RDP Monday: Bluff

We don’t have any oceans or seas in Switzerland, just a few lakes here and there and so no geographical formations that could be known as a “bluff”. However, we have mountains and this is one of the local slopes, the Balmberg. At the top there is a cross, although I have no idea why. I asked Mr. Swiss and he found many mountains in Switzerland have a cross on top. Perhaps this was a bluff.

RDP Monday: Bluff

Good Morning

Since taking this photo when I left my bed, the sun has arrived and we now have just blue skies. At least I am hoping for a rain free day and probably so are my gardeners as they will be arriving for a days work of tidying my garden and trimming the hedges. Then the work will be done until next year. I also have quite a lot of weeds sprouting between the stones on the porch, which does not look very tidy.

I discovered this spider’s web on my privet hedge this morning. As the hedge will be trimmed today it will probably disappear. It is really a shame after all that work to build a home and larder for storing food.

Otherwise it was quite a dismal day yesterday with some rain now and again. My No. 1 son has now gathered the remainder of the apples on my tree and I am still wondering what to do with them. I have already given some to my neighbour and made two Swiss apple cakes, but it will be about 100 cakes to make until they are all used. I am keeping them outside on the porch which is a good place to store them as it will be cool enough. I do not have enough room inside for them.

I baked another apple tart yesterday afternoon which I enjoyed with some whipped cream.

And now I have to go. I have a few things to deal with before the gardener arrives. I will not be going anywhere today, but tomorrow I have a visit to the doc for my diabetic problems and a last check on my arm that I burnt some time ago with boiling liquid from cook. It is now looking quite good, no scars left, just a red under arm which does not hurt, but just looks interesting.

Have a good start to the week and my it be a good one – just make the most of it.