Photo Challenge: I’d rather be

The till in the supermarket 23.12.2007

I’d rather be able to go shopping again in a supermarket. I broke my leg at the end of January and since then have to rely on others, mainly Mr. Swiss and my son, for shopping. I am not complaining, they do their best. It might be the nightmare of most housewives, but I have discovered that organising others to do it, is not the same. You cannot choose, but it is chosen for you.

I am missing the daily search for the goods I want, choosing the meat being offered, deciding what today’s vegetable should be and discovering the bits and pieces of daily life. There is the social side of it as well. I have discovered something about myself that I did not realise existed. I need the social contact with others, even if is only a supermarket and all because I broke my leg. Only a few weeks (I hope) and I will be moving again, even if it is with the hated walker.

Photo Challenge: I’d rather be

Daily Prompt: Noise


When you grow up in a town with more than 10,000 population you will get noise, it cannot be avoided. The rumble of traffic is night and day. Growing up in the 1950’s I got used to it. Our old house in Bethnal Green in London seemed to be the main connection through London for trucks, lorries and busses. We also had the market criers selling their vegetables. The roads were still suffering from the after war lumps and bumps and so the wheels of the traffic also bumped as they moved along the streets and roads.  At the same time London was being rebuilt. The rubble from the bombed buildings was being removed by noisy machines. That was a shame really, I had the ideal adventure playgrounds stumbling in the ruins of half demolished houses and even discovering their gardens which still had a few remnants of plant life from the previous owners.

London was being rebuilt. It was the time of the first cranes. The were poking up everywhere and they made their own noise. Today we still have cranes, but they have been developed and make hardly no noise. We would hear every twist and turn of the cranes in Bethnal Green, one of the densest populated parts of London, the East End.

The noises were my background music. In 1966 I moved to Switzerland. Where was the noise? Of course there was traffic in Zürich, but it was not the hustle and bustle of London. Even Swiss traffic behaved.

Noise does not bother me today, I was programmed at a young age. Mr. Swiss discovers all sorts of disturbances to his peaceful calm Swiss life. I have developed my own system. When the kids were at their noisiest, I could exclude their shouts, and comments and even read a book. I would close to my ears to the noise, I had years of practice growing up in London. Of course if the kids needed my attention, I would be there for them, that is motherly instinct.

I now live in an area where the cows make the most noise and perhaps now and again an ambulance will be on its route to the hospital in the next town. That is a noise I pay attention to, especially if the horn stops nearby.

At the moment I just hear the tap of my keyboard on the computer an Mr. Swiss is listening to some classical music in the living room,

I have come a long way from the disturbances of London Town, but it had its positive side. I am not noise sensitive, I can ignore it.

Daily Prompt: Noise

Good Morning


At least there is a little bit of structure in the sky this morning and even the sun is peeping through. Temperatures are still only around 4° C, but at least they are plus and not minus. Shall I chance a journey today or not. If the weather keeps like this by the afternoon I think I will. Just have to charge up the battery in my wheelchair. It is probably OK but as I have not used it for some time on a long trip I do not want to run out of power somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

I realised today that the Easter shopping circus is getting nearer. I dislike those long holidays where I have to plan the food organisation ahead and on the Thursday before Good Friday I have my big hospital appointment in the morning and Mr. Swiss is away in the afternoon, meaning the shopping will have to be organised on Wednesday thruugh to Monday. In Switzerland the shops are closed during the holiday.


I also took this photo this morning with a mysterious plume of steam arising behind a neighbouring house. That is our waste disposal unit on the other side of the River.

River Aar 17.03 (4)

It is ever present. If you have something to dispose of you can bring it youself. We used it for disposing of some heavy furniture a few years ago.  You drive onto a weighing device and are charged according to weight. You can then throw the items into the pile waiting to be disposed of and everything is turned into ashes.

Of course we also have the regular rubbish collections and today is the day of the bulky goods collection. Yesterday Mr. Swiss and No. 1 son deposited our old kitchen chairs at the side of the road for the collection. All our neighbours are doing the same, just clearing out the rubbish you collect through life. Although  a lot of stuff is deposited, about half is already gone during the morning. It is a signal for surrounding areas to have a look for something they might be able to use and to come and take your pick. What is old and used for us is something new for someone else.


I took the above photo a few years ago, but that is how it looks at the road side and some of the stuff is still in a good condition. Of course you cannot throw out everything together and a second collection is made a day later for metal goods.

Moving time in Switzerland is end March and end September and they are the times when the big collection happens. Of course you can move when it is suitable, but the official times keep things a little better organised according to the powers that be, Swiss idea.

And now to move on, I have other things to do and there will be a shopping trip made today by Mr. Swiss. Have a good day everyone.