Good Morning

Morning 16.01.2018

At last we have a sky that it worth taking a photo of, but we had a storm during the night. It began yesterday evening and even had a name, but I cannot remember the name. We were told by the meteorologists that it would not be as bad as the last storm a week ago. However, we battened down the hatches just to be sure. This time we left the birdhouse outside and it survived. It is now early morning and I can still hear the wind blowing through. At least the sky is showing some contours and the grey lid has disappeared.

Road to Langendorf 15.01 (31)

It seems that Christmas is now really gone. I noticed this garbage container in our estate yesterday as we drove past. The last Christmas tree has been removed and ready for the next collection. We have the special collection for garden waste today and Mr. Swiss and my No. 1 son put out our two containers yesterday. They are full of dead leaves, moss removed from my potted horse chestnut tree and two dead and departed avocado plants that I was growing for the past couple of years. One of them had strange dead objects and the other was a breeding ground for blue centipedes. First of all I left them outside in the minus temperatures to kill off what might still be alive and yesterday they were transported to the container of short goodbyes.

Road to Langendorf 15.01 (1)

Yesterday I did not go anywhere as I had a few weekly chores to deal with at home and it was unfriendly outside. I was blogging away in the afternoon, but it was one of those afternoons where everything online was in slow motion or did not work at all. My photo programme was searching for a place to settle and show me my photos and even WordPress was showing strange behaviour. I was working with a closed door as Mr. Swiss was listening to music in the other room which was a little distracting. He told me that there was some sort of online disturbance as on his computer in another room it was on a go slow. I suppose it is silly really that we are so dependent on this online stuff. I never had to wait for my knitting needles to be ready or have enough power. They would knit and the only problem would be dropping a stitch or not having enough wool.

Computers do what they want to and we have no power to change it. Suddenly they picked up speed again after an hour. It was very frustrating.

Road to Langendorf 15.01 (29)

Today the unfriendly weather continues and the wind is blowing. I will be spending the morning indoors, it is bathroom cleaning day: wiping down tiles and other bits and pieces. Afterwards I will be busy in the kitchen and perhaps some time this afternoon I might go for a wheelie in my chair, but only if the wind slows down.

I wish everyone a great day or night according to where you are, and  be kind to your computers. If that are not doing what you want, do not blame them. There are things in the cyberworld that are out of our control and do not forget, a bad workman always blames his tools.

We had strange skies yesterday, in two colours – perhaps they’re here.

Sky 15.01 (1)

9 thoughts on “Good Morning

  1. It’s cold and damp today with (supposedly) snow on the way. The problem is, we really need food. Because we are finally running out of it. I don’t think we’ve done any serious shopping — just the bread and milk kind — for weeks, but now it’s getting a bit think in the freezer. Hmm. Shop today when we have no money or wait until tomorrow, when we will have some money? Does it matter? All I want to do is NOTHING.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Luckily we are just a 5-10 drive away from the big supermarket and they have everything, but we still forget most of it, thank goodness for our shopping list in a cloud. We are lucky that if we get bad weather, the roads are clear when we eventually go shopping. At the moment it is high winds and cold and not so shopping friendly. I would now like to get out a bit with my new wheels and take some photos, but it is too cold and windy.

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