Good Morning


Spring seems to be springing at the moment and the first crocus shoots are shooting. Suddenly the sun shines all day, although this morning there was ice in my cat’s water bowl and a frosty layer on the ground outside. Thursday is a day when I have no great excitement. There is no shopping trip, the cupboard is full, and the beds got their fresh linen last week.

Yesterday evening No. 2 son called to see mum and dad which was a pleasant interlude. Everything is fine with him and grandson No. 1 is growing and developing with first attempts at speech, which only he seems to understand.

Today seems to be something called Valentine’s Day and there is news about it plastered all over Facebook and a few blogs to remind me in WordPress. Mr. Swiss and I never actually had Valentine’s Day, we decided who needs a day to give a better turnover for the flower shops. Of course it is nice to get flowers, but I do not need a day for it, so that theme is quickly dealt with at home.

In this wonderful sunny warmer weather I would have liked to have gone on a wheelie into town this afternoon, but I will be driving Mr. Swiss to the doctor. It has been a busy week this week with various things to deal with. I have had to completely re-organise Friday and the week-end shopping will take place in the afternoon. Mr. Swiss has an appointment with a doc at the local hospital in the early afternoon, so I will drop him off at the hospital and afterwards do the supermarket tour. When I am finished I will pick him up again at the hospital. I will not have time to go shopping in the morning, clean the apartment and cook lunch. Lunch is already bought and I will stay at home in the morning and combine the necessary in the afternoon.


Yesterday evening was another splendid sunset. At the moment I am getting the better photos with my mobile camera as my camera is no longer managing very well. I will be glad when the new one arrives, although I will have to get used to that at first. It is again a Nikon so it will be nothing new for me.

And now I should really get a move on with the daily chores. I wish you all a good day, or sleep well over the big pond. Now for some action in my part of the world.


15 thoughts on “Good Morning

  1. Yes the spring flowers are coming up through the soil here also. Also the black raspberries on our garden fence are not only sprouted out but they have tiny fully formed leaves, which is interesting because a week ago we had a three day ice storm. So maybe the groundhog was right and there will NOT be six more weeks of winter for a change. One can only hope!!!

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  2. Crocus were my first bulbs. My mother had me plant them around the roots of a young fruitless mulberry tree because that is where crocus want to be. I still do not know why crocus want to be near the roots of fruitless mulberry trees. Anyway, my mother also explained that crocus, as well as daffodil, were the first flowers to come up through snow to bloom in spring. I had no idea what snow was, but knew that crocus and daffodil bloomed through it.

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      • Is it native there, or just grown for saffron? I bought some a few years ago, and it was much happier than those grown simply for their colorful flowers. However, it was not really the saffron crocus that blooms in autumn. It bloomed in early spring with the rest of them. That is okay. I really like them anyway, and they looked more woodsy than the fancier types.

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