Flower of the Day: 2nd May 2016 Borage


I have borage in my garden. Some say the leaves go well with a cucumber salad, but I have never tried it. I bought a paket of seeds about 3 years ago, and now it does it all itself. It seeds up about three times a year. This particular plant had buds in November and I never thought it would survive the Swiss winter, but it was a strong one and did not give up. We also had a mild winter, less frost and not very much snow. This is the result, a simple plant, but a wonderful splash of blue in the garden.

Flower of the Day: 2nd May 2016

12 thoughts on “Flower of the Day: 2nd May 2016 Borage

    • It seems to be that boraage grows everywhere and anywhere, at least I had no problem. It is always a pleasant surprise to recognise that yet another stalk is appearing where you do not expect it to. I grew real good juicy strawberies for a few years, but it became too much work.Putting the straw between the plants and moving the bed every three years. I had a great harvest, but I decided it was not really worth the effort, although home grown strawberries had naturally more taste that bought strawberries.


    • It is quite common here in Europe. Very easy to grow, a sort of do-it-yourself plant. Some might call them a weed, but for me weeds do not exist. They all have something special.


    • It’s rosemary, the borage grows where it falls, and it fell into my herb bed. next instalment of the flower of the day follows – watch this space. 🙂


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