FOWC with Fandango: Adventure

Solothurn cemetery 12.12 (1)

Life is one big adventure, we do not really know where we came from or where we are going to, so let’s make the most of it whilst we are here.

A bit dismal? Well that’s life. Every morning when I awake a new adventure begins.  Just the walk to the kitchen is exciting. Will I be able to get out of my bed, will my legs carry me and be careful when you stumble on to the breakfast table. You might slice off a finger whilst cutting the bread, or scald yourself with hot tea when preparing it.

Eventually you do the housework and the next adventurous experiences arrive. Perhaps you might have a short circuit on the vacuum cleaner and the electric shock is already programmed. Not to mention the computer, no it will not explode, but perhaps during the night when you were sleeping, a virus developed or you might even have an attack from trojans. Perhaps someone cracked the code to your online banking and emptied your bank account.

But life goes on and you go to the supermarket for a shopping experience, as long as you do not have a car accident on the way. You enter the store and find that that they are sold out of your favourite biscuits with the cream filling and must do with those with the jam filling. Not the same, but life has its twists and turns, all part of the adventure.

Perhaps you might burn the dinner when cooking because the postman, who always rings twice, kept you waiting at the door to sign a document for an important delivery. This is no problem, you can always make a sandwich if you have enough bread.

Yes life is full of surprises. And you decide to take a walk in the afternoon, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. After half an hour the sun disappears, rain clouds are gathering, there is lightening and thunder and you are only dressed in a light summer dress. You arrive home soaked and cold and half an hour later you realise you are shivering and your nose is running. You spend the evening in bed trying to keep warm and use a complete box of paper hankerchiefs because you are continuously sneezing.

That evening when you are trying to sleep, despite the headache caused by your cold, you realise that it is not really so bad. The day was one adventure, and full of highlights.

Gravestone, Cemetery St. Kathrinen

FOWC with Fandango: Adventure

RDP Friday: Cottage

Cottage, Feldbrunnen, near castle Waldegg

People come and people go, but the cottage remains forever
It stands alone on the corner of a path, braving every weather
There once was a lady who stood at the fence, and spoke to all that passed
She was older and frailer with every passing year, but she was not the last
I often thought when I walked on it would be a nice place to stay
With many windows and friendly shutters, a welcome inviting array
And then one day a space appeared at the side, not so very far
A few weeks later there were new inhabitants, and the space was for their car
Generations come and generations go and the cottage was changing with the times
I even heard the noise of jingling bells, on the door they had fitted wind chimes
The cottage is standing on the path to the castle, it is treasured by all around
Since many a year it has been standing in this spot, a dream that I have found

RDP Friday: Cottage

Good Morning

Morning Back Garden

No fantastic sunrises today. We have been shrouded in low cloud since a week and can be lucky for it to lift in the afternoon. If I would drive upwards I would get to the part where the sun breaks through and you would see the clouds from above. I was too busy yesterday to study such things, with the result that there was no “Good Morning” blog as I just did not have the time.

It was the day when normal life returned, after the Christmas shut down, and I could fetch my new car at the garage. Needless to say I did not sleep so well the night before, thinking of this and that. As my driving experience had dwindled over the last couple of years, espescially alone in the car, it is all new land for me and the garage is just a little out of my comfort zone, in a different village, although it can only get better.

So, not wanting to keep you all suspended in anticipation, here is my new car:

Skoda Fabbia

It is a Skoda Fabbia Clever by name. Our last car was a Skoda (may it rest in peace). They are reasonable in price, but very well made and are the result of a merger between Volkswagen and Skoda. I was quite proud of myself, as I did it all by myself with the organisation of the purchase. There is no longer a car key. You have some sort of sender which connects to the car as soon as you approach it. Just tap on the door and it automatically unlocks, and vice vera it locks with a touch on the door. The car starts by a light push on a button. I have an automatic as due to my MS, I cannot use my left leg for changing gears.

The guy at the handlers explained all the bits and pieces very well: the radio, tempomat and a few other gags. I listened, he did it very well, but with me practice will have to make perfect. My car was covered in a green cloth, yesterdays blog, and was unveiled ceremoniously by the salesman.

Afterwards he told me to stand next to the car and he took a photo of me and my new car, for his records probably. In return I told him to stay where he was and I took a photo of him with my car for my records.

Explanations followed and eventually I was ready to go. They have a good organisation at the garage and new cars have a room to themselves directly connected to the exit road, and I was off. My first drive in a new car with almost zero kilometers to home.

I arrived home safely and spent some time putting my private bits and pieces into the car. Mr. Swiss told me he had a few items to buy, and I told him that today I am remaining at home and we will survive until the next day. Poor man really thought I could not wait to go for a drive in the afternoon, but I had another programme. I had my housework to catch up on and after the morning stress I needed some quiet “me” time. I suppose that is one of the differences between man and woman. Man gets a new car and immediately goes for a nice long drive and woman relaxes, knowing that she will be driving this car for the rest of her golden oldie days, so what’s the hurry.

Today I will be off for the week-end shopping in my new car of course. Have fun everyone, and now we are all back in the old routine, saying goodbye to the turmoil of the Christmas holidays. I am also in the throws of getting my normal life back.
