Daily Prompt: Prudent is not always = Prudent

We are confronted with a problem at the moment which needs prudence. There will be reorganisations done on where we are living, needing scaffolding and clearing certain places outside: that is the command we have be given. All porches are to be emptied. Now the Summer is approaching, the time when you sit outside reading a book, perhaps even with the computer. You eat your meals outside. No problem, but you will have no chairs or tables to do it on, and if you do find a little space somewhere, you will have to share it with various members of the working building population. It all has to be planned. I am a golden oldie that walks with a stick, and Mr. Swiss has back problems meaning that lifting is not ideal. Luckily we have No. 1 son who is always present and so it began on the week-end.


We had a large table on this porch which could accomodate 5 people, 6 at a stretch. That was removed to the cellar, not by us but two very nice gentlemen from our furniture company and replaced by our smaller version of the table which was usually on the other porch. The other porch no longer had a table, just two chairs and this is the present situation. At first we cleared everything, my son putting the two chairs into the celler and removing the table to the front porch. It was then that our feline no longer had a place to rest her weary body, and so No. 2 son had to return to the cellar to replace the chair. In the meanwhile prudence was no longer in charge of the situation as neither me nor Mr. Swiss really knew what we wanted. This morning we decided that the table should be replaced, we could always shift it quickly another time if necessary.

Front Garden

This is now the front porch, a mixture of garden ornaments looking like a junk shop, and pots with my summer plants which are usually on the back porch, but no longer due to the work.  There are two chairs, but not longer a table in the middle. That is now on the back porch – are you with me? No problem, it might change again. Perhaps we might shift them to the back garden when we know a little more. The two chairs here were also removed to the cellar, but we decided it was not really necessary and so they were returned. Thank goodness for the patience of No. 1 son.

It has now been a constant up and down of moving chairs and tables and no-one came to the party. We expected the builders this morning, as according to the plan they would make holes in the ground for the scaffolding supports and the gardener would remove some hedges. Nothing has happened and I do not care. To be continued, prudently or not.

Daily Prompt: Prudent is not always = Prudent

Good Morning

Cows 02.04 (2)

On a walk yesterday I noticed the cows are now out and about. It is the first day this year and they were enjoying the grass and freedom from being kept in the stall all Winter. The church on the left is our village church which completed the romance of the situation. Everything was perfect, but I noticed there was a slight nip in the air, not cold but not warm either. The result is that yesterday evening I felt the beginnings of a sore throat and woke up with a cough. It can only get better I hope.

Me in our Hotel Room.jpgToday is the day when the gardeners arrive to remove our hedges, but up to now we have our usual peaceful morning. No-one really knows exactly when they arrive. I am now wearing my Moroccan kaftan over my nightdress as I do not need workmen watching me write my blog at the kitchen table dressed in a nightgown. It was a good buy on our weeks holiday in Marrakesh which was in 1990, but I still have the kaftan. I find it quite good as a quick cover up. I even found a photo of me wearing it in the hotel room in Marrakesch. The nice thing with kaftans is they are large sized, and you can always wear them heedless of adding weight to the shape and form of the body.

Today is shopping day, but I may go on my own as Mr.Swiss is also not so well at the moment. We had to clear our porch yesterday and remove the chairs as well as the table. Now I have a completely disorientated Tabby Cat that is looking for a place to sit and sleep outside. We eventually replaced the chairs and will also put the table outside again and now Tabby is happy.

Life goes on, although not as I would like it to be.

Bleeding Heart 02.04 (1)

I noticed my bleeding heart plant was flowering yesterday. Everything is so punctual this year. I remember my neighbour had one of these and suddenly some years ago a small plant began to grow in my garden. I never bought one or planted one. Probably a seed found its way in my garden. I replanted it and now it is one of the first to appear in the year. At first it was very small with a few flowers, and now it is fully grown and I also have a second plant, also from one of my seeds. It is still developing for this year and I am hoping it will survive the building siege to complete the flowering process.

And now to move on to a normal Monday morning, although normal is probably not the case at the moment. I will probably be doing the shopping tour on my own, as Mr. Swiss is still not so well. Monday is usually not such a big operation.

Have a good beginning to the week everyone, see you on the flip side – I will survive.