse 05.06 (2)

One of our local cobbled streets, not very comfortable for walking.

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Lines and Angles

Daily Prompt: The problems of Launching

Crane Fly 27.09 (3)

This is a crane fly. This crane fly made a mistake, it flew into my kitchen. He or she was probably attracted by the light and was struggling to go places to probably find food. There was no opportunity to launch himself into a flight. “Look a crane fly” and so I decided to strike while the camera was hot and take few photos. My first attempts were not so good, but after attaching the zoom lens there was success. Poor little crane fly did not know which way to fly. In the meanwhile it has disappeared, so he must have been able to launch somewhere.

At the moment we are getting all sorts of strange visitors. As the dark days approach and the weather gets colder, they want to enter our comfortable home. However, I do not have a refuge station for lost insects and their attached fleas and other parasites.

We have many hedgehogs where I live, although I have never seen one. Now and again Mr. Swiss spots one on our porch in the late evenings outside, but as I do not venture outside when it is dark, and thus I have never seen one. Another problem is that he never has a camera when outside, so my hedgehog photo has not yet happened.

Yesterday evening Mr, Swiss appeared inside whilst I was on the computer and said I should grab my camera as fast as possible, in a whisper. He said he did not want to make any noise because there was a hedgehog on the step outside the kitchen and it would be the great opportunity for a photo and he did not want to scare him away. Unfortunately I was in the back room and until I gathered my walking stick and camera and moved to the other side of the appartmet, as fast as possible not coming into the question, he was gone again. I always thought hedgehogs were slow, but I am now even slower it seems. Another opportuntiy for my hedgehog photo misssed.

Of course launching is not only an animal thing. I never realised that as you get older launching yourself from a bed, even a chair, could have so many problems. In the good old days when the bones and muscles spoke to each other, your stood up with no problem. Leaving a bed was not a combination of rocking backwards and forwards until you got to the 90° position of the back as today. Some people can still do it, so good luck to them.

Today I  another one of those wonderful IOS updates from Apple was launched. It was only a little more than a week that we were rejoicing about the update IOS11 and now we already have an IOS11.1 to cure the mistakes in the first programme. Lauching is not always so easy it seems. I decided to get it behind me and spent at least 20 minutes refreshing my iPhone, my older iPad and my new iPad, but now it is all working again. I have never been the face that lauched a thousand ships, but now I am the golden oldie tht launches her “i” collection.

Plane 15.03.2017

We have take off.

Daily Prompt: The Problems of Launching

Good Morning

Misty Morning

A misty morning with a nip in the air as my mum always said, although London “nips” were not so clean as the Swiss nips.  It can only get better, although we were told by the weather gods that we will be getting a few offshoots from hurricaine Maria, but nothing tragic. Some higher winds than normal, but warm so no big deal.

Yesterday I did it, I broke out and escaped, although with a small delay. I was prepared with my jacket when Mr. Swiss told me temperatures were around 25° in the sun. I was glad so changed again into something more appropriate and then I set off in the search of Autumn.

Clouds 27.09 (4)

As I walked down the slope to the river I turned and noticed that the clouds were doing me a favour hanging over the Jura mountains, so I stopped for a photo. It was at least a month, if not two, that I had ventured into the unknown. Could I still do it was the unanswered question. I could, although I noticed I was not as fit as I used to be, with a few shaky moments, hoping not to slip on a leaf from a tree.

I eventually reached the river bank, turned left and made my way to my first bench.

River Aar 27.09 (12)

I saw a few signs of Autumn, but nothing spectacular. Some trees perform earlier than others. The path was not covered in leaves and the trees were still holding on. Mr. Swiss was right about the weather, it was comparable to a summer day and very hot in the sun which was everywhere.

Cows 27.09 (2)

The usual river bank cow collection was there, but were more interested in grazing the last remains of the grass before being condemned to their stables throughout Winter. The crane in the background did not actualy suit the pastoral surroundings, but up on the hill is our village and one of the houses is being demilished to make way for a new appartment construction. Even the country is not protected from human progress. I have discovered that cranes can also make interesting photos, especially since our home has been a building zone for the past months.

I eventually reached my bench when after a while I was joined by a colleague I had not seen for some time. Even on lonely river banks you have a chance meeting.  I deicided to move on and climbed the steps to the top of the hill. The cows joined me, especially as the next bench was placed next to their canteen.

Cows 27.09 (6)

There was no silence of the lambs, and I could hear sheep bleating in the background. There were always sheep on the neighbouring meadow, but they disappeared some time during the year and now they were back, or perhaps they were new arrivals. The famer had now shifted the sheep barn further down the river and they were no longer within camera range. He had even planted a few new trees where the barn used to be. It was time to go home in any case. I enjoyed the walk, but noticed that half an hour is now really my limit. I managed to refill my photo album with some new material.

And now something which I have noticed lately on my blogging pages. I really appreciate your comments on my written words, they inspire me to continue and it is a way of getting to know each other. I have been blogging for almost 10 years. My beginnings were humble – WordPress was not exactly waiting for me. However, I persevered and one day I got followers. I now have many followers and I love you all. Everyone is welcome to pass their comments and I have got to know many.

However, something bothers me lately. I receive a comment, which I must approve, because it is a “new arrival” on my blog. This is good, I love meeting new people. There are some visitors that I do not understand. They make a “like” on my page and add a comment with a link “Please visit my blog” and that is all. I find that a little lazy. They make no attempt to say anything more, just visit my blog. I naturally do not visit their blog and their entry either disappears into the trash or spam, according to my mood. If this is all you can manage as a comment then you are in the wrong place with me. I built up my site with patience and realised that Angloswiss could not be built in a day. I have been writing for many years. I now have 6,500 + followers, many that I can really call online friends. They did not click a like and say follow me, they supported me with their comments and I visit their blogs out of interest. I might tell Mr. Swiss to follow me when we are shopping, but I know him quite well.

And now I will move on. There is a silence of the builders, which is always positive. They are now probably having their morning break, although paint drying does not make a noise.

See you around, enjoy the day let’s write, or just read what is written, which is also very good.

Autumn Leaves 27.09.2017 (2)