Daily Prompt: Locked and Sealed – The Prompt that could not

Can you keep a secret? Have you ever — intentionally or not — spilled the beans (when you should’ve stayed quiet)?

The Sphinx cat monster

Well, well, well, now who is good at keeping secrets today. Is it me, is it you or is it…. Yes the answer is correct. Daily Prompt win the first prize for keeping secrets. They are not letting us know about the other daily prompts, who wrote a prize winning suspicious blog. They have bungled it again.There are 0 responses to the blog theme today. I know everyone makes mistakes and they always seem to happen on Sundays when our WordPress leaders are recovering from Saturday night fever. Unfortunately these Saturday nights develop into some sort of orgy, forcing the members to forget to upload today’s prompt. They prepare the title before the party starts, just to make sure that we know what to write about. Unfortunately they forget afterwards to let us into the secrets of the contributed blogs.

Even my naked sphinx cat, the now and again visits, remained in the shadows. He found (and it is a he – naked cats cannot hide anything) that it was not worth while posing for a good photo when no-one comes to see it. At least I cannot see what the others have written, so I suppose the others will not see mine.

I now have a choice, shall I continue to write and trust that this is just a figment of imagination, or shall I just give up?

To b quite honest I am later myself today. Mr. Swiss and I were invited to lunch and have only now arrived home. The first thing I do when arriving home is to switch on the computer, get the bytes throbbing through the circuits and write a blog. This time it reminds me of a burial, a funeral, where only the corpse takes part. No-one bothers to watch the deceased travel to the happy hunting grounds. I am writing a blog and no-one bothers to read it because they cannot see it. It is locked and sealed on the WordPress Daily Prompt page.

Ok, nothing new, it has all happened before. If you remember the rules, we can upload it and come back later to see if it is working. If it is working, then upload it again as the first upload will not work. It is dead, not breathing.

Eureka, I know why. Yesterday we could predict the future and lose a day of our lives. Today is the lost day. Don’t blame me, I sent Wordy, the guy in the WordPress t-shirt, on his way and told him to return next week. Those that decided “what’s a day” now know. That would have been today, but today does not exist because some of us forfeited today to predict the future. And what was the future? The future was non-existant because some guy at WordPress forgot to empty the vaults of long lost daily prompts, forgot to upload today’s prompts, or is still laying under the table in a stupor caused by celebrating parties when he should have been working on the night shift. Shame yourself Daily Prompt t-shirt guy and stop shaking our little Wordy. He was only doing his job yesterday, what was you doing?

Daily Prompt: Locked and sealed – The prompt that could not