4 thoughts on “Flower of the Day: 15.10.2017 Antirrhihum, Snapdragon

  1. I have not grown those in years! I had white ones in two hanging pots of English ivy outside my bedroom window back in 1990, just after the earthquake. They get rust here. They shouldn’t but they do. They look great about now or spring in Palm Springs, and get quite tall.

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    • You can get different types of seeds here, the smaller variety and the larger ones. I grew the tall ones in my garden from seed, but they got rust eventually, so I no longer bother.

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  2. I remember, newly arrived from New York, playing I Spy with my British cousins. The letter was A and the answer was, you guessed it, antirrhinum. But, we protested, those are Snapdragons! I very soon learned that in Granny’s garden we used the “proper” names.


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