Good Morning

Window View

No sunrise this morning, for the simple reason that it does not seem to have risen. Yesterday we had some snow, which mixed itself with rain, and eventually it was only rain. I was glad as the gardiner had refreshed my dead lawn with seeds. The weather is a bit too cold to propagate them into a fully grown lawn, but who knows. I was worried that the birds might attack the seeds, but they had no great interest. I think they were full from the birdhouse supplies. There was only a lonely blackbird digging around in the earth, but after she pulled a worm out, she disappeared with her trophy in her beak.


However this morning I saw something that looked like a yellow leaf on my avocado. When I took a closer look I realised that my new white amaryllis had opened a flower. I have never had a white one and it was something completely different.

Otherwise nothing exciting is happening in the life of the Angloswiss at the moment. I was going to the store yesterday to order my new iPhone X, but I was too lazy. It was raining and I had no inspiration to go into town. Mr. Swiss would have taken me, but he was also not so full of inspiration, so I postponed it to today. Mr. Swiss did mention that I have been talking about it for at least a month, so perhaps it would be a good idea to do it.

Electric Piano

I noticed on my last visit to the supermarket they had a special sales campaign for Yamaha electric pianos. This was the grand piano version and it was even playing a tune. The had a few models there, and as I left the supermarket a young man was playing on one of the pianos, the white one in the background. I stood awhile and listened and he saw me, but I told him to carry on, I was enjoying the concert.

I noticed Rocket man had again launched a new missile in his collection, although he was assuring us that North Korea would used their nuclear weapons only to keep the peace in the region. What is the point in getting excited about it.  Actually Kim Jong Un spent a very small part of his school days in Switzerland, although it has never been officially confirmed by the North Korean government. Kim Jong Un in Switzerland The North Korean government never confirm anything, unless it is a new bomb.

Due to the fact that I do not go places and see things, except for the supermarket, there is not much more to report. I will now move on to the exciting task of cleaning and getting ready for today’s exciting excursion to the store.

Have a good day everyone.

Road to Langendorf 27.11 (1)

9 thoughts on “Good Morning

    • In November the store had a large selection of all sorts of amaryllis. I always like to have one at home at the end of the year and I saw they had white ones. They were a bit smaller than the super models, but decided it would be something different. Now it is flowering and my amaryllis from last year is also growing with a new bud. I am hoping to be able to keep the white one as well for next year. Now I know how to do it.

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    • Sometimes I have to search for some daily excitement, but no day is really the same as the other. There is always a fresh selection of orchids in the local store worth taking a photo.

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  1. At least you have a very entertaining supermarket. Ours do not have such things as Christmas tents and pianos or even plants very often. Just plain old groceries. Actually I don’t often go to the supermarket as without a car it is difficult to bring the shopping home so I order it online and have it delivered. I just get any extra things i may have forgotten from the small local supermarket on my way home from the Op Shop as I get a ride with a friend..

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is a very large supermarket, I think called a mall in english. It is not only the Swiss national supermarket for everything, but there is also a restaurant, and a few other shops incorporated. There are a few clothes and a shoe shop and another smaller supermarket where you can get wine etc. as the national Swiss store does not sell alcohol. There is also a Drug store incorporated. It is not far from where we live and has a good parking space. They always have a Christmas tent outside in Winter, otherwise they sell plants outside as well as inside in the garden store. It is useful to just go to one place for everything.Mr. Swiss and I go together. I am glad he drives, although if necessary I can get there on my own with the car.

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  2. That is one magnificent amaryllis! Wow, what a glorious flower.

    I was waiting for you to say you’d come home with an electric piano. I had an electric piano — a Yamaha, as a matter of fact — for more than 20 years. I only sold it recently because I can’t play any more and I miss it, even though I haven’t played seriously for years. Funny to miss something I haven’t used for so long.

    Our so-called leader is whack-a-doodle nutsioso. I used to think that under that insanity was perhaps hidden cleverness, but I’ve concluded he’s a big, orange windbag of greed. And with a little luck, he will eventually be driven out of office before he blows us all to kingdom come.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I like to have an amaryllis in the appartment in winter but always threw them when they finished flowering. This year unmanaged to get last years to floewer again and bought myself a new white one. Now I know how it works, I hope this one will also survive for next year.

      This was a grand piano. I also already have a Yamaha electric piano so will not be buying another one. I don’t play so much now either.

      What I cannot understand is that such a certifiable dangerous person can keep his job. The world is full of nutters in charge of countries unfortunately.


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