Good Morning


Looks like there is action in the sky this morning. The rain has now cleared the grey skies away, the snow has completely melted as if it was never here and temperatures are up to around 10°C. Even the remaing sludge has now cleared. Looks like Spring is just around the corner, but I do not trust the whole thing. Reflecting on past years when I was part of the work force. I really enjoyed the end year break of Christmas and New Year because I was free for a couple of weeks. Admittedly as  housewife and mother you were always in captivity, but I had extra me time. Now I have permanent me time, so why complain. In those days we had many snow free end of the years and on the day we returned to work, usually 3rd January, the snow would return with a vengence, usually during the night. You would awake to the sound of snow ploughs and know that the drive to work would be stop and go through the snow covered roads.

Today who cares. I even take photos of the snow, find it a good subject. I had a further look at the other side of the estate and discovered a very interesting cloud (being a member of the Cloud Appreciation Society). It was a band hovering over the Jura Mountain chain.


This morning was the morning to open a new fresh jar of jam, raspberry. Actually I had an almost full jar of strawberry jam until Mr. Swiss dropped it on the kitchen floor the day before yesterday. Unfortunately our kitchen floor is solid stone tiles and there was no soft landing. In a joint effort, accompanied by profanities (it helps), we removed the jam from the floor and gathered the glass splinters. Luckily it was jam and the glass pieces did not spread as they were stuck to the jam. I was left without jam, as our reserves had also been eaten and yesterday would have been a jamless day. However I discovered the cramberry compote in the fridge so that helped me to survive yesterday morning. I now have a raspberry jam bought yesterday. Jam accidents are unpleasant.


It now seems to be the time where I should perhaps write a revue of what I did during the past year, but I will not do this. Being a golden oldie I do not want to dwell on what I did, but prefer to concentrate on what I want to do.

Yesterday I at last had success with my electric wheelchair. I am learning the works and manage to do a three point turn in the appartment without damaging any furniture and parked it perfectly when I was finished. I even moved through the doorway, which is very narrow. I think I have now persuaded Mr. Swiss to let me out for a trial run, perhaps with the camera.

4 Leaf Clover

And now to move on. I have a lunch to cook a few bits and pieces to keep me busy, like entertaining the appartment with my vacuum cleaner.

I take this opportunity to wish all my faithful disciples a very good next year. Tomorrow same time, same place, but in another year, although I will be hovering around today.

12 thoughts on “Good Morning

    • We usually have something in the fridge for such emergencies as Mr. Swiss likes a special flavour now and again, but this time there was no reserve except for my cranberry compot, which is quite tasty.


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