Good Morning

Wild Pear 01.04.2017
I did not go anywhere yesterday, so just took a few photos from the garden. It is wonderful to see the bushes producing their shoots and flowers at the moment. This is a so-called amalanchier with the latin name, but the english name has many alternatives. I actually only knew the german name “Felsenbirne” which direct translated would be “rock pear”, but you can see yourself if you follow the link.

We also have a hawthorn opposite our garden which is now flowering.

Hawthorn 01.04.2017

I have a memory of the hawthorn from a couple of years ago when the estate gardeners were commissioned to prune down the  bushes. Pruning for me is thinning out, but the gardeners were more an execution commando, and before he chopped it completely down to less than half size I was out with guns blazing to ask what he thought he was doing and reminded him that the bushes between our block and the next were not just bushes but a protection of our private sphere. They got the message and stopped. I also wared them not to touch the wild pear, as that would once day grow to 4-5 meters which would be ideal. Since then I have not seen a gardener touch the trees in between.

I have my own gardener for my little piece of land, as Mr. Swiss and I are now golden oldies and cannot bend as well as we could. I have very nice gardeners, they know what I want, and listen to what I say and I am not treated as a complete gardening idiot. Based on various discussions with gardeners, I have discovered that plants and growing things are just a means of work and they do not have feelings. If it is wilting, pull it out and replace it is their philosophy. Mine is nurture it, look after it, keep an eye on it and suddently it may recover. Gardeners would rather give it the last death push to the compost heap. Next week the gardeners will arrive to remove our hedges for the construction work. That does not bother me, who needs hedges. You have to have them cut and trimmed and looked after. As far as I am concerned they can burn my hedges. It is not the hedges  but what is growing in front of the hedges and I am sure it will not bother them to demolish my tulips, which have been growing in the same place for many years.

Tulips 01.04 (1)

They are Darwin tulips and now in bud. I dare not to think how they will be harmed by a thoughtless gardener who finds you can always replace them. Of course you can, but you cannot replace the ten years they have spent in the ground blossoming regularly every year.

And now for a peaceful, relaxing Sunday I hope. I plan on a camera walk this afternoon, but am not sure where. I might take a trip to the cemetery and see if there is any action, although generally cemeteries are not such action places, more for a quiet relaxing rest on a bench.

And now to the work: a little bit of tidying, some cooking and in between the delight of discovering the ironing board, but no problem, I have everything under control.

Have a nice Sunday everyone, enjoy the day.

Hyacinths 01.04.2017

22 thoughts on “Good Morning

    • Thanks. Actually at the moment I am taking photos of my garden flowers as I do not know if when the hedges are removed from the garden what will survive and have some memories of what was. Perhaps it will not be so bad. These photos were more luck than judgement and I took them with the zoom lens partly, that is why the focus is a bit misty at the edges.


  1. Ha ha…. action at the cemetery!!!!
    I have to (sadly) agree and even more strongly disagree with you on the gardeners’ mentality. My own son – who incidentally – became a gardener thanks to a dear gardener friend of us, his parents, has an extremely strong opinion on nature and plants and shrubs and flowers being alive and needing to be treated with respect and love. He is, amongst other things, taking on ‘difficult young men’ for some hours a week to teach them to CARE for all things alive. So, and now to why I also sadly have to agree to your harsh words. We are surrounded here in France by butchers – they have no idea whatsoever of what they are doing and the deeper down they kill the growth, the less they have to do next time – —— – It saddens me deeply. I, who buys tulips by the dozens so that I can leave my own (hundreds) blooming for a long time in the garden would, given the immediate ‘kill’ of YOUR garden, take my secateurs out and get myself a ‘bouquet’ one last time, take many photos and keep them close to my heart.
    Have – all things considered – a good week anyway 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gardeners see the problem differently. They don’t have time to talk to their plants like I do probably. Often what they classify as weed is for me a pretty flower.


  2. FELSENBIRNE – oh now it comes to me. THIS is a word I’ve heard when I was younger and still living in Switzerland – I MUST have seen them in that case and just forgot about them. That’s great… merci beaucoup.


  3. Wonderful morning to you. I started my morning late and as it spoiled my normal routine and so a “catastrophy” happened. Everything is dried out now, what could be saved with tender care has been, and the electronics that gave their all against the drenching liquid have been sadly set aside more intensive care while the spare minor players promoted to the front line duty. The cats have been talked too however they feel they had no part in the affair and that the paw prints were either from out of the house ninja felines or planted to make them look mischievous. They need no help with that part. Again be well and happy. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    • We are now into Spring. The trees have leaves and the spring flowers have arrived. Temperatures are pleasant, but we could do with some rain, it is too dry.


  4. My garden and the coming spring bring me such enormous pleasure, too! My spring has brought lots of tending to the established plant friends in my new home – my favorite of which is a Wisteria that is older than I am. When we moved in a few months ago, most of the garden was overgrown with crab-grass and needing love, and after some pruning and weeding, we are being graced with magnificent blooms on the Wisteria and a profusion of buds waiting to bloom on the roses. I love that you chat with your plants, I do the same and they all seem to love the attention.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have had my garden (s) since 18 years and had my ups and downs, learning what a suitable plant is or not. My wisteria got out of control and was climbing everywhere it shouldn’t so it had to go. In the meanwhile Mr. Swiss and I were not getting younger so I switched more into perennials and we also have a Gardner for keeping everything in a manageable state. I just love being in nature.


    • Cemeteries are great places for sitting on benches and relaxing and taking photos. And there are so many interesting things to see. I think cenetery tourists can be found everywhere. If I sm in a different town I often visit the cemetery.


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