Feline RDP Saturday: Feline Autumn

This is a reblog, Tabby is sleeping, exhausted again after her annual fight with the leaf soldiers: read on

Autumn Leaves 28.10 (2)

Tabby“I will open the window for you Tabby, so that you can go out.”

“No Mr. Human, I am only observing the situation.”

“What situation.”

“That is obvious Mrs. Human. They are gathering in strength, they are forming an attack. Look how they are just laying there, waiting for the moment to pounce. They are planning an ambush, I can hear their murmers, Kill, kill, kill.”

“That sounds quite dramatic Tabby. Who are we talking about?”

“The leaf soldiers of course. During the night they have decided to attack: have formed bataillons, there are hundred, no thousands, perhaps even millions of them. What chance does a Tabby feline with a MacDonalds “M” engraved on its forehead have, against such a ruthless foe. They know no mercy. There are too many of them to be trampled to death.”

“But they are just dead leaves Tabby.”

“They are not “just dead leaves” they are a threat to the feline existence. They are lying in wait to pounce when I make a move. No, Mrs. Human, there is only one solution, to have patience and wait. On the other paw as the famous feline General Whiskers Patton meowed “battle is the most magnificent competition in which a feline can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. Felines are not afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of being a feline”. And he was the best fighter we had.”

“What happened to him?”

“He had bad luck in his last battle. He was already on his ninth life and that was that.”

“But you still have enough lives Tabby. Look the wind is becoming stronger and the leaves are disappearing.”

“Yes, I am saved. Perhaps there might be some leaf soldiers still alive. I will now leave my home and fight against the remainders. Prepare a dish of tuna fish for my return and warm my bed. It is a far far better thing I now do than I have ever done. I will be a hero in the annals of felinedom.”

“Yes Tabby, definitely, didn’t you steal that quote?”

“I wrote the original, the guy that put it in his book borrowed it from me.”

Feline RDP Saturday: Feline Autumn

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