Good Morning, ᐅᓪᓛᓴᒃᑯᑦ

And the good morning greeting is not extra terrestial, but a language spoken on our planet.


The snow is still laying around, but not so much and it has begun to rain, so it looks like a wet day today. It began welll with two visitors at 8.00 a.m. They are here to replace our broken bowl in the bathroom. It is the third bowl that we have had to replace in the last 15 years. They are very fragile and crack easily. The guys wanted to come at 7.30 already, but that was a little too early for us golden oldies. Usually we had only one guy that did the job, and did it very well and efficiently. I do not know why it has to be two now. The bowls are not heavier. Seems to me that are more into discussions as actual manual work.

It seems the discussions about my new sink are quite intensive amongst the work brigade, must be their first job. The last time the guy just completely broke the old bowl with a hammer, knocked it out and replaced it. These two probably find that the work needs more the delicate touchof an analyser. The old bowl has now been removed and work begins on the replacement.

I am not sure whether I will be greeting tomorrow morning or not. I have an appointment with my specialist at 8.30 in the morning and will not be here. Why do these doctors have to start work so early? Tomorrow morning I will have to rise at the crack of dawn, eat breakfast, shower and then go into town with my chauffeur Mr. Swiss. This time it will all be about allowing me to drive a car or not. My chances do not look so good, and I am not so bothered. It seems there was quite a serious accident caused by an MS sufferer as she had a push whilst behind the steering wheel and now they are careful about allowing people like me to drive. I can understand it actually.

A short cleaning session in the appartment and eventually a journey to the unknown. Today we are hunting for food again, although have no idea what I need.

See you around later

Coal Tit 05.02 (1)

I just discovered that the bird that pecks at my food outside the window is not a sparrow, but a so-called coal tit, according to the words of bird watcher Mr.Swiss. I have now renamed them all in my collection. He found it obvious that they were not sparrows, but for me if it has some brown feathers, then it must be a sparrow. We only had sparrows and pigeons in London.

14 thoughts on “Good Morning, ᐅᓪᓛᓴᒃᑯᑦ

  1. Well your Good Morning got me stumped this morning. It’s probably because I’ve never been to Greenland or Northern Canada.

    Good morning, Pat. It’s going to be a nice day here and the sun is just about to light up this building. I would swear that that’s a sparrow in the picture and not a coal tit but I’m no expert so maybe you should listen to Mr Swiss instead of me.

    Well Pat, this morning after getting a shower I’m going over the the Asian area of Lisbon. It’s called Martim Moniz and mainly populated by Nepalis, Bangladeshis, Chinese, Indians, Iranians and some Africans too. There are many little Asian shops and restaurants where we can eat really cheaply, as little as €4 for dinner and Bangladeshi barbers where we pay only five Euros for a haircut. But my mission today is to buy Indian spices and oyster sauce from the ethnic supermarkets there.

    Have a pleasant day, Pat. Mine will be very busy I think.


    • The language is Inuit, spoken in Alaska, parts of northern Russia and generally where you find eskimos – probably Greenland as well. I did not even know they had a written language. the things you discover. It is a sunny day here as well. I am not sure about the birds, but the tits do have more pointed heads and the sparrows are more round. When you see the two of them together the difference is quite obvious. Sparrows rarely pick from stuff hanging on the trees, they prefer the ground or the bird house – they are lazy birds.
      We do not have centers for other cultures where we live, you would have to travel to the big towns of Switzerland such as Zürich, Bern or Geneva, although we do have a selection of exotic spices in our Migros.

      Liked by 1 person

      • But usually western supermarkets sell spices in tiny jars at very high prices. Yesterday I went to a Nepalese supermarket and bought all the spices in large packs at cheap prices. When you come to Lisbon you can stock up.


  2. At first I thought was Klingon but then I looked up the Klingon:

    Klingon for good morning?

    In “Once More Unto the Breach” Kor greeted Worf with “Nuq’nuh” (the spelling is from the closed captioning on the DVD). Admiral William Thomas Riker (talk) 23:39, January 3, 2013 (UTC)

    The literal translation of nuqneH is: “what do you want?” it is a typical Klingon greeting.-Cpthunt (talk) 01:39, January 4, 2013 (UTC)

    However I copied and pasted the phrase into Google:

    Useful Inuktitut phrases

    A collection of useful phrases in Inuktitut, an Eskimo-Aleut language spoken in Canada, Greenland, Alaska and Siberia.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good Morning, yourself. The eskimos use their written language a lot, and I have pictures signed that way. Such fun to see all those wonderful scripts, and here the American schools are talking about not teaching ‘script’ or cursive language any more; too much cursing when teaching/learning it, perhaps.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just had the idea and entered Inuit into Internet and got the gist of the language. It is very interesting and I have never seen it written. I am sure your pictures are very interesting and something to treasure. I was never any good at writing at school. The first page of my exercise book was perfect, but the following pages were a general disintegration. I have no idea how it is now at the schools, but can imagine that handwriting no longer has the importance that it had in my days.


  4. It’s a shame, really, because in years to come researchers will still have to read manuscripts in long hand. Have you ever read transcribingmemory’s blog where she is talking to her 90 yr old relative about her diary – the handwriting is wonderful, so clear!


  5. Around here, those small green or yellow and brown or black birds that all look alike unless you have a bird book in one hand while the binoculars are on your eyes are inevitably a warbler. Same size, really similar (and overlapping) colors. Same general habitat and range. Eat the same stuff. Sound the same. Fly the same way. Build the same kind of nests. There’s a section in one of my Audubon book called “Similar Yellow & Green Warblers” which attempts to help you figure out which is which. Usually, I just shrug and say “It’s one of those warblers.” Because they are all common and unless I can get a good look the pattern of the feathers, they all look the same. Actually, if it is a juvenile, it’s almost impossible to identify, even WITH a good look.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Warbler seems to be a word for songbird so I had a look at the German name for “warbler” as sometimes it says more to me, I found about 20 various descriptions for “warbler” being so many different types that I give up. I found that our so-called “tits” (stupid name for a birdj), seem to have a point pointy head as the normal sparrows. Luckily we do not have so many variations where I live.


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