RDP Sunday: Debillitating

Today I have one of my depressed moods and everything is debillitating. Mr. Swiss is not longer the Mr.Swiss I knew, but a functioning biological creature that is dependent on my help for the best part of the the day and the night. He has mental probIems and I am deprived of my normal sleep, my life is a cleaning episode and I am glad to be able to snatch an hour in the evening for myself. Sorry to be so negative, but after a month of these problems I now have problems which I hope to solve


RDP Sunday: Debillitating

Good Evening

That was the mood of the day: cloudy with a little sun in between and our cranes ready to work next week. At the week-end they are still. Mr. Swiss had his usual carer this mornng. I almost overslept, not that I am going anywherebut I do like to get the bathroom nice and tidy for when she arrives, although not really necessary. They always clean up when they are finished. They also help me to put new bed linen on the bed if necessary and this morning it was again necessary. I do not know how long I can do this. On Tuesday we have our meeting and decisions will be made. I have already made mine.

At least I had some nice bright scenes outside to cheer me up.

The robin paid a short visit, but did not stay long.

And the usual crowd of sparrows with a blackbird decided to discover something to peck at.

The sparrows were quite thirsty.

And that is all I have to say at the moment. Sometimes I would like to have my old life back again, sitting in silence with only the TV sometimes in the background or the radio is not such fun.

Enjoy the Sunday aand have a good week.

Good Evening

It was quite a sunny afternoon this afternoon although not so warm. As I never go anywhere at the moment I could not make the most of the weather. The carpenter arrived after lunch and fitted up my letter box with a box for my key. It has a code to open it so if we have an accident we can now just contact the alarm people and they can come and and get the key to our appartment as they have the code. We certainly feel a little safer. The main problem would be during the night but they have a 24 hour service.

We had a visit from a magpie in the garden this morning. It was probably searching for some peanuts or walnuts but was satisfied with what it found on the ground.

The blackbird was also here, and has become a regular visitor with other members of its family.

I decided to make a pizza for the evening meal, altthough this time I did it with bought pastry and did not make it myself. It was just a plain pizza with some artichoke hearts and tomatoes with mozarella cheese and some Swiss airdried ham. We have some left which will do for tomorrow evening.

And that was my exciting day. Have a good evening.I leave you with a view of our local Weissenstein mountain which does have a layer of snow on the top slope next to the restaurant.

Good Evening

And another glorious dawn breaks over the village. They are beginning to all look the same, but at least we have a dawn and not just grey clouds.

Had some unwanted excitement this afternoon Mr. Swiss decided to go to the kitchen and managed to fall and when he falls he cannot get up again, something like my problem. However the group that helps me to care for Mr. Swiss have a system. You pay for it, but not so much as for the hospital rescue. It was almost installed today. I have direct radio contact and just press a button I have on a strap on my wrist. I tell them what has happened and within about 15 min someone arrives to help. Mr. Swiss was back on his feet and everything under control. Tomorrow the carpenter arrives and fits up a box in the letter box for night emergencies with a key to our appartment so that they enter if we are not able to open the door. What could be bettr.

In the meanwhile we had some interesting clouds above this afternoon.

I had a nice variety of birds outside all in and around the bird house: a robin, tit and a sparrow to add some colour to it all.

I had a lovely female blackbird with some nice colouring. It is only the males that are really black with their yellow beaks.

I am now off for the evening to relax before my night of drama and terror with Mr. Swiss. How a person can change in old age is really bad I must say.

Good Evening

Actually I was thinking about taking a week off from my daily blogs. I am getting tired and a little exhausted with dealing with Mr. Swiss and his care. However, today I did manage a few photos of my bird friends and we have an interesting sky. I think I need these things for a change.

I did have an interesting variety yesterday, although not really wanted. I managed to block my toilet yesterday with various sorts of paper used for the care of Mr. Swiss. I should have been more careful, as toilets are built for toilet paper and not wet papers or other such cosmetic articles. I phoned my plumber and he phoned the company who deals with blocked drains but it seems they could only come at the beginning of the afternoon. The guy arrived at 1.00 p.m. and lo and behold when he pressed the lever the toilet had managed to unblock itself. However, he had a look at all my drains. My kitchen sink was not working well for some time and he said if I wanted to he would do it. I decided it would be a good idea and so he set to work. The company had the wonderful name of Kanal Tiger although he was quite gentle with my drainaged pipes. He was a very nice guy and we had a good conversation whilst he was at work. He was an expert on drain clearage and had some wonderful machines with very long cables making interesting noises as they were working. On the photo you can see him at work. After an hour the job was done and I must say it was worth it. I now have a perfect draini system and am now very careful what goes down them.

It was particularly bothersome as the lady arrived from the care group for Mr. Swiss and had to do the necessary in the shower as I had managed to set the bathroom under water when the toilet overflowed.

As usual the blackbirds arrived

with the sparrows.

I had some interesting spectators watching my movements during the day.

It is now time to prepare an evening meal. At least I have been here and done something.